Sales Report - Supercharge Your Sales with Sapphire Web Pack Reports

Sales Overview

The Sapphire Web Pack Report Sales Report functionality enables the user to set up a number of different report styles for different purposes. Reports is a repository for both Sales and Purchase reports that the user is able to allocate as required to their particular user.

For example, with the Sales Reports you’ll be able to evaluate a report by Sales by Client, Sales by Client Class, Sales by Item, Sales by Item Class, Sales by Project Class, Sales by Matrix, which is a ‘Size, Colour, Style’ Matrix, Sales by Serial / Batch and Sales Reps. The purpose of the Sapphire Web Pack Report Sales is for those users that are mobile in the field. They can quickly analyse graphical data as well as numbers from any device so this could be on a laptop running a browser, or it could be running on an iPhone or an iPad or any device that supports HTML5 or greater.

It’s a really simple and quick repository to give Salespeople an overview of Sales Reports, and as stated above, you can limit that view down to a particular Sales Report for a particular user. The exact same function applies for Purchases. So you can evaluate and analyse Purchase Reports via Purchases by Vendor, Purchases by Vendor Class, Purchases by Item, Purchases by Item Class as well as Purchases by Project and Purchases by Project Class.

The Sapphire Web Pack Report Sales produces a Sales Report for Clients. This function here in the Sapphire Web Pack is very similar to the Show Reports function in Client Server mode. 

Web Pack-Report
Web Pack-Report-Sales

Report Selection Navigation

Sales By Client

Sales By Client Class

Sales By Item

Sales By Item Class

Sales By Matrix

Sales By Project Class

Sales By Rep
  • Swap Date / Period – The user is able to define the view by either Date From or Date To, and Period From and Period To by selecting the Swap Date / Period icon.
  • Date From and Date To
  • Period From and Period To
  • Type – The user can view all Sales Client Invoices (SCI) and Order Client Invoices (OCI)
  • Use – The user has the ability to swap between a Dollar Value ($) view or a Quantity Value (Qty) view.
  • Filter – The user has the ability to Filter Transactions by four options being All Transactions, Sales Client Invoice (SCI), Point of Sale (POS) Transactions and Job Project Invoices (JCI).
  • Grouping – The user can set different Grouping types.
  • Column By – The user has the ability to set the columns by three criteria being Total, Sales Representative (Rep) and Financial Period (Period).
  • Calculate – By clicking on the Calculate button this will produce the report.
  • Hide/Show – By selecting the Hide button or the Show button, the user can hide or show the Grouping and Column By drop down menus.

Dictation and Speech to Text Overview

SapphireOne’s implementation of both Dictation (MacOS) and Speech to Text (Windows) is a game changer for data entry. Any data entry field you can type into using a keyboard can use this feature.

You can also use this functionality on all inquiry screens within SapphireOne. For example, the user is in a Contact within a Client. They may have made a phone call to that particular client using the Softphone technology. Consequently, this will automatically date and time stamp both the contact and the phone number you called.

As soon as the call is completed, the user has the ability to use Speech to Text (Windows) or Dictation (MacOS). They can dictate into the memo field of the CRM contact, adding as much description as they require.

Dictation and Speech to Text Procedure

This functionality applies across every single Data Entry screen. For example, the SapphireOne user is entering a Vendor Invoice (VI). Additionally, you may want to add a memo within the Vendor Invoice (VI). The user can utilise the tool and simply dictate the memo.

Another example is if the user wants to add additional lines to the General Ledger account, within each General Ledger account. When the user is completing data entry using a General Ledger, there’s always a unique memo field for each GL account line.

The user can then utilise this feature to quickly add the information they need to add. Alternatively, you may have an interview with an employee. After the interview process is completed, the user can then make notes about the employee.

Speech to Text or Dictation is an extremely powerful tool. It is something that we at SapphireOne, as well as our clients, utilise daily. It is a massive time saver.

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Purchases Report