Remote Access Defaults - Easy Setup for External System Connections

Remote Access Defaults Overview

SapphireOne’s Remote Access Defaults feature offers a robust solution for managing email communications and external connections. This article explores the two primary areas of the Remote Access Defaults screen, focusing on the configuration of email accounts for order processing and Gateway II messages. This feature can be accessed by navigating to Utilities > Controls > Remote Access Defaults.

E-mail Orders Details Area

This area is dedicated to specifying the email account that SapphireOne will utilise to check for email orders. Key elements include.

  • Email Account – Enter the email address that SapphireOne will monitor for incoming email orders.
  • Mail Server – Provide the URL of the mail server being used.
  • Password – Enter the password for the specified email account.
  • Connect Every – Configure the frequency and times at which SapphireOne will check for email orders using a combination of entry fields and a checkbox.

Email Gateway Area

This area specifies the email account that SapphireOne uses to check for Gateway II messages. Key elements include.

  • E-Mail Gateway – Specifies the email account used for checking Gateway II messages. The Mail Server and Connect Every fields must also be completed.
  • Password – The entry field where the password for the email account is inserted and stored.

By understanding and correctly configuring these two areas, you can ensure that SapphireOne efficiently handles email orders and Gateway II messages, thereby enhancing your organisation’s operational capabilities.

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