Sapphire Functions - Unveil Sapphire Functions for Unique Operations

Sapphire Functions Overview

Sapphire Functions are for running non-standard activities within SapphireOne. The functions listed under the General Tab are common to all modes within SapphireOne. Other functions for each of the other three modes Financials, Assets and Payroll/HR have been grouped under the appropriate Tabs as seen below. 

SapphireOne users should not apply any of the functions in these tables without clear instructions from the SapphireOne Support Team.

Please note that Sapphire Tools, distinct from Sapphire Functions, are integral to SapphireOne and are designed to enhance the functionality and efficiency of your organisation’s operations. These tools offer a wide array of functionalities, from common tasks to specific, location-based operations, and include maintenance tools for data cleansing.

General Tab

API Gateway SapphireOne original API Gateway which is no longer used.
API Gateway II SapphireOne updated API Gateway to API Gateway version II. This function enables the bulk importing or exporting of large amounts of data in or out of SapphireOne.
API Gateway III This is an updated version of API Gateway version II. This function enables the bulk importing of data in to the data file and is mainly used when setting up new data files. The imported file must be in text or CSV format and the user may map the data fields as required when importing data.
Clearrecurring Globally clear all scheduled and recurring alarms saved in the Calendar.
Email Orders When this function is select a pop up will ask for permission to connect to your email server and down load any orders that have been sent by email 
Execute Not normally used as an authorisation is required for this screen as this allows access to all data. 
ExecuteText  Not Normally used as an authorisation is required for this screen as this allows access to all data. 
ExportControllerLog  This function allows the user to export the controller log file. 
FixPicture  Not normally used. Ask SapphireOne support staff for details. 
Gateway Log SapphireOne keeps a log of all Gateway imports and exports and this log is not user modifiable. When this function is accessed SapphireOne will display the details of the log onscreen. Once on screen there is an option to export it as a tab delineated text file for further analysis. 
ImportUsers_Menu Restore corrupted user menu settings using a data file backup.
Master Default Log  Generate a Quick Report based on a table selection.
Master Quick Report When this function is chosen, an alert will appear, prompting the user to select one of the available tables in the data file. Once the user makes their selection, the Quick Report form is displayed, allowing them to create a quick report based on the chosen table.
NameUpdate This function will reset all of the custom names back to the SapphireOne defaults.
Periods This function is used when combining data files and does a check on the accuracy of Periods. 
SerialConvert Update a serial number to revise licensing allowance.
SwapCurrencyDisplayFr Switches the standard Australian/US currency display to French retaining placeholders and settings.
UpdateVersion Allows you to import a list of versions in a tab delimited format which requires two columns which are ‘sequence’ and ‘version’.
UserAccessKeywords This function is only used for file conversion. 

Financials Tab

Aging This function allows the aging of Clients and Vendor Balances to be redone if there has been any problems with allocations. 
AnalysisClient Balance When there are problems with Client balances, running this function will create a tab delineated text file displaying additional details including historical information. (May be opened with any spreadsheet program e.g. Excel). 
AnalysisVendorBalance When there are problems with Vendor balances, running this function will create a tab delineated text file displaying additional details including historical information. (May be opened with any spreadsheet program). 
AuditbyDate Enter in a G/L account then pop ups will ask for a start and end dates for this tab delineated text file for the auditing of G/L accounts. 
BAS GST Audit When this is selected SapphireOne will ask for a Start Date and a Finish Date. The user will also be asked where to save the tab delineated text file. This text file contains a list of all transactions that would be in the BAS, as determined by the entered starting and ending dates. 
BatchAudit This function when executed will generate a CSV file with batch or serial numbers and their locations 
BigCommerceOrderGet Captures a BigCommerce order number.
Budget_Import This function will re-write G/L budgets by a direct import of a file. Please check with SapphireOne staff before using 
BudgetsDelete Deletes the data from a budget import.
BuildAnalysis When this function is run SapphireOne will create a tab delineated text file displaying additional information about any built item in the inventory. (May be opened with any spreadsheet program e.g. Excel). 
CGL_Audit When this function is run, SapphireOne will initially ask for a file name for the error file. SapphireOne will then save a tab delineated text type file into the newly created file. This displays additional information about any errors found in the G/L accounts.  (It may then be opened with any spreadsheet program e.g. Excel). 
Check Vendor ABN This function will run an algorithm to check all Vendor ABN’s for validity. If the Vendor has no ABN or an invalid ABN then the ID and Name will be exported to a tab delimited text file. 
CheckImportID ZoomInfo imported ID data cleansing function.
CleanDupBuild Not normally used. Check with SapphireOne staff before using. 
CleanWebInvoiceUser Purifies the “Buy” invoice field of erroneous characters.
ClearDeletedTimesheet Not normally used.  Check with SapphireOne staff before using. 
ClientAllocationAudit This function checks Client Allocations against Client Balances Total Due. It then produces a tab delineated text file of any errors in allocations. 
Client Audit This function checks the History Journal Lines against Client Balances. The results are then exported to an ASCII text file. 
ClientRating When executed this function checks sales and payments made. It then calculates a Client rating and enters the rating into the client record. 
CompareClientTotal This function checks the Client total GL balance with the Client Transaction total. Results are then exported to an ASCII text file. 
CompareVendorTotal This function checks the Vendor total GL balance with the Vendor Transaction total. Results are then exported to an ASCII text file. 
CopyTaskBudget This function copies a Task Budget from one project to another. 
CreateEndYearJournal End of year repair function.
FindDuplicate MatrixLines This function searches for any duplicated matrix lines in invoices.  If errors are found SapphireOne will generate a csv file with the errors and open it with the default spreadsheet program on the work station. 
FixCommonID Not normally used. Check with SapphireOne staff before using. 
FixHJPeriod This function matches all of the History Journal line periods to the period of the corresponding transaction. 
FixPVI_Merge PGJ Special tool to fix PVI’s in SapphireOne and to merge any PGJ’s for the same Vendor. Do not use unless you check with SapphireOne support staff first. 
FixTableID Cross checks table ID’s x against y for errors and attempts to fix them. 
FixTraninvType This function will fix transactions linked to projects that have the correct type entered. Only to be used under the guidance of SapphireOne support staff. 
Full History Copies posted or entered status transactions and invoices from current to history, if they have not been created in history already. 
GL Audit This function conducts a GL Audit by comparing GL Balances by period to the Journal Lines that constitute those balances. If errors are detected, a file is created and automatically opened in the default spreadsheet program on the local computer, displaying the audit results. The user can then save or delete this file as usual. If an error is found in Period 0, an alert will indicate that authorisation is required to fix it. If you do not have the necessary authorisation, please select Cancel.
HInv Audit This function checks that transactions exist for all invoices. The results are then exported to an ASCII text file. 
Import both Vendor and Client opening balances to initialise a new data file. Requires a tab delimited TXT or CSV file.
ImportMatrixPacks Please check with SapphireOne staff before using!  This function allows the direct importation of matrix packs from a file. 
ImportPeriod0 Import General ledger balances into a new data file. Requires a tab delimited TXT or CSV file.
Import Postcodes This function imports a text file listing Australian Postcodes Suburbs and Cities. 
InventoryValueAudit When this function is run SapphireOne calculates the Average Cost times the Inventory Quantities and compares the result with the dollar value in the appropriate General Ledger account. 
InvoiceAudit This function is the same as a Transaction Audit. An Invoice Audit is a function that compares the Invoice totals to the total of  the account lines making up that transaction. If any errors are found SapphireOne will create a tab delineated text file and automatically open the default spreadsheet program on your computer for immediate examination of the error or errors. 
LocationAudit This function is used when running in multi location mode. This function queries all locations and makes sure that the Base ID is correctly totalled. 
No ABN This function can be used to generate the No ABN magnetic media file for the Australian Taxation Office. (Details later in this article) 
NRLinventPurch Not normally used. 
NRLVenBal Not normally used. 
Orphan AuditLines This function allows audit lines that are not linked to transactions to be located and removed if necessary. 
PostedDeleted  Audit This function looks for records that have been posted and deleted as a result of index damage. The results are then exported to an ASCII text file. 
PrGlRecal Checks that transactions linked to Projects have the correct values entered into the appropriate General Ledger account when it does a recalculation. 
ReduceVersions Revise all references of a particular version number to another version number.
RemarkBankRec  Sometimes your current Bank rec is not correct in current transactions. When this function is run, SapphireOne checks the bank rec state of each current transaction, against the same transaction that has been stored in history. If it finds a difference it alters the current transactions bank rec state, to be the same as the one in history. 
ResetPlugins This function Clears the Plug-in keys and allows the user to re-enter the plug in keys. 
Retrieve Inv This function copies an Invoice from History back to the current file. SapphireOne will ask for the sequence number of the invoice to be retrieved. 
Retrieve Tran This function copies a transaction from History back to the current file. SapphireOne will ask for the sequence number of the Transaction to be retrieved. 
Rev_Budget_ Import This function will reverse the Budget Import function that is also in this list of custom functions for Financials. (Last one Only). 
RevalueInvent This function re-values Batch and Serial inventory items based on the cost of the items, to obtain the average cost. 
ReverseAllPGJ This will reverse all PGJ’s in SapphireOne.  The reversing will occur in Accounts mode 
ReverseBankRec Reverse the most recent bank reconciliation performed by the user.
SequenceNumb This function resets the sequence numbers in SapphireOne if they have changed ensuring that there is no overlapping. 
SerialFix This is a specialised function allowing management of serial numbers for damaged logs. Please contact Sapphire Support for Instructions on using this function. 
StockAdjAudit This function checks the stock adjustments against the History Invoice lines. Extended documentation on this function is to be found further on in this section of the manual after these tables. 
StockAnalysisBacktoDayZero Should not normally used but it will revert analysis stock back to the beginning of the data file. Do not use unless checking with SapphireOne support staff. 
SyncInvLines This function provides the ability to update Invoice lines.  E.g. if an Inventory Class has been changed. 
SystemAudit This function searches for (potentially) illegitimate transactions against control accounts System Audit goes through all historical transactions and reports: a) Non vendor transactions to Vendor Control Accounts, b) Non client transactions to Client Control Accounts & c) Non Bank Transactions to Bank Accounts.  The results are then exported to an ASCII text file. 
TestToll This function tests the printing of Toll generated dockets. 
Tran Audit A Transaction Audit is a function that compares the Transactions total to the total of the journal lines making up that transaction. If an error is found it will log the error in the error log file that the user has created prior to starting the Audit.  N.B. by initiating this function you are required to create a new file and save it, this is your log. 
Tran Company Audit This function will allow SapphireOne to cross check inter company transactions. 
TranAllocAudit This function will allow SapphireOne to check allocations made against transactions. Any errors found are then exported to an ASCII text file. 
UpdateClientYTD  Selecting this function will tell SapphireOne to update all internal reference numbers. 
UpdateInternalRef Selecting this function will tell SapphireOne to update all internal reference numbers. 
UpdateInventoryNextDeliver Not normally used but it zeros out all inventory, re scans the OVI’s and then updates the delivery quantities. 
Update Projects This function re-calculates the projects’ actual costs and billing information from source data into the Quote Details Screen. 
Vendor Allocation  Audit This function checks the History Transactions against Vendor Balances. The results are then exported to an ASCII text file. 
Vendor Audit This function checks the History Journal Lines against Vendor Balances. The results are then exported to an ASCII text file. 
Vendor Allocation Analysis This function will check the as entered vendor for allocation errors.  If there are any errors they the results will be exported to a tab delineated text file. 
WriteTableFieldNum  This function writes a complete list of all field files and their properties to an ASCII text file. 

Assets Tab

AssetCompany Checks that all assets have a company ID entered. 
AssetReval Normally only used when a new data file is being set up  Check with SapphireOne staff before using. 
AssetTranAudit Transaction Audit but will only check transactions that relate to Assets. 
AssetValueAudit Normally only used when a new data file is being set up  Check with SapphireOne staff before using. 
ClearAssetGST Normally only used when a new data file is being set up  Check with SapphireOne staff before using. 
ClearSoldAssets  Normally only used when a new data file is being set up  Check with SapphireOne staff before using. 
FixSoldAssets (NLA) Normally only used when a new data file is being set up  Check with SapphireOne staff before using. 
Fix74545R –
Import Asset Bar Code This function allows the importation of Bar Codes for Assets
Import Assets This function is for the importing of Assets. 
Import Assets Class This function allows the importation of Bar Codes for Assets
ReCalcDepr Selecting this function will force SapphireOne to re-calculate the depreciation for all assets. 
Update Assets This function is for the changing of Asset details. 
Update Method If the method has not been updated correctly with the current depreciation in the 2004 data file use this function to correct the problem. 

Payroll/HR Tab

ChangeDownload No longer used. 
CheckAccumSuper Not normally used.
CheckAllTot Checks the all of the allowance totals for integrity. 
CheckHistPayroll Update History Payroll Super for a given pay run.
CheckPAYG Update History Line Pays for a given pay run.
CreateAllowances Used for the creation new 2004 data file. Not normally used.
CreateWorkingDays Creates working days for an employee time period and number of days
ExpDeduction This allows you to export a breakdown of the deductions for the current Pay Run into a text file suitable for reading in a Spreadsheet. You will be asked to save a file. Give it a suitable name, click on the Save button and the file will be saved. 
ExportTranHol Allows the export of the current Pay, to another data file. 
FixcurrentyearPeriodDates Batch repair when incorrect Payroll Year end has been set.
How to run the FixcurrentyearPerioddates Function
FixDoubleLL Reset current holiday pay rates.
FixHistorySuperYTD Not normally used.
FixHpayperiod Not normally used.
FixSuperYTD Not normally used.
GenerateJournal This function is designed to correct errors in financial records for a specific pay period. It works by reversing previously posted journal entries and then recreating them according to the current settings. This is especially useful when the trial balance is not balanced across companies, often due to transactions being incorrectly linked to the wrong department within a company or a GL Account not existing for a company.
ImportMemberNo Not normally used. Superannuation funds have a standard format for supplying member’s details and this function will comply with the format. For example this allows for the importation of a large number of employees superannuation details when starting a new data file with details provided by the superannuation fund. 
ImportOther This function allows you to import all other details. 
ImportSetHol Imports values into SetHol.
ImportTaxRatesTCP Utilised for updating tax scales.
ImportTaxRates Text Secondary alternate method utilised for updating tax scales.
LinkRSRateToEmployee Copy resource rates based on employee.
PayrollSuperUpdate2023 This will remove the $450 minimum superannuation exemption and adjust all 10% super to 10.5%.
ReadTimesheet Facility for the import of a specific abattoir spreadsheet.
RecalAllowance Total Not normally used and should only be used on advice from SapphireOne support staff. This function will prompt an immediate re-calculation of all allowance totals. 
RecalcOWP Recalculates ordinary working pay weekly based on working days.
ReversePayRun This allows for the reversal of a complete pay run for all employees or selected employees. (Limited to the last pay that has been executed). (See below). 
SetCountry Set country and ISO 3166.
SetStandingTran Establish Standing Transactions with either salary or hours.
SetupPayrollWizard This wizard allows you to set up a checklist and the order in which procedures are to be run when completing a pay run. 
Supercheck Not normally used.
SuperRec Prints a list of employees with Job Title, Class and Department details. 
UpdateEmployeeYTD This function will cause SapphireOne to recalculate update the Employee’s YTD accumulators. 
UpdateHistory LineSearch This function checks each of 31 Allowances against historical data. 
UpdateHistoryPayrollGross Not normally used.
UpdateHistPayrollPeriod Not normally used.
UpdateHistPayslip Recalculate leave for a given employee from a specified date.
UpdateHistSuper History Super fix for a specific pay run.
VerifyUnposted Payroll This function checks and verifies any un-posted records in Payroll. 

Sapphire Functions – Specific Guidance

Australian Superannuation Guarantee 2024 PayRoll Key Updates

The Australian 2024 Federal Budget stipulated a number of updates to Superannuation in effect from July 1st 2024. Continue reading to learn the three key changes for SapphireOne users to note, as well as how SapphireOne has been updated to seamlessly respond to the new laws.

  1. Rate of Compulsory Super to Rise 0.5% Each Year from July 1st 2021
    The Superannuation Guarantee (SG) rate as currently legislated by the 2021 Federal Budget will increase from 9.5% to 10% with effect from 1 July 2021, with further increases of 0.5% per year to come from 1 July 2022. On 1 July 2024 the rate will rise from 11% to 11.5%.
  2. Removal of the $450 Minimum Threshold
    Under the current superannuation arrangements, if a person earns less than $450 per month from the one employer, they are not entitled to receive the superannuation guarantee. As of July 1st 2021, regardless of how much money an employee earns, they will be entitled to employer-paid superannuation.
  3. Removal of Age Restrictions for Compulsory Super Contributions
    All employees, including employees under the age of 18, will be entitled to employer-paid superannuation as of July 1st 2021.

SapphireOne PayRoll Super Update 2024 Function

SapphireOne has introduced the PayRoll Super Update 2024 function to accommodate the Superannuation Guarantee 2024 updates for all SapphireOne users. Running this tool will automatically update all PayRoll/HR settings across all Australian employee files within SapphireOne in accordance with the new laws.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Run the SapphireOne PayRoll Super Update 2024 Tool – Instructions on how to run this function are detailed below.
  2. Start a New Pay – This is done by navigating to PayRoll/HR > PayRoll/HR > Start New Pay.

If your next PayRun falls into the next financial year on or after July 1st, you only have to do the update once you are ready to start a new pay. If your next Payrun falls in this financial year, you do not need to run the update until your next Payrun after July 1st.

How to Run the PayRoll Super Update 2021 Tool

To run the SapphireOne PayRoll Super Update 2021 function please follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Utilities > Utilities > SapphireOne Functions.
  2. In the top dropdown menu, select ‘PayRoll/HR’. 
  3. Within the list, select the ‘PayRollSuperUpdate2021 Tool’, and select ‘OK’.

PayRoll Super Update 2021 function Updates

Superannuation Guarantee Rate Increased to 10%
  • Running the PayRoll Super Update 2021 Function will automatically increase all superannuation contributions from 9.5% to 10% within all Australian employee files in SapphireOne.
  • After running the tool, you can view the updates to the superannuation contributions by navigating to PayRoll/HR > Administration > Employee > Modify Employee > Superannuation Page. As seen in the screenshot below, under the Superannuation Set Up Details area, the Percentage will now be updated to 10% .

$450 Minimum Threshold Removed
  • Running the Super Update 2021 Function will automatically change all Australian Employee Awards to an Exemption Minimum of $0.00 within SapphireOne. All Australian employees with any previously set Award Entitlement Exemption Minimum has now been removed.
  • You are able to view this change by navigating to PayRoll/HR > Administration > Award Entitlements  > Superannuation Page as seen in the screenshot below.
  • Under the Superannuation Area in the lower left corner of the screen, the value of ‘Exemption Minimum’ has been updated to $0.00.

Age Restrictions for Super Contributions Removed
  • Similarly, running the PayRoll Super Update 2021 Function will automatically remove Superannuation age restrictions within all employee files. This means that all employees within SapphireOne will now receive super benefits regardless of age.
  • You are able to view this change by navigating to PayRoll/HR > Administration > Award Entitlements  > Superannuation Page as seen in the screenshot below.
  • Under the Superannuation Area in the lower left corner of the screen, you will see that the ‘Pay Super Regardless of Age’ checkbox has now been selected.

Prior to SapphireOne version 18.0.22, if a user entered an Incorrect Finish Date for Period 1, that date would be recorded against the Annual Leave history. This caused SapphireOne to display incorrect dates on the Payroll/Leave page. The issue is cosmetic only and did not effect the values.

The SapphireOne Fix Current Year Period Dates Tool will repair the cosmetic display issue across all employees.

Fix Current Year Period Dates Function Procedure
  1. Navigate to Utilities > Controls > Company > Select and Modify > Periods and Taxes.
  2. In the following example the Period 1 Finish Date under System Periods > Payroll (drop-down), has been incorrectly set to 2022 in the year ending 2021. The first step before running the tool is to select and modify this date to indicate the correct year.

Reverse Pay Run Restrictions: If you have selected the Single Journal in Master Defaults, the Payrun will create a Single COMBINED journal for all of the employee’s in the Payrun. This will cause a problem if you want to do a Reverse Payrun for anything less than the full Payrun. If for example you want to reverse the Payrun for a single Employee, there will not be a journal record for that single employee. When a combined Payrun is executed the journals for each individual employee are combined into a single journal entry. 

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