Master Defaults - Take Control and Maximise Your Data File

Master Defaults Overview

The SapphireOne Master Defaults facility, located at Utilities > Controls > Master Defaults, empowers administrators to manage and configure various and extensive aspects of SapphireOne’s default behaviour and values, as applicable to the current data file.

Master Defaults are organised across nineteen pages accessible from the pages drop-down menu. These pages include System, Clients, Clients Credit, Vendors, Job Projects, Inventory, Inventory 2, Invoices, Point of Sale, Payroll/HR, Custom, Work Book, Assets, Integrations, Gateway, Colours, General Ledger, Web Pack, and Web Store. Each page is intrinsically linked to related functionalities within SapphireOne.

The expansive forms and form elements within these pages facilitate administrators in the granular fine-tuning of SapphireOne to suit their unique organisational requirements and preferences.

All Master Default settings apply universally across all companies within the data file with three exceptions:

  1. Client and Vendor Tax Codes (Client and Vendor Pages in Master Defaults).
  2. Default Location (Inventory Page in Master Defaults).
  3. Master Billing Lookup area (Job Projects Page in Master Defaults).

Administrators will need to log in to each company in the data file, to verify these specific settings.

System Page in Master Defaults

Upon navigating to Utilities > Controls > Master Defaults. The System page will be displayed by default.

General Defaults Area – System page

Inquiry Group – System Page

The options are as follows.

  • Power Print – When enabled, upon selecting Print from the Inquiry Screens, SapphireOne presents a report dialog. This allows users to choose the desired report type before proceeding with printing.
  • Report Design – Enabling this option grants users access to report creation directly from the Inquiry Screens.
  • Disable Tab – When selected, this option disables the tabs in the Information area of transaction screens, resulting in faster updates without displaying any data.
  • New Inquiry Layout – Enabling this checkbox directs SapphireOne to utilise the new custom Inquiry Layout instead of the legacy Inquiry Layout.
  • Display in Enter FX – When activated, SapphireOne displays transactions in the local currency value after converting from the foreign currency value. 

Data Entry Group – System Page

The options are as follows:

  • Allocation – When activated, SapphireOne will automatically display the Allocation Screen immediately after the entry of any receipts or payments. For additional documentation on Allocations view the Accounts > Receivables > Allocations article.
  • No Transaction Alerts – This checkbox disables all on-screen error messages in transaction entry while keeping the data checking active.
  • Keep Last Tab – When selected, this checkbox prevents SapphireOne from automatically selecting the default Information Tabs in Data-Entry Screens, instead retaining the last Information Tab selected by the user. 
  • Period Date Driven – When enabled, SapphireOne enters the period based on the Date In on new records, overriding the default period in the data file. (Default is the period that the data file is currently in which ignores the date in).
  • FX Calculate Based on Total – When activated, SapphireOne allows the user to round the Local Total Amount when creating a CR, preventing the generation of fractional amounts of currency.
  • FX Based on Date In – When selected, SapphireOne applies the FX rate to transactions with foreign exchange based on the Date entered in the transaction and the FX rate in SapphireOne on that same day.
  • Date Due on Invoice Date Sales – These options determine whether SapphireOne applies the terms for due date based on the date in (when checked) or based on the delivery/received date (when unchecked). Note that these options only apply to Inventory Sales/Purchases mode, not accounts.t accounts. 
  • Date Due on Invoice Date Purchases – When this option is ticked SapphireOne will apply the terms for due date based on the date in. If it is not ticked, SapphireOne will apply the terms based on the received date. Note that this option only applies to Inventory Purchases mode and not Accounts. 
  • Allow Invoices to Bank Account – When enabled, SapphireOne allows the entry of invoices to a General Ledger account flagged as a bank account. This should only be used under instruction by an accountant.
  • Days Warning – This data entry field sets a range in days for a warning message to appear for dates over the set range.. 
  • No Warning Date Alert – This checkbox disables the Days Warning function as documented just above. 
  • Display Dept – Not currently utilised.
  • By Arrival /Delivery Date – When selected, Arrival/Delivery dates will drive Inventory mode instead of periods..
  • Turn off local FX check – This checkbox disables SapphireOne’s checking function for the local currency, allowing the local currency to be entered at a different rate.( Note please check with SapphireOne support staff before selecting this checkbox.
  • Maximum Screen Height – When checked, SapphireOne displays screens at the maximum height available for the screen resolution.
  • Tax Round – For tax purposes rounding may be set in on of three methods.
    • Round – Default option and SapphireOne will round Down or Up, which ever is the closest.
    • Down – Always round down.
    • Up – Always round Up.
  • Additional Validation Button – When this button is selected, SapphireOne will display an alert with a list of table items on it. The user then selects the checkboxes as required when additional validation is required.
  • Discount Client & Vendor – These dropdown option boxes control how Line Based Prompt Discounts are individually calculated for Clients and Vendors, with options of Standard, Tax and No Tax.

Posting Group – System Page

The options are as follows.

  • Audit Reports Required – When enabled, an audit trail will be printed when a transaction is posted.
  • Ageing at Posting – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will automatically recalculate the Clients/Vendors ageing when a transaction is posted, rather than solely via the Allocation Screen.
  • Inter-Company Balancing – Selecting this checkbox allows transactions to be split based upon department lines.
  • Inter-Company Journals – Enabling this checkbox permits the balancing of Inter-company journals.
  • Pre-Posting Query – Upon selecting the Post transactions function, the Detailed Query Screen will be displayed first, allowing the selection of specific types of transactions. 
  • Print Audit Report Include Custom Field – When printing Audit Reports, enabling this checkbox causes SapphireOne to include the Custom field in the report.
  • Audit Line Split by Inventory Base – When creating Account transactions, split the lines based on the inventory item. By default, SapphireOne will only inherit the inventory link. Enabling this checkbox allows the user to reconcile individual inventory lines in the G/L asset account.
  • Don’t Check for Additional Errors in Controller – When selected, SapphireOne displays the first error in a transaction and does not check for any additional errors,thus speeding up the error checking process.
  • Don’t Recheck all Transactions Before Post Screen – Normally, SapphireOne checks for errors in transactions before displaying the posting screen. When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will not recheck all transactions before displaying the posting screen.
  • Don’t Process When There Is An Error In The List – Enabling this checkbox prevents SapphireOne from processing the list of transactions if there is an error in even a single transaction
  • Prevent Transactions Posting Into A future Period – When selected, SapphireOne will not allow transactions to be posted in a future period.
  • Use Inventory Mode Date In – When activated, SapphireOne copies the transactions Date In from Inventory mode rather than setting the Date In from Accounts mode.
  • Departmental Sales – Enabling this checkbox allows SapphireOne to use the department entered into the Client for sales and COGS accounts.
  • Error If Location Is Defaulting To A Different Company – When selected, SapphireOne raises a DC error message if it creates a transaction in a company other than the one you are currently logged into.
  • Don’t Batch Standing Transactions – This is linked to the Batch email checkbox for Clients and Vendors. Enabling this checkbox in Master Defaults overrides the Batch Email checkbox for transactions raised using the Standing transaction function.
  • Right Click and Post from Tools on Server – This adds a ‘post’ option to the right click context menu when applied to any transaction and will automatically post on server.
  • Tags – Tags may be attached to almost any type of transaction in the lower right-hand corner of the screens. These tag lists, with the exception of the SapphireOne predefined tags, are user definable.

In addition to the provided Hold tag, users can employ more informative Tag names to prevent posting of selected transactions as follows.

  1. Accounts Mode – In Accounts Mode, users can supplement the default Hold tag with additional tags to prevent the Posting of transactions.
  2. Inventory/Project modes – Similarly, in Inventory/Project modes, users can enhance the Hold tag with additional tags to prevent the Posting or Conversions of selected Transactions in both Inventory and Projects modes.

SapphireOne, during the process of posting or converting transactions, will verify this table for any transactions that are not permitted to be posted or converted. It will compare the Tag set by the system in a transaction with a Tag entered here for validation.

These two data entry options allow users to compile a list of Tags that can be associated with transactions. Until modified within the transaction, these Tags will prevent the Posting or Converting of transactions. These lists are not case-sensitive, but SapphireOne will parse for the exact word.

Email Area – System Page

The options are as follows.

  • Batch Email As Default – When enabled, SapphireOne overrides the user’s selection of the single email option and instead sends a batch email.
  • Batch Email Use Company From Addresses – When selected, SapphireOne defaults to using the email addresses entered into a company Inquiry rather than from any other area in SapphireOne. 
  • Use External Email Client – When selected, SapphireOne utilises an external Email Client, which must be set up by the person or company managing your IT system. By default, SapphireOne has a built-in Email Client as part of the SapphireOne platform.

User Login Area – System Page

Only one (or neither) of the two options provided here may be selected. This is enforced by the use of checkboxes. The options are as follows.

  • Auto Time Card Stamp – Selecting this option will cause SapphireOne to automatically display an alert when a user logs into SapphireOne. The user then has the option of selecting No or Yes and entering in a note.  The user also has the option of going to the file menu as seen below and Time Card Stamping into SapphireOne.
  • Two-Factor Authentication – When the ‘Two-Factor Authentication’ checkbox is ticked, SapphireOne activates Two-factor authentication (2FA) for the user’s account at the time of login. Upon enabling this checkbox, a confirmation alert will be displayed, and once the user accepts the confirmation, 2FA will be set up. SapphireOne offers two distinct methods for 2FA, which will be available to the user at the login stage once they have been properly set up. An administrator must configure and activate each method to ensure the user can successfully log in to SapphireOne. The two methods are as follows:
    • Use Email – For this method to be used, the user must have a valid email address. The email address must be configured on the User Access page, specifically in the Email area, where it should be entered into the email field.
    • Use Authenticator – This method requires the user to have an authenticator app installed on their mobile device which can provide a time-based one-time password such as the Google or Microsoft authenticator apps. To pair the authenticator, navigate to the User Access page and enter the X in the ‘Y’ field within the Email area. The mobile device must then be bound to SapphireOne by clicking the ‘Pair Authenticator’ button. Follow this by visiting the provided URL after scanning the displayed QR code with the device’s camera.
  • Two Factor Grace – Entering a number in this data entry field determines how long, in minutes, the user has to correctly enter the six-digit authentication number before it times out. Leaving it set to zero disables the timeout function.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security process in which users are required to provide two different authentication factors to verify themselves. This method adds an additional layer of security to SapphireOne’s authentication process, which involves providing a username, password and an email address by default. SapphireOne’s Implementation of 2FA significantly reduces the risk of unverified users gaining access through a compromised account. If you have any questions about implementing or using two-factor authentication with our software, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance.

Please ensure that these steps above are followed carefully to maintain the security of user accounts with Two-Factor authentication.

Reports Area – System Page

The options are as follows.

  • Add Header/ Footer To Plain Paper Reports – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will add headers and footers to all plain paper reports. This will have no effect on any custom reports. 
  • Custom Report Plugin Type – No Longer used as we have designed our own in house Sapphire Custom Reports. 

Banking Area – System Page

The options are as follows.

Encrypt History Bank Changes checkbox – By default, SapphireOne retains a record of all changes made to any General Ledger account that is also a bank account. This record remains unalterable by any user. Selecting this checkbox will also encrypt this record.

Document Area – System Page

This area sets how SapphireOne manages any documents that are to be stored within it. Most of them will be stored in the form of PDFs or some type of word/text format. The options are as follows.

Extensive use of this function with very large files that are stored as part of the data file may become problematic as the data file will quickly expand in size. Please check with SapphireOne support before implementing this function on a large scale.

  • Document Size Limit – The figure entered will set the maximum document size in Megabytes that SapphireOne will allow to be stored in the document pages throughout the data file. SapphireOne default is as seen 10 Mb. 
  • Save Location Checkboxes – The next decision the user has to make is where to store these files.
    • Default Option – By default SapphireOne has the Store With Data File option selected. No further action is required from the user. However, please note the file size advice provided above.
    • User Selected – If the user opts to use the Store as Files option, they will need to create a directory on the hard drive. If extensive use of this function is anticipated, the drive must have sufficient space to store all files and remain available at all times. It’s important to note that the selected drive should not be a removable drive of any type..
      • Alert – Once the radio button is selected, the user will receive a confirmation alert. They can choose to either leave any documents already stored with the data file as they are or move them to the newly created directory.
      • Navigation – The document area will then change to display an additional data entry field showing a path. By default, SapphireOne offers to store these files in the same directory as the SapphireOne executable, but this should be modified. To do so, select the ‘…’ button, and SapphireOne will prompt the standard find option on both Macs and PCs, enabling the selection of a different directory.. 
      • File Sizes – As data files are becoming increasingly large, 4D has developed a compress/expand tool. This function will be activated when the user selects the checkbox. Users with a large number of documents in their data file should notice a reduction in the size of the Live Data file.
  • Store Document as Compressed Blob – *See alert below. SapphireOne will store documents in compressed binary format.

Before the user selects the ‘Store Document as Compressed Blob‘ checkbox, they should back up their data file. When the checkbox is selected for the first time, SapphireOne will display an alert.

Automatic Functions Area – System Page

The options are as follows.

  • Run At – This field allows functions which can slow server performance such as verifying un-posted to be scheduled overnight. This clock is set in 24 hour mode. 
  • Check Alarms – This field is linked to actions that can be set. It is recommended to keep it at the default value of 0, checking every 5 seconds. However, if needed, you can adjust it, for example, to 3600, checking once an hour. The number represents seconds, with 60 being equivalent to one minute. 
  • Run Ageing – Selecting this checkbox will enable SapphireOne to run the ageing function outside of business hours.
  • Change If Total Due Is Different – This checkbox is associated with the Run Ageing checkbox. When SapphireOne runs ageing and detects different totals, it typically does not modify the record. Selecting this checkbox will allow SapphireOne to modify the record if the total due is different. 
  • Run Verify Un-posted- Selecting this checkbox will enable SapphireOne to run the verification of un-posted transactions outside of business hours.
  • Run Reset Next Delivery – SapphireOne users can utilise this tool when they need to reset the next delivery run.
  • Run Remove Ident and Delete Price Book – Run the remove indent and delete price book function at the time specified in the ‘Run At’ field. Note this will only occur on the day following its enablement.
  • Run Posting on Tag – Specify which tag you would like the posting to run on. If unpopulated, the default tag that will run is ‘###POST###’. If Client-Server is currently running, the feature will execute on the Server.
    • This procedure is also available manually via Sapphire Functions under Utilities Mode -> Sapphire Functions -> Financials -> Select Post_Later. Running this functionality from the Sapphire Functions differs in respect to being executed immediately rather than at a specified time. If Client-Server is currently running, the feature will execute on the Client.
  • Create Standing Transaction X Days Prior – When setting up standing transactions, they are generated on a specified day. By entering a number of days here, SapphireOne will generate those transactions the specified number of days before the standing transaction is normally to be created.
  • Auto Backup Data File – Enabling this function will prompt SapphireOne to create a zip backup file in the designated location. It’s recommended to execute this process when the server is not busy. Please verify the time settings configured at the top of this section and allocate sufficient time for SapphireOne to complete all tasks.
    • Warning – If other types of backup are also configured, ensure that the scheduled times do not overlap, as this may cause conflicts. Allow adequate time for each backup process to be completed accurately without interference.

Controller Area – System Page

The options are as follows.

  • Controller Temporarily Off – This section includes a checkbox that enables you to temporarily deactivate the controller responsible for the posting function within SapphireOne.
  • Delay By –
  • Controller Log – If this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will maintain a log of any alterations made to the controller.
  • Controller Message On Server – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will display an alert on the server window indicating the current activity of the controller.

A task that necessitates turning off the controller should only be performed under instructions from SapphireOne Support.

Network and Web Area – System Page

The Network & Web data entry fields primarily facilitate the setup of PayPal-based transactions. They also enable the starting or enabling of various web-based functions, along with the option to select a custom port for these functions.

Previously, several of these functions had to be initiated on the server administration screen directly on the server. However, the initiation of many of these processes can be started from this Network & Web area in system controls, directly from a workstation. If you have the web pack, enabling the HTTPS web server will be necessary.

To process PayPal transactions via SapphireOne, direct access to the World Wide Web (WWW) for the server is necessary. Your company must have a Public URL, which can be entered into the provided data entry field for this purpose. The options are as follows.

  • Enable Legacy 4D Network Layer Checkbox – Do not use. Please consult SapphireOne support staff as this option is not typically utilised.
  • Start Web Server on Server Start Checkbox – By default, when the SapphireOne server application is started, the web server does not commence. Selecting this checkbox will automatically start the web server each time the SapphireOne server is started.
  • Enable HTTP Web Server Checkbox- By default, when the SapphireOne server application is started, the HTTP Web server is not activated. Selecting this checkbox will automatically start it each time the SapphireOne server is started.
  • Custom HTTP Port – The SapphireOne server usually listens on port 80. Enter a different port here to have it listen on an alternate specified port.
  • Enable HTTPS web Server – With most websites now requiring secure web pages using the HTTPS protocol, selecting this checkbox will enable HTTPS on server start.
  • Public URL – Enter the company’s public URL here for PayPal transactions. This can also be used for other purposes as needed.

Windows SDI Area – System Page

The options are as follows.

  • Menu Position – The Menu Position setting is currently only applicable to Windows-based platforms. It determines the position of the menus when SapphireOne is used.
    There are three options available:
    • Top – This is the default option across the top of the screen, retaining the original SapphireOne menu system that users are accustomed to.
    • Left – Selecting this option will display an alert advising the user to restart the SapphireOne software. The SDI style floating menu will then be positioned on the left side of the screen.
    • Right – Selecting this option will display an alert advising the user to restart the SapphireOne software. The SDI style floating menu will then be positioned on the right-hand side of the screen.

Auto SBR Area – System Page

The options are as follows.

  • Activity Statement – Do Not Use

Clients Page in Master Defaults

This function is located at Utilities > Controls > Master Defaults and then select the Clients page. Users should note that the settings required for a Client’s credit details, has a separate Master Defaults page immediately following this Clients page.

The Clients Page is the second item in the page menu within the Master Defaults function. This screen enables control of the basic defaults needed when creating a new Client, facilitating quick entry with only basic details required. Details entered here will be automatically inserted by SapphireOne as default settings when setting up any new Clients. Users then have the option of accessing the newly created Client’s Master Record and modifying any details inserted by SapphireOne from this Client page in Master Defaults.

Defaults Area – Clients Page

The options are as follows.

  • Tax Code – This field is where the default tax code is set up for new clients and may be modified. (Note! that this tax code is company specific and must be set on a Company by Company basis).
  • Bank Account – When a new Client is created the user must remember to go to the Terms Page and enter in the Payment Account details. If the General Ledger Bank Account is entered here SapphireOne will automatically enter this General Ledger Bank Account for all new Clients. The user still has the option of altering these details on a Client by Client basis if required. 
  • Default Class – Apply a default class for client categorisation.
  • Invoice Reference Format – Configure the format for client invoice references.
  • Open Item – By default, this checkbox is selected when a new data file is created. Any Invoices for the Clients will be created as open items and SapphireOne will leave them as current until fully paid.
    • Lock Data Entry – The checkbox is linked directly to the Open Item check box. When a new Client is being created, the Open Item checkbox is enabled allowing a user to de-select this option if required. However if this checkbox is selected here in Master Defaults once the Client has been created, the user will not be not be allowed to alter the Open Item status.
  • Exclude 100% Allocated – By selecting this checkbox, SapphireOne will only print unallocated transactions on the statement.
  • Sort Statements By Date – Selecting this checkbox will instruct SapphireOne to sort the statement by transaction date.
  • Style 2 Plain Paper Statement – Selecting this option is specifically for Open Item transactions. This style will print only current, 30-day outstanding, and overdue transactions based on the payment due date. If this checkbox is not selected, SapphireOne will automatically use Style 1, which will print transactions for 30, 60, and 90 days.
  • Include Current Receipts- By selecting this checkbox, SapphireOne will print receipts received in the current period, even if they are 100% allocated.
  • Age Statement By Current Date – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will generate statements that are aged from the date of creation rather than the period they were created in. 
  • Show Balance Excluding Disputed Amount – Selecting this checkbox allows SapphireOne to display disputed values in a separate column, ensuring that they do not distort the true collectible value.
  • Client Invoice Due Date Calculate From Create Date – This option functions exclusively in accounts mode when raising a Client Invoice (CI). When selected, SapphireOne will apply the terms based on the created date of the SCI and not on the delivery date.
  • Warning For Children Client Receipt – When this checkbox is selected, and SapphireOne identifies that the receipt is for the child of a parent client rather than the parent itself, it will display an alert. 
  • Print Deposit Slip In Landscape – Deposit slips are typically printed in portrait mode. However, when this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will print deposit slips in landscape mode.
  • Include EFT in Deposit – Normally, EFT payments are not included when the deposit function is accessed in accounts mode. However, when this checkbox is selected, EFT-based transactions will be listed along with all other transactions when the deposit function is processed.
  • Use Date In For Payment Performance – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will base payment performance on the date in instead of the date due.
  • ID Serialise – Selecting this checkbox will automatically generate and number the Client ID in SapphireOne.
  • Department Level Address and Logo – SapphireOne provides a unique ability to create a separate logo and separate address for each department in your SapphireOne company data file.
  • Encrypt Card Number –
  • Query Locations using Contact Location – When active, the mailing address selected using the ‘Copy Mailing Address From Contacts’ button on an Inventory > Sales > Order Client Invoice will become the default location for inventory when a new line is added.

Settlement Area – Clients Page

The options are as follows.

  • Settlement Date –
  • Remove Settlement Discount after Settlement Date – If a settlement date is specified on the Terms Page of a Client Inquiry, any discount will cease to be applied once this date has passed.

Ageing Area – Clients Page

The options are as follows.

  • Per 1 through to Per 6+ – SapphireOne provides aged reports, with column headings drawn from the entries made here. By default, the headings are set up as 30 Days, 60 Days, and90+ Days, reflecting the periods used in the program. The ageing of your accounts depends to a certain degree on the option chosen.

User Defined Names Area – Clients Page

This field entry area allows you to customise the area Labels that appear in a Client listing. The options are as follows.

Ensure these labels are as concise as possible to avoid problematic fitting on the screen and in reports.

Rating Brackets on Total Sales Area – Clients Page

The options are as follows.

  • Enable Daily Rating Calculation – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will update the rating on a daily basis instead of a monthly basis.
  • Tier Headings – These four headings may be altered to suit the users requirements.
  • Basis for Rating Radio Buttons –
    • Weight towards Sales – When this radio button is selected, SapphireOne will use the Sales made to the Client as a basis for the rating.
    • Average – When this radio button is selected, SapphireOne will use the average sales made to the client as the basis for the rating.
    • Weight towards Prompt Payment – When this radio button is selected, SapphireOne will use the prompt payment by the client as the basis for the rating.

ETA Changed Area – Clients Page

The single available option is as follows.

  • ETA Update Email – This is a tag where the list of items in the drop-menu is created by the user. If the ETA has changed on a sale for the Client, SapphireOne will automatically generate an email to notify the Client of the new ETA using the tag as selected by the user to prefix the ETA date.

Statement Message Area  – Clients Page

This area allows you to enter a message that will appear on all statements to all Clients.

Reference Area – Clients Page

This reference area is directly linked to keeping both External and Internal Reference numbers unique. The user’s selection of the radio buttons in each section determines the action to be taken by SapphireOne when a duplicate reference number is entered by a user. Within each group, there is provision for an action to be placed on both Accounts and Inventory based transactions.

The user will find the following option presented first.

  • Client Invoice External Reference Unique Checkbox – Normally, this group of radio buttons for the External reference numbers is disabled. Selecting this checkbox will activate these radio buttons, allowing the user to select them as required.

The Client Internal Reference Unique group of radio buttons are always enabled by default so a checkbox is not required.

For both External and Internal reference numbers the user may select one of three options for either Accounts or Inventory modes.

  • Show Warning – The user will be presented with a warning alert but will still be allowed to proceed with the transaction that has the duplicated reference number. 
  • Stop Entry – The user will be presented with a warning alert, and then prevented from proceeding with the transaction that has the duplicated reference number. 
  • OffThe user will receive no warnings at all, and any transactions that are created with reference numbers already in SapphireOne will be allowed to be entered.

Rebate Area – Clients Page

If a Client is to receive a rebate for a specific Inventory item in the data file, a specific Inventory ID may be entered here. The normal @ symbol and search functions are provided for ease of selection. The single option is as follows.

  • Rebate – Enter in the specific Inventory item.

Finance Options Area – Clients Page

If any finance arrangements have been set up for the Client, the details may be recorded here, including any General Ledger accounts that have been specifically set up for the Financial arrangement. Provision has been made for the entry of a number of General Ledger accounts along with some basic details.

Loyalty Report Area – Clients Page

SapphireOne now provides the ability to support loyalty programs that many businesses are now running. The user now has the ability to store the basic details of the vouchers as issued and the discount being applied in this area. The options are as follows.

  • Voucher –
  • Discount –

Clients Credit Page in Master Defaults

The Clients Credit Settings Page is the third item in the Master Defaults function.

Defaults Area – Clients Credit Page

This area allows you to enter default payment terms and transactional controls when setting up new Clients. These payment terms and transactional tiles, as entered here, may be altered when creating a new Client or at any time thereafter. The options are as follows.

  • Credit Limit – This field is where the default credit limit for new Clients is set and may be modified by selecting the new Client’s Master record and modifying it as required. This credit Limit may be altered at any time in the future, as required.
  • Quotes Can Not Be Converted When In Credit Stop – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will prevent Quotes being converted to orders when the Client is on credit stop in the: Client Inquiry > Terms page. 
  • Orders Can Not Be Converted When In Credit Stop – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will stop Orders being converted to Sales when the Client is on credit stop in the: Client Inquiry > Terms page. 
  • Post Transaction When Client In Credit Stop – Selecting this check box will tell SapphireOne to allow the posting of transaction for Clients who have credit stop set against them. 
  • Post Invoice When Client In Credit Stop – Selecting this check box will tell SapphireOne to allow the posting of invoices for Clients who have credit stop set against them. 

The following options sets the terms to be applied to new Clients. 

  • Terms – There are nine preset standard terms may be selected as required. The user also has the option of selecting the Other option which will allow terms to be set in any number of days.
  • Weekend – Select the first day of the weekend. This is only used when the weekend does not start on a Saturday. Options are provided from Sunday through to Saturday.
  • Auto Credit Stop Based On Terms Over X Days – If a number is entered into this data entry field SapphireOne will automatically initiate a credit stop based on the number of days as entered. Entering zero disables this function. 
  • Send Client Credit Stop Email – Provided an email address has been entered into the Clients Master record SapphireOne can be set up so that an email is automatically sent to the Client when SapphireOne initiates an automatic stop of credit. If the user selects the Edit Message button they may personalise the email that is sent on a Client by Client basis.

Overdue Email Area – Clients Credit Page

This area allows the user to manage what SapphireOne is to do, when a Client becomes overdue with their payments. The options are as follows.

  • Send Overdue Email – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will send an email to the overdue Client. This may be over ridden for any Clients by selecting the check box on the Terms Page in the Clients master record.

Note that the settings below are only enabled when the Send Overdue Emails above has been selected.

  • Email Client Every X Days – SapphireOne may be set up to send an email on a daily basis and at a particular time. (I.e. If 7 days is entered SapphireOne will send an email once a Week) 
  • After X Tries in Succession, Send Emails To X – After the entered number of tries SapphireOne will then send an email to the email address as entered. (For example to a user in your organisation who manages over due accounts).
  • BCC Sales Rep – If this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will also send the same email to any Sales Reps entered for the Client. 
  • Trigger Workflow Alert To User – If there is a user entered into this data entry field that user will receive a Workflow alert as entered in the Subject and body fields that follow.
  • Subject – Workflow Alert email subject line.
  • Body – Workflow Alert email body content.

Vendors Page in Master Defaults

The Vendor Settings Page is the fourth item in the Master Defaults function.

This function allows control of the defaults used when creating a new Vendor. The details entered here will be automatically inserted by SapphireOne as the default settings when setting up a new Vendor. The user then has the option of altering any of these details automatically inserted by SapphireOne.

Defaults Area – Vendors Page

The options are as follows.

  • Credit Limit – This field is the where the default credit limit for new Vendors is set and may be modified as required on a Vendor by Vendor basis. 
  • Tax Code – This field is where the default tax code for new Vendors is set and may be modified. (Note this that this item is company specific and must be set on a Company by Company basis).
  • Bank Account – An individual General Ledger bank account may be entered on a Vendor by Vendor basis if required.
  • Max Remittance Lines – The entry field limits the number of lines that can be allocated. This stops the printing of blank cheques. 
  • Open Item – Selecting this checkbox will tell SapphireOne to leave invoices in current until fully paid. 
  • Lock Data Entry – Selecting the checkbox when SapphireOne is operating in First Time mode will prevent anyone but authorised users from selecting the Open Item checkbox during normal operations. 
  • Cheque Money Words Format – Selecting this checkbox allows you to select the format in which the words on your cheques will appear. For example if the checkbox is not selected then the word format for $450 would appear as Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars. If the checkbox is selected, the word format for $450 would be used.
  • Style 2 Remittance & Cheque – Selecting this checkbox produces a detailed remittance with the same information as Style 1 plus also displaying credit, discount and prescribed tax information. 
  • No Cheque No – By selecting this checkbox SapphireOne will not print cheque numbers. This will allow the manual entry in the location where the cheque number is normally inserted, or any type of unique identifier such as EFT or a date. 
  • Multi-Page Remittances – This checkbox is linked to the entry field. If the Max remittance number exceeds the number entered in the field SapphireOne will print the remaining remittance lines on a separate plain sheet of paper, to stop the printing of blank cheques. 
  • Include Vendor Credit On Remittance – Selecting the checkbox tells SapphireOne to print the existing Vendor Credit remaining on remittances. 
  • Print F.X. Details – Selecting this tells SapphireOne to print the FX details on the remittance. 
  • Contact on OVI – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will place the primary contact details, including the fax details onto the Vendor Invoice. 
  • Sum Cheques in Reconciliation – Selecting this checkbox will cause SapphireOne to group all Vendor cheques for each Vendor together into one single cheque. 
  • Disputed on “As at Balances” – Selecting this checkbox checkbox allows SapphireOne to place disputed values in a separate column so as not to distort the truly Collectable value.
  • Vendor Account on Purchases – Selecting this checkbox tells SapphireOne to place your Account ID from the Vendor on a PVI. This field is available under Vendor Inquiry \ More Details. Please see the Accounts Reference Manual for further details on this area. 
  • Allow Recipient Created Transactions – When you select the checkbox SapphireOne will then display an additional Recipient Created checkbox just to the right of the Vendor ID entry field enabling the user to generate a Recipient Created Tax Invoice if required. 
  • Don’t Include Self Balance on ABA files – By default, SapphireOne generates a self-balancing ABA file. If your Bank does NOT require a self-balancing file please select this checkbox. 
  • Warning For Children Vendor Payment – When this checkbox is selected, and SapphireOne determines that the receipt is for the Child of a Parent Client and not the Parent, it will display a warning alert. 
  • Vendor Invoice Internal Reference Unique – If the is selected the area will become active as seen to the right enabling the user to select from the radio buttons the options that are required. (Note that in the main screenshot on the first page of this section on Vendor Master Defaults, the option is not selected so the area is greyed out and the radio buttons not selectable.) This area is always active and the radio button for the options may be set as required.

User Defined Names Area – Vendors Page

This field entry area allows you to customise the area Labels or Headings that appear in a Vendor listing. The options are as follows.

  • No 1 – No 4 – Are user defined labels, each relating to a single line text field which is accessible on the following More Details pages.
    • Accounts > Payables > Vendor Inquiry > More Details
    • Inventory > Purchases > Vendor Inquiry > More Details
    • Job Projects > Costs > Vendor Inquiry > More Details
    • The Vendor Inquiry function is also available from the Inquiry palette on the main toolbar.
  • Tag – Tag 3 – Each relate to a drop down list box of user defined values accessible on the following Details pages.
    • Accounts > Payables > Vendor Inquiry > Details
    • Inventory > Purchases > Vendor Inquiry > Details
    • Job Projects > Costs > Vendor Inquiry > Details
    • The Vendor Inquiry function is also available from the Inquiry palette on the main toolbar.

Only a certain number of characters are allowed in the labels. For this reason keep them as short as possible as they will have to fit on screen and in reports.

Terms Area – Vendors Page

The options are as follows.

  • Terms – This area allows you to select from a given set of periods o r enter a custom default payment term. The payment terms may then be overridden when creating a new Vendor
  • Week End – Select the desired first day of the weekend from a list of the seven days of the week. This is only used when the weekend does not start on a Saturday.

Tax invoice Area – Vendors Page

The options are as follows.

  • Vendor –

Ageing Area – Vendors Page

The options are as follows.

  • Per 1 to Per 6+ – SapphireOne provides aged reports, with headings drawn from the entries made here. By default, the headings are set up as 30 Days, 60 Days, and“90+ Days, reflecting the periods used in the program. The ageing of your accounts depends to a certain degree on the option chosen.

Reference Area – Vendors Page

For both External and Internal reference numbers in SapphireOne, users can select from three options for either Accounts or Inventory modes when the required reference number hasn’t been entered. This flexibility allows users to streamline their workflow and tailor SapphireOne to their preferences. For External or Internal reference numbers the user has the following options.

  • Show Warning – The user will be presented with a warning alert but will still be allowed to proceed with the entry of Post Vendor Invoice, (PVI’s) transactions for Inventory mode and the entering of Vendor Invoice (VI) transactions for Accounts mode. 
  • Stop Entry – The user will be presented with the warning alert and they are then prevented from proceeding with the entering of Post Vendor Invoice (PVI) transactions for Inventory mode and the entering of Vendor Invoice (VI) transactions for Accounts mode. 
  • Off – The will receive no warnings at all and any all transactions without the reference numbers in then are able to be saved by the user as required.

Job Projects Page in Master Defaults

The Job Project Page is the fifth item in the Master Defaults function. This page allows users to configure settings and information pertaining to projects. It allows users to select certain default items that are automatically entered by SapphireOne when any new Project Record is being created. 

Defaults Area – Job Projects Page

The options are as follows.

  • Project No – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne automatically allocates an incrementing number for new projects. Do not select this option if users prefer to create their own project numbers.
  • Auto Use JGJ’s – Selecting this checkbox allows SapphireOne to immediately allocate purchases to a project. This setting is linked to the Use Asset” checkbox further down in this list.
  • No Stock Control – Normally, SapphireOne automatically links or allocates stock to projects for tracking purposes during transactions. Selecting this checkbox means that stock will not be linked to projects.
  • No Retention’s – This checkbox suppresses the display of the Retention Figure field as a percentage in all Data Entry Screens.
  • Custom Descriptions – When selected, SapphireOne precedes the Activity description with the Resource name in the Time Sheets data entry screen. To use this feature, go to Projects > Resources > Time Sheets – Resources.
    • Custom Descriptions – When this is selected SapphireOne will create new lines if the Inventory ID and Description are different. 
  • Compulsory Projects – This checkbox prevents saving transactions without a project entered on every line. Until a project is entered on each line, the green tick will not be displayed, and the user will not be permitted to save the transaction.
  • Gain & Loss Project Base – Normally, only a single SCI is created, merging any FX Gain/Loss on a transaction with multiple lines. Selecting this checkbox instructs SapphireOne to separate any FX Gain/Loss on a line-by-line basis.
  • Project Plan Use Mark-Up Always – When this checkbox is selected, it tells SapphireOne to always use the Mark Up option.
  • Require Project Class To Save Project Record –When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will require a valid Project Class before saving a project record. The green tick will not be displayed until a valid Project Class has been entered, preventing users from creating and saving a new project without assigning it to a class.
  • Limit Project By Resources – On a resource-based timesheet, only display projects that have the resource set up for that project.
  • Require task on Timesheet – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will not allow a timesheet to be saved without a task being entered.

Job Project Invoice Multiplier Group – Job Projects Page

This area allows the user to set multipliers for invoices on job projects. There are three radio buttons which operate as follows.

  • No Multiplier –
  • Multiply Quantity –
  • Multiply Rate –

Budget & Billing Inventory Group – Job Projects Page

In the Budget & Billing Inventory Section of SapphireOne, users can create Base Inventory items that serve as headers for Invoices in the Project Budget and Billing function. These headers help organise and categorise items within the invoicing process. Key Features are as follows.

  1. Data Entry Fields (Header, Progress Billing, Retention) – These fields have a light blue background, which facilitates wildcard searches for Inventory items as needed. Once an Inventory item is identified, it can be linked to any item in the Inventory module, providing flexibility in structuring invoices and managing inventory-related transactions.
  2. Creation of Inventory Headers – These are created as normal Base Inventory items with two specific conditions:
    • On the Details page, they must be set as Non-diminishing.
    • On the More Details Page, the Invoice Header Item checkbox must be ticked.

Available Form Fields are as follows.

  • Header Item – Facilitates categorisation of inventory orders (e.g., Web Pack orders vs. locally raised orders). Positioned at the top of the inventory items list for easy identification.
  • Progress Billing – This header is used in the Job Project Quoting/Planning stage.
    • It enables users to create Progress Payments under each Task Header by right-clicking on the Job Project or Individual Task Header and selecting Create Progress Payment.
    • Upon activation, a new Task (called Progress Payment) and Inventory item (as set up in Job Project Master Default) will be created under each Task Header.
    • This function should be used once a Quote has been set up. All the billing for the linked Tasks and Inventory will be set to zero (by adding -100% as a markup), and a new Billing Progress Payment Inventory item will be created as a total of Billing for the total of each Task Header made up by a Quantity of 100 (to represent %; the rate will therefore be 1% of the total).
  • Retention – When an Inventory item has been specifically setup for retention’s it may be entered here.
    • Allows selection of inventory items designated for retention’s.
    • Simplifies retention management within SapphireOne.

These features collectively streamline the invoicing process, ensuring accurate and efficient billing for project-related expenses, and improving the management of inventory-related transactions.

Default Timesheet Memo Area – Job Projects Page

When a timesheet is created and an entry is made in the line entry area, SapphireOne will display the default activity name here if it has been previously established. This default activity can be modified by the user as necessary. Each activity comes with a default description, which can also be edited as required by the user.

When entering a default common message on a timesheet, all items in the screenshot prefixed with the ‘#’ symbol will automatically be replaced with data from the currently open timesheet. For example, consider the following entry on a timesheet: “Activity #AN commenced on #DSH and was completed on #DFH.” In the timesheet, SapphireOne will display this text as: “Activity Kitchen Installations started on 22/06/2016 and finished 29/06/2016.” SapphireOne retrieves the values for #AN (Activity Name), #DSH (Date Started), and #DFH (Date Finished) from the timesheet from which they originate.

Each timesheet will contain these details, although the specifics may vary from one timesheet to another. SapphireOne will search for the ‘#’ symbol followed by the required text and then look in the timesheet for the linked item to automatically populate that item into the timesheet.

User Defined Names Area – Job Projects Page

This area enables users to customise some of the data entry field headings, allowing for a tailored use of the program to meet various requirements. These User Defined Names may be used in three areas of Job Projects and each area is documented below.

  • No 1 & No 2 – These data entry headings are found in the Miscellaneous area on the first page of a Job Project inquiry. Their location is quite general, making them versatile for any data requirements needed in the setup of a Job Project.
  • Guarantee 1 & Guarantee 2 – These headings are associated with the More Details page of a Job Project Inquiry, accessible via: Job Projects > Job Project Inquiry > More Details Page.
  • Tag, Tag2, and Tag3 – These headings are situated in the Grouping area on the first page of both a Parent Project and a Job Project (Child) within the Details Page. These can be found at:
    • Job Projects > Job Projects > Parent Job Project Inquiry > Details Page.
    • Job Projects > Job Projects > Job Project Inquiry > Details Page.

All these user-defined name data entry fields can be included in reports and utilised in any custom reports. Specifically, the data fields in the Guarantee area can be used in a custom report to print a guarantee form if required.

Time Sheet Area – Job Projects Page

This section is integral to the creation of timesheets. The options are as follows.

  • Start Time and Finish Time – When start and finish times are entered here, SapphireOne automatically populates these times into the line entry area of a timesheet. This feature is particularly useful for users who frequently enter the same times into their timesheets. Users retain the option to modify these times as needed during the timesheet entry process. 

Retentions Area – Job Projects Page

The options are as follows.

  • Don’t Change GL Accounts – Selecting this checkbox ensures that SapphireOne will not alter the GL code when creating retention records.
  • Remove Retention from BAS – Checking this option will cause SapphireOne to exclude the Retention Amount held in Projects from your Business Activity Statement (BAS). You can view this amount on the following screen: Projects \ Project \ Project Inquiry \ Details Page, located within the Client Retention area.

You also have the option to set the departments for retention’s in System Controls. 

Working Days Area – Job Projects Page

These settings are directly linked to the calendar and are used to indicate which days are weekends in a 7-day week. Weekend days are greyed out in the calendar to reflect this. The options are as follows.

  • Work Start & Work End – These settings are directly linked to the calendar and are used to indicate which days are weekends in a 7-day week. Weekend days are greyed out and displayed in a different colour in the calendar to indicate to the user the two days that are the colour to indicate to the user the 2 day which are the week end.

Public Holidays Group – Job Projects Page

Public holidays can be directly entered by clicking on the relevant area in the screen where the data is to be placed. A pop-up calendar will be displayed, allowing quick and simple entry of the Dates From and To. Clicking on the Name field allows the user to directly enter a name for the holiday.

Inventory Page in Master Defaults

This Inventory Page allows control of defaults to be used when creating a new Inventory item. This allows for quick entry of Inventory items with only the basic default details entered.

It is Not Recommended that the Negative Stock checkbox is selected without prior consultation with SapphireOne Support. 

This Page allows the setting of the information used in the Invoice and Inventory functions. 

Defaults Area – Inventory Page

Please note that in the Defaults Area if the Serial Batch and Price Book checkboxes are not selected, several additional checkboxes are not displayed. The Sale Rate Area also displays additional options when the Check Sale Rate checkbox is selected.

The options are as follows.

  • Tax Code – This entry field is where the default tax code for new inventory items is entered and may be modified. 
  • Type – When new inventory is created the most common Type selected is Normal so SapphireOne defaults to this Type. In some companies, however some other type of Inventory is the most common for example Non-Diminishing. To simplify this procedure for these companies the default Type of newly created Inventory items may be altered here by selecting a different type. Once altered any new Inventory items will default the new type as selected here. The user still has the usual option of altering the Inventory Type as required when new inventory items are created. 
  • Negative Stock – Selecting this checkbox will allow SapphireOne stock levels to go into a negative situation but this is not recommended! 
  • Disable UA Error – Selecting this checkbox will tell SapphireOne to disable the UA error which is, un-posted inventory adjustment transactions.
    • Authorisation Code – Before this checkbox may be selected the user will be presented with the Request Alert screen. An authorisation code will have to be obtained from SapphireOne support staff before SapphireOne will allow the checkbox to be selected.
  • Copy Inventory Description – Selecting this checkbox tells SapphireOne to copy the Inventory description into the History files. 
  • Bill of Materials – Selecting this checkbox will activate the Bill of Materials feature within SapphireOne. If left unchecked the menu item Build Entry will be greyed out and un-selectable here: Inventory \Inventory \ Build Entry, please see the Inventory article for further details. 
  • Copy Line to Invoice Formulise – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will copy the line to the invoice on the order screen, follow the formula, and the place on back order what can not be supplied. 
  • Stocktake Updates Last Cost – SapphireOne normally updates the average cost with the Stocktake cost. By selecting the checkbox the average cost as well as the last cost will be updated with the Stocktake cost. 
  • Auto Select Batch Function –When this check box is selected, SapphireOne will automatically take stock starting with the default batch, (the one prefixed with a *) and then any subsequent batches. Normally the batch selection pop up is displayed every time an item that has batches active is displayed. 
  • Do Not Sort Build lines alphabetically – When this checkbox is selected, it tells SapphireOne NOT to re-sort items contained in Built Items automatically on refresh. These items are Inventory items that comprise other items from inventory within them. These items are may be added or viewed in the Build Page of any Inventory Item
  • Use (Current + Unpost) in Stockcount – Selecting this checkbox will tell SapphireOne to unposted was well as current in any stockcount operation. 
  • Shell Search on Inventory Names as Well – Selecting this checkbox will make SapphireOne include the Inventory names when the Search function is used on the main toolbar. 
  • Require Class To Save Inventory Record – If this checkbox is selected, when a new Inventory Item is created SapphireOne will not allow the new item to be saved until a valid Class has been entered. The tick and the arrow will not be displayed until a Class has been entered. 
  • Price Display Include Tax – The setting of this checkbox will be dependent upon if the business is Wholesale based or Retail based. For Wholesale based businesses prices are normally viewed or declared as Price plus Tax. For Retail based businesses prices are usually viewed or declared as Price including Tax. Normally within SapphireOne prices in any list and in all screens, are without tax. When this checkbox is selected, they are then displayed including Tax. 

The most noticeable location for the selection of this Include Tax option in Master Defaults above is on the first page of an Inventory Inquiry where there is an area named Standard Prices. 

The Include Tax checkbox will follow the Price Display Include Tax checkbox setting in Master Defaults but is for initial display purposes only. The user can then either tick or un-tick the checkbox to view the prices either ticked with tax included, or un-ticked showing prices without tax. 

  • Use Bay – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will automatically prompt the user to select a bay for all inventory items. 
  • Importer Serialise – When this is selected SapphireOne will automatically create a serial number ID in numeric format. 
  • WET – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will display the data entry field for the user entry of the Wine Equalisation Tax, (W.E.T) in all QCI, OCI and SCI. 
  • Reorder Ignore MRP – When this check box is selected SapphireOne will use the old formula (i.e. max – current) when the reorder function is used. 
  • Run MRP By Week – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will run the Materials Requirement Planning function (M.R.P.), on a weekly basis instead of the default monthly. 
  • Outwards Goods – This checkbox is directly linked to the raising of Period Invoices. All invoices for the client are normally raised as CI’s. When this function is turned on they are raised as GJ’s instead. When SapphireOne has determined that a periodic invoice is to be raised it will convert these multiple GJ’s to a single CI. This Outwards Goods function is a method of reducing the number of transactions that are being sent out to clients by merging them to, in most cases a single transaction each time a Periodic Invoice is raised and sent out. 
  • Use Zero Rate On Purchase Order – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will not update last cost when any purchase transaction is posted. It will use a zero rate so that all purchases will have to be manually entered for the purchased inventory item at a later time. 
  • Record Kit Master Current and Available – Inventory items setup as Master Kits are normally set as non diminishing items so current and available quantities are not tracked. When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will display these Master Items quantities based on the individual component quantities
  • ID Serialise – When this checkbox is selected the Inventory ID’s will be numbered and generated automatically by SapphireOne.
  • Default Location – This entry field is one of the default items that must be entered in this screen and it is Company specific.
    • Location Checking – SapphireOne will check that the Location ID entered is valid and you will not be permitted to Save with the Tick until this entry field has a valid Location ID inserted.
    • New Inventory – Any new Inventory items created using an Inventory Inquiry by using the New Plus button will automatically be created in the Location selected here.
  • Price Decimals – Setting a number here determines the number of numbers after the decimal point that will be displayed for prices. Default is 2 for two numbers.
  • Quantity Decimals – For fractions of Items entering a number here determines the number of numbers after the decimal point that will be displayed. Default is 2 for two numbers.
  • Importer ID Prefix –

Serial Batch Group – Inventory Page

The options are as follows.

  • Serial Batch – Selecting this checkbox will allow access to the Serial Batch option within Inventory. SapphireOne will now display six additional checkboxes for the user to make selections from as below.
    • Add Serial Numbers – Selecting this checkbox will allow you to add Serial Numbers for sales during data entry. This does not need to be linked to purchases. 
    • Auto Serialise – This checkbox when selected will tell SapphireOne to automatically create a Serial Number on purchases. When this option is selected, the user is unable to edit the Serial Number as SapphireOne has already been instructed to allocate a Serial Number to the item purchased. This also enables additional functionality in Build Lines where you have the choice to auto serialise on build.
    • Auto Batch on PO – This checkbox when selected tells SapphireOne to create an automatically generated batch number based on the PO number.
    • Batch Zero Expiry – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will not set an expiry date for any new batch items created. The user will have to enter an expiry date manually.
    • Batch First In First Out – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will check the batch numbers and the ones with the lowest number or oldest date will automatically be selected first.
    • No Duplicate Number- When this checkbox has been selected, SapphireOne will not allow any duplicate Serial/Batch numbers for the same Inventory Item. 
  •  Check Serial Batch/Error on Inventory Invoices – This check box is linked to Pack Tally. Selecting this will tell SapphireOne to recheck that the serial or batch numbers in the pack tally are correct. This applies to TGJ, AGJ and BGT transactions. 
  • Pack Tally – Selecting this checkbox allows you to purchase in one type of unit and sell in a different type of unit: Example: Buying timber in Pallets or cubic meters and selling it by the lineal meter. Example 2: Buying by the carton of 144, and sell all 144 items in the carton as single items.

Table and Matrix Group – Inventory Page

The options are as follows.

  • Table Matrix – Selecting this checkbox will allow the entry of matrix-based products, e.g. style, size, colour and other matrix systems.
    • Easy Entry – Selecting this checkbox tells SapphireOne not to display the table/matrix creation pop up when selecting table/matrix items for purchase or sale. 
    • Don’t Display Table Breakdown on Invoice – Selecting this checkbox will tell SapphireOne not to display the table break down on an invoice. 
    • Allow Use of Single Table Items – Selecting this checkbox will allow the user to enter a sub item as a single item. 
    • Use Master Order For Sorting Table – Selecting this checkbox enables the master order set in the Lists function under the Controls menu to be used for Tables. This list contains all of the table columns and allows the user to modify the order for improved presentation of the user interface. I.e. S, M, L, XL. If this is not enabled SapphireOne will sort alphabetically. 
    • Do Not Append Colour and Size on Table Item Name – Selecting this check box tells SapphireOne to not append color and size on table item name.

Pricing Group – Inventory Page

The options are as follows.

  • PriceBook – Selecting this checkbox will allow multiple discounts to be applied on an ID or Class basis within SapphireOne. (The following checkbox Price Book2 must be selected as well)
    • PriceBook 2 – Selecting this checkbox will activate Price book II which has a number of extended features. These extended features are documented in detail the Pricebook article. 
    • PriceBook Sales Lowest Price – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will check all price book entries for the Inventory item, and if there are multiple entries it will display the lowest price for the Inventory Item. 
    • Use Date In – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne tells price book to follow the Date In of the Invoice rather than the default setting of the Delivery Date of the Invoice
    • Pricing Formula – This checkbox when selected allows SapphireOne to calculate Inventory sales prices based on a formula. This Pricing Formula area is located on the following screen: Inventory > Inventory > Inventory Inquiry > Controls.

It should be noted that while almost all Master Default settings affect ALL companies, the Default Location data entry field is Company specific. The insertion of a Default Inventory location is set on a Company by Company basis. For multi Company data files a user will have to log in to each Company in the data file, and enter a Default location if required. 

To check the Locations set up on SapphireOne you will have to go to Inventory > Inventory > Locations Inquiry. For the new Inventory Item to appear in other Locations in the Inventory Locations Inquiry list either a Purchase Order or a Stock Transfer to the Location will have to be made. 

The Price Decimals field entry & Quantity Decimals field entry establish the number of decimal places after the decimal point in the Price and Quantity fields respectively. 

User Defined Names Area – Inventory Page

This field entry area allows the user to customise two groups of Headings in Inventory Items. The options are as follows.

  • No 1 to No 4 These tag headings are to be found in the Second page of an Inventory Inquiry located at Inventory > Inventory > Inventory Inquiry > More Details Page in the Grouping area they are located in the User Defined area, bottom right hand side of the screen
  • Tag1 to Tag3 – These tag headings are to be found in the first page of an Inventory Inquiry located at Inventory > Inventory > Inventory Inquiry > Details Page In the Grouping area they are the first three items in the left hand column of tags.
  • Tag4 to Tag6 These tag headings are also in the first page of an Inventory Inquiry located at Inventory > Inventory > Inventory Inquiry > Details Page. In the Grouping area they are the first three items in the right hand column of tags. The menus for all of these tags have the ability to be set up by the user as required. Once these drop-down menus have been setup by the user, SapphireOne is able use them to sort and filter any inventory items that have these menus in them. In particular they are used in the Web Pack for the filtering and sorting of what is displayed to the user as Tag through to Tag6 are options that the user has when processing a Customer Order. 

Sale Rate Area – Inventory Page

For the purpose of documenting these functions the documentation will assume that the “Check Sale Rate” Checkbox has been selected. Of the six radio buttons the user may select any one of the six at a time. When the sale is being conducted an alert will be displayed in each instance telling the user that the sale will either not be allowed or warning them of the sales error. 

The options are as follows.

  • Check Sale Rate – When this checkbox is selected displays six radio buttons that place additional controls on the sale of inventory items as follows.
    • Stop Sales Below Average Cost- Selecting the radio button will stop any sale that is below the average cost for the item. 
    • Warn on Sales Below Average Cost – Selecting the radio button will warn the user that the sale is below the average cost for the item. 
    • Stop Sales Below Last Cost – Selecting the radio button will stop any sale that is below the last cost for the item. 
    • Warn On Sales Below Last Cost –Selecting the radio button will warn the user that the sale that is below the last cost for the item. 
    • Stop Sales Below Floor Price– Selecting the radio button will stop any sale that is below the floor price for the item. (Note that the Inventory must have a floor price entered) 
    • Warn On Sales Below Floor Price- Selecting the radio button will warn the user that the sale that is below the floor price for the item. (Note that the Inventory must have a floor price entered) 

There are also three checkboxes and none or all of them may be selected at the same time. 

  • Warn On Zero Average Cost – When this checkbox is selected an alert will warn the user that the sale is being conducted with a Zero Average Cost
  • Price Book Overwrite Above Options – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will check for any Price book entries that conflict with any options select above. If any are found SapphireOne will ignore the option selected above and apply the Price book rule. 
  • Check Sale Rate After Discount – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will first apply any discounts and get a selling price. It will then look at any of the options selected above and then check to see if the price then falls within the option as selected above. If it does apply the rule as selected above. For example the sale may have a Pricebook entry that causes the Selling price to be below the items Last Cost. If the has been selected SapphireOne would then stop the sale. 

Inventory 2 Page in Master Defaults

The Inventory 2 Page is the seventh item in the Master Defaults function.

Price Margins Area – Inventory 2 Page  

These ten data entry fields should normally be set at zero unless it is proposed that margins are to be enabled for pricing. They are directly linked to the Sapphire Updating Price by Markup and Margin tool. 

The Inventory Locations Inquiry function may be found in two Modes, Inventory and Job Projects, under their respective Inventory Tabs. This function is also on the Sapphire Tools Menu and has been documented within the Sapphire Tools article. 

Note the following available options.

  • Rounding data entry field – This data entry field has been added so that SapphireOne may round its calculations when using this function. Enter 0 to round up to nearest dollar. Enter 1 to round up to a single decimal place. Enter 2 then round up to 2 decimal places and so on. 
    • The Price Margin function refers to 10 lines of margins. This means that when Inventory item is created up to 10 different margins may be established for your individual Inventory items. SapphireOne now has the ability to use any 1 of 10 lines in the Price Margins area in the Inventory 2 Page in Master Defaults. 
    • The specific line that is to be read must be selected from a Base Inventory Inquiry. The setting as set in margin Type as seen below has been set at 3. 
    • When an Inventory Location inquiry is on screen and the Update Price by Margins tool is selected SapphireOne will read the entries from line 3 here in the Price Margins area.
  • Skip Price C update, When Tag 5 Matches –

Of particular interest would be that if all 10 lines of margins were entered to alter a margin price on an inventory item or items would be as follows. 

  1. Execute a Base Inventory Inquiry and alter the Margin Type to read a different line in the Price Margins area. 
  2. Go to an Inventory Locations Inquiry and select the items that are to have their margins altered and select the Update Price by Margins tool. 

The Update Prices by Margins may also be executed from a Base Inventory Inquiry but the user should be aware that this will update ALL prices in ALL Locations and this may not be wanted. 

Invoices Page in Master Defaults

The Invoices Page allows the setting of default information used in the Invoice Screens. It should be noted that this is the default Invoices Page when a new data file is created. 

Defaults Settings Area – Invoices Page

The Default Settings Area allows users to control and automate numerous functions that are used when creating a Transaction. 

Process Group – Invoices Page

The options are as follows.

  • Keep QCI Reference – By selecting this checkbox SapphireOne will keep the quote reference number the same through the entire process from the quote through to the order, and then through to the Invoice. 
  • QCI To OCI Everything Backorder – Normally when SapphireOne looks at QCI that has a backorder component, it only places on backorder the missing stock. When the QCI is processed through SapphireOne the stock level for that item would then be zero. When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will place the total quantities that are in the QCI on back order. This would mean the inventory stock level after processing the QCI would the same as before the QCI was entered into SapphireOne.
  • Keep Int. Ref. For Orders – Selecting this checkbox keeps the Order Number with each order after conversion to an invoice. 
  • Sort By Date Created – Selecting this checkbox will cause SapphireOne to display the Invoices by the day they were created with the most recent one at the top of the list. If this checkbox is not selected SapphireOne will default to displaying the Invoices by the sequence number. 
  • Back To Back Orders – Selecting this checkbox will activate the Back to Back Ordering function on the Quote Screen. Note that if a vendor price has been set up SapphireOne will use that price first. If a vendor price has not been entered it will use the last cost for the back order. If it finds neither the order will be created with a zero value! 
  • Modify QVI Qty Updates OCI – Please check with SapphireOne support before selecting this checkbox. 
  • Back To Back Copy Reference – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will copy the Quote reference Number through to a Purchase Order on Back to Back Orders. 
  • Don’t Update Arrival Date – Normally SapphireOne will insert an arrival date into the transaction, and then update the arrival date as the date the arrival actually occurs. (I.e. is processed). When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will leave the arrival data as it was originally entered when the transaction was created. 
  • Don’t Update Delivery Date – Normally the delivery date is set by SapphireOne and the date that the Invoice is processed. Selecting the checkbox tells SapphireOne not to update the delivery date when an invoice is processed. 
  • Do not Post SCI From OCI – Selecting this checkbox tells SapphireOne not to automatically post when an OCI is converted to an SCI. 
  • Check Stock On Deliver – Normally SapphireOne does not check to see if the stock to be delivered is actually currently in stock. (Blind Delivery). When this option is selected the users will receive a warning that there is insufficient stock to make the delivery. 
  • Track Invoice Changes – Selecting this checkbox allows tracking of changes to Invoices. NB: This function should only be activated under the instruction of SapphireOne Support and should normally be turned OFF. 
  • Printed on After Posting – Selecting this checkbox will tell SapphireOne not mark an invoice as printed until after it has been posted. 
  • Post Invoice After Print – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will automatically post the Invoice once it has been printed,
  • Purchase On Cost – Selecting this checkbox tells SapphireOne to display the Importer line information on OVI’s. 
  • Keep OCI Lines in SCI – If there are multiple lines in the OCI for the same inventory item, SapphireOne will not merge the Inventory quantities into a single line in the SCI
  • Auto Back To Back – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will automatically update Client backorders based on the Vendor order quantities
  • Auto Back To Back Email Picking Slip – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne email a Picking slip when the OCI is fully delivered
  • Auto Back To Back Qty Allocation – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will enable the FIFO automatic back to back quantity allocation
  • Auto Back To Back Drop Shipping – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will sync the quantities between the OVI and the OCI. For example increasing the OVI quantity will automatically increase the OCI quantity. Also the OCI external reference number will be copied over to the OVI.
  • Post TGJ does not update Last Cost – When this checkbox is selected, when a TGJ is posted SapphireOne will not update the last cost for the items in the transaction.

Data Entry Group – Invoices Page

The options are as follows.

  • Display X in Invoices Tab – This field allows users to specify the number of invoices that should be loaded in the Invoices Tab within the information area on invoices in SapphireOne. It’s important for users to be aware that setting a high number in this field may impact system performance. If SapphireOne experiences slowdowns, users should consider reducing the number in this data entry field. This adjustment helps balance the trade-off between the number of invoices displayed and the overall system speed.
  • Rep Require For Sales – When this option is selected, SapphireOne will require that a Sales Representative ID be entered for all invoices across SapphireOne. While users will still be able to save the invoice, they will not be able to post it until a Sales Rep ID is provided. An error message stating “Sales Rep required” will appear, indicating the need for this information to complete the posting process. This feature ensures that all sales transactions are properly attributed to a sales representative.
  • Cannot Modify Sales Client – When this checkbox is selected, users are prevented from altering the Client associated with an existing order or sales transaction. This restriction ensures the integrity and consistency of transaction records by maintaining the original Client details once an order has been processed or entered into SapphireOne.
  • Show GP on SCI/OCI – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will display the Gross Profit on Sales Client Invoices (SCI) and Order Client Invoices (OCI). This feature provides valuable financial insight directly on the invoice screen, allowing users to quickly assess the profitability of each transaction.
  • Password on Sales Data Entry – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will require a Sales Person’s POS password each time a data entry screen under the Sales menu is accessed. This enhances security by ensuring that only authorised personnel can enter or modify sales data.
    • Sales Person Password – It’s important to note that this is not the login password to SapphireOne, but a specific password set up for Sales People. This can be configured by navigating to Inventory > Sales > Sales People Inquiry.
  • Password on Purchases Data Entry – Similar to the sales data entry, selecting this checkbox will prompt SapphireOne to request a Sales Person’s POS Access password each time a data entry screen under the Purchases menu is accessed. This adds an additional layer of security, helping to protect sensitive purchase data.
    • Sales Person Password – As with the Sales menu, the password required here is not the general login password for SapphireOne but is the specific password set up for Sales People in the same section under Inventory > Sales > Sales People Inquiry. This ensures that both Sales and Purchases are safeguarded by individualised access controls.
  • No Invoices On Credit Stop – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will block the creation of any type of invoice for Clients marked with the Credit Stop status on their Terms Page within a Client Inquiry. Users can initiate and set up the invoice, but they will not receive the necessary green tick approval required to save the invoice. This feature ensures that no credit transactions are inadvertently processed for Clients who are on credit hold.
  • Credit Limit Check on B/O – This checkbox interacts with the selection radio button on the Back Orders screen. Typically, the default setting for the radio button is ‘All Records’. However, when this checkbox is enabled, it will automatically set the default to the ‘Not Over Credit Limit’ option. This setting can be manually changed by users if necessary. It serves to prevent the processing of back orders for Clients who have exceeded their credit limits, thereby managing financial risk more effectively.
  • Always Fully Back Order – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne changes its usual approach of back ordering just enough stock to zero out inventory levels for a specific item. Instead, it places the entire quantity of an item from an order on back order. This ensures that when the back-ordered items are received and processed, the inventory levels will remain unchanged from before the orders were processed. This can be particularly useful in maintaining consistent stock levels, especially in scenarios where future supply can be uncertain.
  • Always Fully Deliver – When this checkbox is enabled, SapphireOne will always fulfill the quantity specified on an order, even if there is insufficient stock available. This means that any shortfall is automatically recorded as a back order. This approach ensures that customer orders are acknowledged and recorded in full at the time of ordering, which can improve customer satisfaction by committing to deliver the full order quantity as stock becomes available.
  • Arrival Require External Reference – This checkbox is associated with the Arrival function in SapphireOne. When selected, it mandates that users must enter either an Invoice or an External reference number before they can activate the Process button. This requirement ensures that all arrivals are adequately documented with a reference that can be verified for accuracy and record-keeping purposes. 
  • Line Based Prompt Discounts – hen this checkbox is activated, it allows users to apply discounts on a per-line basis within an invoice, rather than applying a single discount to the entire invoice. This flexibility is beneficial for transactions where different items may qualify for varying discount levels, enabling more precise financial control and customer service personalisation.
  • Use Client Inventory Description – By selecting this checkbox, SapphireOne will use the inventory description preferred by the Client instead of the default description listed in SapphireOne’s Inventory records. This feature is particularly useful when Clients have specific naming conventions or descriptions that they use for ease of identification, ensuring that the inventory is managed and recognised in a manner that aligns with client expectations.
  • Use Vendor Inventory Description – This checkbox instructs SapphireOne to utilise the inventory description preferred by the Vendor rather than the standard description found in SapphireOne’s Inventory records. This can be particularly advantageous when Vendors have specific terminologies or descriptions for their products, ensuring consistency between ordering, receiving, and inventory management processes. 
  • Replace Inventory Description – By selecting this checkbox, users are permitted to modify the default inventory description during data entry. This flexibility allows for more accurate or detailed descriptions to be used, which can be helpful for clarity, especially when specific product details need to be highlighted or clarified for operational purposes.
  • Address Lock – When this checkbox is activated, SapphireOne secures the addresses of Clients and Vendors, preventing any modifications during the invoice processing. This safeguard helps maintain the integrity of address data, ensuring that all transactions are associated with the correct and verified addresses, which is critical for billing and shipping accuracy.
  • Copy Line To Invoice Stock Check – This feature automatically substitutes an item from another location if there is no stock available at the selected location. When enabled, SapphireOne efficiently manages inventory by sourcing items from alternate locations, ensuring that invoices can be fulfilled without delay due to stock shortages at a particular location.
  • Link To Sales Person – By selecting this checkbox, SapphireOne establishes a connection between the chosen Client and a specific Sales Person. Upon selecting a Client, an Address alert will appear, prompting the user to select the appropriate address and contact name for the order. This information must be confirmed before completing the entry of a Client ID. This linkage is crucial for generating detailed sales analysis reports, providing insights into the sales performance associated with individual sales personnel. 
  • Select By Serial Allowed – Enabling this checkbox allows users to input a Serial Number in place of an Inventory Code during data entry. SapphireOne will automatically identify and retrieve the inventory item associated with the entered Serial Number. This feature simplifies the inventory management process, particularly in environments where tracking specific items through serial numbers is essential for inventory control and verification.
  • Remove Qty Default Focus – Selecting this checkbox changes the default entry in the quantity field from zero to one whenever a new line is added to a transaction. This setting is particularly useful for businesses where the typical transaction involves selling single units of items per line, streamlining data entry and reducing the steps needed to complete an invoice or order.
  • Use 1 as Default Qty – Selecting this checkbox changes the default entry in the quantity field from zero to one whenever a new line is added to a transaction. This setting is particularly useful for businesses where the typical transaction involves selling single units of items per line, streamlining data entry and reducing the steps needed to complete an invoice or order.
  • Warn When Zero Qty Line – When this checkbox is activated, SapphireOne will issue a warning if an invoice is saved that includes any lines with a quantity of zero. This alert helps to prevent errors in invoicing, ensuring that all listed items are intended for transaction and addressing any oversight before finalising the document.
  • Can’t Enter Total Without Qty – This checkbox prevents the entry of a total amount on Client Orders and Client Invoices if the quantity for any line is zero. Additionally, if a total amount is entered on a Quote without a corresponding quantity, and the quote is converted into an order that results in a zero amount order with no inventory items, this will also be prohibited. This feature ensures that financial entries are consistently backed by actual product or service quantities, maintaining the integrity of accounting and sales records.

The next three History Order functions are linked

  • Client History Order – This checkbox is associated with a Client Order in Inventory. Upon selecting a client for the order, a “Fill History” button will appear. This button reveals all inventory items the client has previously ordered, displaying them in the Line List area with a default quantity of zero. To add items to the transaction, the user can select a line from the history; it will then appear in the line details area, with the cursor positioned in the quantity data entry field. The user simply needs to input the desired quantity and can then choose another item from the historical list. After entering quantities for all necessary items, the user should press the “Remove Blanks” button. This action will clear all lines that still have a quantity of zero, leaving only those with quantities greater than zero as specified by the user.
    • Client History Order Special Rate – This feature is linked to a Client Order and functions similarly to the Client History Order. However, when activated, it displays only those inventory items for the selected client that are configured with a special rate for the client. This ensures that users can quickly identify and select items that are eligible for special pricing agreements with the client.
    • History Order Base on Last X Periods – This data entry field is linked to the two options, Client History Order and Client History Order Special Rate checkboxes in the left-hand column. It allows the user to specify the number of past periods for which the inventory items ordered by the Client are displayed. This setting directly influences the scope of the historical data shown when either checkbox is selected, enabling the user to view a defined range of past orders.
    • Fill Client History Without Build Component – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will populate the client history but exclude all build or copy line components. This feature simplifies the historical records for clients when built items are included in the history, ensuring that only the primary items are displayed, thereby streamlining the review and selection process.
  • Transfer Location Specific – When this checkbox is selected, two additional fields will appear in the stock transfer window: ‘Location From’ and ‘Location To’. These fields must be filled in, specifying the origin and destination locations for the stock transfer. All items transferred in this transaction must strictly move from the ‘Location From’ to the ‘Location To’ as specified. This feature is particularly useful when handling a large number of stock transfers in a single transaction, as it helps prevent location errors and simplifies data entry by clearly defining transfer routes.
  • Use Steel Mill – Do not use, please check with SapphireOne support staff for details. 
  • Prompt Reload Order – When this checkbox is activated, SapphireOne will alert the user if there is an existing order for the same client on the same date when a new Order Client Invoice (OCI) is being created. If the user selects ‘yes’, SapphireOne will reload the existing order, allowing it to be supplemented instead of creating a new one. This functionality is designed to prevent the creation of multiple orders for the same client on the same day, enhancing order management efficiency and reducing potential confusion.
  • Build Back Order – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will display the required back order quantity when processing a built item. This feature ensures that users are aware of any outstanding quantities that need to be fulfilled, facilitating efficient management of inventory and order completion.
  • Recalculate Unpost After Save – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will automatically recalculate the unposted values each time a transaction is saved. This ensures that all financial records are immediately updated to reflect the most current data, enhancing the accuracy of financial reporting and monitoring.
  • Relate Base Inventory – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will display only the base inventory level for each item as it is selected from different locations. This functionality helps in focusing on the fundamental stock quantities, simplifying inventory management across various locations by providing a clear view of the primary inventory levels without the inclusion of location-specific variations.
  • Sync Line Delivery Date – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will synchronise the delivery dates of the inventory lines to match the invoice delivery date. This ensures consistency across the delivery schedule, making it easier to manage and track shipments and ensuring that all items within an invoice are set to arrive on the same date.

Inwards Goods Group – Invoices Page

The options are as follows.

  • Retain Order Dates On New PGJ – By default, SapphireOne uses the current date when creating a PGJ (Posted Goods Journal). Selecting this checkbox instructs SapphireOne to carry forward the original order date into the new PGJ. This feature ensures continuity and accuracy in record-keeping, particularly for tracking and auditing purposes.
  • Arrive PGJ Only – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will filter the arrival screen to display only PGJs, excluding all other transaction types. This focused display helps streamline the management of inwards goods, making it easier for users to monitor and process PGJs specifically.
  • Auto Post PGJ – Selecting this checkbox enables SapphireOne to automatically post any PGJs created from the Inwards Goods function. This automation eliminates the need for manual posting, ensuring that inventory stock levels are updated promptly and reducing the likelihood of human error in forgetting to post transactions.
  • Do Not Record Inwards Variance – Normally, SapphireOne records any variances in Inwards Goods to a specific General Ledger Account. However, when this checkbox is selected, such variance will not be recorded. This could be useful in scenarios where the business prefers not to track minor discrepancies or has other means of managing variance reporting.
  • Warehouse Email – Often, a company may have general email addresses, but the warehouse might have its own separate email address. If this is the case, the specific warehouse email address can be entered here. This separation ensures that communications relevant to warehouse operations are directed appropriately, facilitating better management and response times.

Print Settings Area – Invoices Page

The options are as follows.

  • Direct Print Tear Invoices – Selecting this checkbox instructs SapphireOne to adjust the layout when using the Direct Print setting, specifically to move the footer up to print directly underneath the final item line. This optimisation saves paper by reducing the unused space at the bottom of the printout, ideal for invoices that are torn off from a continuous feed.
  • Ask For Page Setup – By selecting this checkbox, SapphireOne is set to automatically bring up the Page Setup Screen whenever an invoice is printed. This feature allows users to adjust print settings like margins, orientation, and paper size each time, ensuring that the final printout meets specific requirements or preferences.
  • Multiple Invoices – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne enables the printing of multiple copies of invoices at once, with each copy bearing a title based on the names entered. This functionality is applicable only to new invoices. It is particularly useful for businesses that need to provide copies to different departments or parties, streamlining the printing process and ensuring consistency across multiple copies.
  • Print OCI to SCI – Selecting this checkbox directs SapphireOne to print an invoice for an Order Client Invoice (OCI) instead of a packing slip. This setting is useful for businesses that prefer to provide a detailed invoice at the time of order processing or shipping, ensuring that the customer receives all necessary transaction details immediately.
  • Print OCI Total On Quantity – When this checkbox is activated, SapphireOne will calculate the total value of an OCI based on the delivered quantity when printing, rather than on the initial audit amount. This ensures that the printed total reflects the actual quantity delivered, providing a more accurate accounting of the transaction for both the business and the client.
  • Extra Picking Report – Selecting this checkbox enables the printing of two picking reports for each transaction, instead of the standard single report. This feature can be particularly useful in environments where multiple checks are necessary for accuracy, or where a copy is needed for record-keeping and another for active use during picking and packing operations.
  • Show All Lines On Packing – By selecting this checkbox, users relinquish control over which lines are displayed on the packing slip. SapphireOne will automatically display all lines on the packing slip. This ensures complete transparency and documentation of all items included in the shipment, which is especially important for accuracy in Order fulfillment and Inventory tracking.
  • Show All Lines On Order Selecting this checkbox removes the user’s ability to filter or select specific lines to display on the Order document. Instead, SapphireOne will automatically display all lines on the Order. This feature guarantees that every item added to the Order is visible, facilitating a comprehensive review before finalising the transaction.
  • Show All Lines On Invoice – When this checkbox is activated, it overrides any user settings that limit the visibility of certain lines on the invoice. SapphireOne will display all lines automatically on the invoice, ensuring that all items and charges associated with the transaction are clearly listed and accounted for, aiding in transparent billing practices.
  • Print Batch/Serial Components – This checkbox is usually enabled by default upon SapphireOne installation. When this checkbox is deselected, the additional lines pertaining to the serial or batch components will not be printed on a Sapphire Custom Report. This option allows for a cleaner, more streamlined report when details of batch or serial components are not necessary. 
  • Use Delivery Date In Show Report – Typically, the ‘Date In’ is used as the delivery date in show reports. However, when this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will use the actual delivery date instead of the ‘Date In’. This adjustment ensures that the reports reflect the actual date items were delivered, providing more accurate and relevant information for tracking and historical purposes.
  • Default Output – This data entry field allows users to set the default printing option that activates when the print icon on the main toolbar is selected while printing invoices. The available options range from printing directly to a printer, sending via email, or both emailing and printing simultaneously. Users should exercise caution when selecting the Email & Print option, as SapphireOne will proceed to send a blind email automatically, while the standard print dialogue will still be displayed to the user for further adjustments at the time of printing.
    • Printer – Selecting this will send the print job directly to the connected printer.
    • Email – This option enables the document to be sent directly to the email address specified without a printout.
    • Email & Printer – This combines both the above options, sending an email and printing a physical copy simultaneously. This is ideal for keeping electronic records while also fulfilling physical documentation needs.
  • Report For Label Print In PVI – SapphireOne provides functionality for printing labels from various locations within the software. Notably, labels can be printed in the Purchases section, both from a Transaction Line Inquiry and from the History Sales Lines. This feature is especially useful for managing inventory and order processing, ensuring that all items are correctly labeled for tracking and identification.
  • Auto options – When any of the four ‘Auto’ checkboxes are selected in SapphireOne (pertaining to Quotes, Orders, Invoices, or Purchases), SapphireOne automates communication by generating and sending an email to the Vendor whenever one of these documents is created and saved. Additionally, a corresponding report is automatically attached to these emails. This automation streamlines the communication process, ensuring vendors receive all necessary documentation promptly and without manual intervention, enhancing efficiency and maintaining consistent vendor relations.
  •  Custom Reports –  In SapphireOne, if any Custom reports have been designed specifically for label printing, entering the exact name of one of these reports enables additional functionality.
    • Example – If a custom report titled “My” is created, SapphireOne will integrate a button named after this report in the Transaction Lines area of a Purchase Vendor Invoice (PVI).
  • Implementation in PVI – With the custom report “My,” each line in the PVI will feature a button labeled “My” This setup facilitates immediate access to label printing for each purchase item directly from the transaction line as invoices are processed. This capability enhances operational efficiency by allowing quick, line-specific label printing, streamlining the workflow involved in handling, sorting, and verifying purchased goods as they are invoiced.

Default Reports Area – Invoices Page

In SapphireOne, you can select from a variety of report options tailored to different printing needs and document formats. Each option is designed to support specific requirements for transaction types such as Quotes, Orders, Invoices, Purchases, TGJ (Transaction General Journal), BGJ (Batch General Journal), and JGG (Journal General General). Here’s a brief overview of each report type available:

  • Plain Paper – This is the standard format for printing reports on a blank sheet of paper, ensuring all necessary items are included without any pre-printed elements.
  • Plain Paper Preprinted – Designed for use with paper that already has certain elements preprinted. This format allows for the specific information to be filled into designated areas on the paper.
  • Matrix Plain Paper – Ideal for printing reports that require a matrix-style layout, ensuring a structured presentation of all items on a blank sheet.
  • Direct Print 1 & 2 – These settings are configured for printing directly to a serial printer or to a text file, using ASCII text format. This option is particularly useful for printing large text-based documents on continuous fan-fold paper and is not suitable for laser printers.
  • Letterhead – Allows for the printing of documents directly onto letterhead paper, with the setup managed within the Utilities Module under Utilities > Controls > Direct Print Layouts.
  • Custom Report 1 & 2 – Users must create these reports themselves, allowing for a high degree of customisation based on specific business requirements.
  • Landscape – Similar to the plain paper report but formatted to print in landscape orientation, accommodating more items horizontally on each page.
  • Advanced – Includes detailed information such as account details, client and vendor names, and any comments from the memo field, providing a comprehensive overview of transaction-related data.

Each of these options is designed to cater to different business scenarios, ensuring that SapphireOne users can generate reports that are not only accurate but also appropriately formatted for their specific business context.

Manifest Area – Invoices Page

Before using the Manifest feature located at Inventory > Manager > Manifest, users must first ensure that all the necessary data fields on the Invoices page are populated. This is crucial for managing and tracking shipments effectively. Users can also customise the manifest data according to their operational needs when setting up the Manifest function in the Inventory Mode. Instructions on how to configure these settings are to follow.

  • No 1 to No 4 Data Entry Fields – These four fields provide the opportunity to rename four column headings in the Manifest function. This allows for tailoring the display to include specific information pertinent to the organisation’s shipping or handling requirements, such as Truck numbers, Vehicle Registration numbers, or other descriptions relevant to the shipment method. Up to 10 characters can be used for each heading. If these fields are left blank, the column headings will default to being blank.
  • Report 1 to Report 5 Data Entry Fields – These five fields enable the naming of up to five reports that can be created and printed within the Manifest function. This feature is particularly useful for generating tailored reports that address specific logistical or tracking needs. Each report title can be customised to reflect the contents or purpose of the report, facilitating easier identification and usage within SapphireOne.

Populating these input fields in the Manifest area will result in the display of seven print buttons on a manifest record. Buttons two to six correspond to reports 1 to 5.

By configuring these fields, users can ensure that the Manifest area is optimised for their specific logistical and reporting needs, enhancing the efficiency of operations and the clarity of data presentation in SapphireOne.

In order to aid in configuring the manifest a new manifest item will need to be created. Afterward, examine the new manifest screen to determine the names of the column headings. The user should then return here to the Master Default Invoices Page to input these headings and assess the operation.

In the Bondi Blue data file these headings are entered as This, Can, Be and Anything. Each word functioning as a heading for a column of data in a Manifest Inquiry.

Point of Sale Page in Master Defaults

The Point of Sale (POS) Page within the Master Defaults function of SapphireOne is specifically designed for setting up defaults for POS operations in a retail environment. The POS page is the ninth item in the list under Master Defaults. Initially, if the Point of Sale function is not activated, the screen will appear empty. To access and configure the POS options, you must first select the ‘Active’ checkbox. Once activated, a full list of configurable options will be displayed, allowing you to customise settings such as payment types, receipt printing, cash drawer management, and barcode scanning to suit the specific requirements of your retail environment.

Point of Sale Area – Point of Sale Page

This area in SapphireOne is integral for configuring POS permissions, as it operates independently of a system-wide user login for POS access. Here, the selections made determine the user permissions for creating POS transactions. However, it’s important to note that once the “Require Rep ID on Every Entry” option is activated, SapphireOne will override the permissions configured in this area with those specified in each salesperson’s individual file.

  • Active – This checkbox when selected activates two items in SapphireOne.
    • POS menu – When the “Active” checkbox is selected, the POS menu on the main toolbar in Inventory Mode becomes accessible. This menu is not greyed out anymore, and it can be reached by navigating to Inventory \ POS. This activation allows users to engage with the POS system directly from the main interface.
    • Additional Options – All of the options below will be displayed allowing the user to setup defaults for the POS function.
  • Price Change Allowed – When this checkbox is enabled, users have the ability to modify the Final Rate and Total fields within the POS transaction entry screen. This feature provides flexibility in adjusting prices during transactions, which can be essential for accommodating specific customer needs or correcting entry errors.
  • Discount Change Allowed –This checkbox, when selected, permits users to apply discounts either as a percentage or a specific dollar amount. Users can also modify existing discounts on a transaction. This flexibility is crucial for sales promotions, customer loyalty discounts, or other marketing strategies that involve price adjustments.
  • Always Print – In SapphireOne, selecting the “Always Print” checkbox automates the printing process for each new POS transaction. With this setting activated, SapphireOne will automatically print one copy of the transaction receipt or document as soon as the transaction is processed. If more copies are needed, users can specify the desired number in the “Multiple Copies” data entry field provided further down this list. This feature ensures that each transaction is promptly documented in print, facilitating efficient record-keeping and providing immediate physical receipts to customers.
  • Always Email – When this checkbox is activated, SapphireOne automatically engages the email function for every new POS transaction processed. This allows the user to immediately send an email containing the transaction details. The feature is designed to streamline communication and provide instant electronic receipts or invoices to customers, enhancing the customer service experience and ensuring timely documentation of sales transactions.
  • Require Rep ID On Every Entry – When this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne requires the entry of a Sales Person’s Rep ID each time a POS item is selected from the Inventory mode menu. This ensures that every transaction is associated with a specific sales representative, providing accountability and traceability for sales activities.
    • Unticked– If this option is not selected, a Sales Person login is not required to access the POS function. This setting may simplify operations in environments where strict tracking of sales by individual representatives is not necessary. However, deactivating this option also affects other settings, as SapphireOne will revert to using the permissions specified in the Sales People’s individual files. This change can influence which features and functionalities are available to users based on the predefined permissions in their profiles, potentially limiting access to certain POS functionalities unless specified otherwise in their individual settings.
  • Allow Account Sales Invoice Entry – Selecting this checkbox in SapphireOne adds an “Account Invoice” radio button to the POS screen. Typically, POS transactions are saved as TCI’s (Transaction Client Invoices), which are managed directly within the POS mode and are subject to separate reporting. However, with this option enabled, users gain the flexibility to choose the “Account Invoice” radio button. This allows the POS transaction to be saved as a standard SCI (Sales Client Invoice). This feature is particularly useful for businesses that require more traditional invoicing methods for certain transactions or for customers who purchase on account rather than through immediate payment methods at the POS. This setup enhances the versatility of the POS system, accommodating various types of sales transactions and customer billing preferences.
  • Multiple Copies – In SapphireOne, if the “Always Print” option is selected, entering a number in the “Multiple Copies” data entry field will instruct SapphireOne to print that number of additional copies of the POS transaction. For example, if you enter ‘1’ in this field, SapphireOne will print one copy as set by the “Always Print” option and an additional copy from the “Multiple Copies” field, resulting in a total of two copies printed. This functionality is ideal for businesses that need multiple copies of a transaction for accounting, customer receipts, or internal record-keeping.
  • Petty Cash – To effectively manage petty cash through SapphireOne, you can set up a non-diminishing item specifically for this purpose. Use the data entry field provided to create a link to this item. This setup allows for accurate tracking and management of petty cash transactions within SapphireOne, ensuring that all petty cash movements are documented and easily accessible for review or reconciliation.
  • Rounding ($0.05) – This option enables rounding off invoice amounts to the nearest 5 cents. The rounding adjustment is applied as a balancing amount to an inventory item specified in the corresponding field. This feature helps in simplifying the cash handling process, especially in regions where smallest currency denominations are not used, thereby speeding up transactions and reducing discrepancies related to small change.
  • Item –
  • Terms –

Fast Reconciliation Area – Point of Sale Page

The Fast Reconciliation area on the Point of Sale page in SapphireOne provides several options to streamline the process of reconciling cash and transactions at the end of a salesperson’s shift or business day. Here’s an overview of each feature available in this section:

  • Float – This entry field is used to set the default amount of cash that should be in the cash register at the start of each salesperson’s shift. By pre-setting this amount, you ensure a standardised starting point for each shift, simplifying the reconciliation process.
  • Totals Only – When selected, this checkbox allows the reconciliation of the Point of Sale facility to be processed based on totals only, rather than item-by-item accounting. This method speeds up the reconciliation process by focusing on overall totals rather than detailed transaction records.
  • Direct Print – Selecting this checkbox enables the automatic printing of the audit report in a predefined direct print layout after reconciliation. This layout is specifically designed for printing on a 3-inch wide slip printer. If you need to use a different type of printer, it’s recommended not to select this option to ensure compatibility with other printer formats.
  • Since Last Radio Buttons – The details in this section are automatically updated after each reconciliation. Typically, you can choose the ‘Count’ radio button for a straightforward tally of the takings, or the ‘Download’ radio button if you need to download a file and append the takings to that file. This flexibility allows for various methods of recording and verifying the takings.
  • Date & Time data Entry Fields- These fields in SapphireOne’s reconciliation feature allows the user to manually enter both a date and time for the reconciliation statement. Upon selection, a date and time picker alert will be displayed, facilitating easy and accurate entry of both the date and time for the reconciliation. This tool ensures that users can specify the exact moment the reconciliation applies to, which is crucial for maintaining precise financial records and ensuring consistency in reporting periods. This feature is especially helpful when reconciling records that need to reflect specific times and dates outside the standard system auto-record function.

Cash Accounts Area – Point of Sale Page

In SapphireOne, the Cash Accounts area on the Point of Sale page is designed to help manage and track cash-based transactions effectively. Each option available serves a specific purpose in the financial management of a retail or sales environment. Here’s a breakdown of the options and their functions:

  • Client – You can create and link a dummy client, typically named “CASH,” for this option. This setup allows for tracking and reporting on cash transactions as if they were handled by a Client. This is useful for keeping organised records of cash inflows from daily sales or other cash-based revenue sources.
  • Vendor – Similarly, a dummy Vendor can be created and linked to this option. This is useful for tracking cash outflows as if they were payments to a vendor. It simplifies the management of cash-based expenses and helps in accurately reporting and categorising expenditure.
  • Cash Bank – This option should be linked to a General Ledger account that is specifically set up to manage cash transactions within your business. Linking to a dedicated cash account in the General Ledger helps ensure that all cash transactions are correctly accounted for, providing clarity and accuracy in your financial statements.
  • Other Bank – Normally, this is linked to the main bank account of the business. This linkage is crucial for managing non-cash transactions that affect the primary operational bank account, ensuring that all transactions are reflected in the main financial stream of the business.

These settings in the Cash Accounts area are integral to maintaining precise control over both cash and non-cash transactions, aiding in comprehensive financial management and reporting within SapphireOne’s Point of Sale system. They ensure that all forms of transactions are accurately tracked and recorded, supporting effective financial analysis and decision-making.

In SapphireOne, it’s crucial to create and properly set up Clients or Vendors using the Client or Vendor Inquiry function before processing POS transactions. Once established, these Clients or Vendors must be linked in the POS system, ensuring that transactions are automatically attributed to the correct accounts. If this step is overlooked and a POS transaction is attempted without linking a Client or Vendor, the resulting Sales Client Invoice (SCI) will generate an error, indicating missing necessary data and preventing the transaction from completing properly. This setup is essential for accurate financial tracking and efficient transaction processing.

No Sale Command Area – Point of Sale Page

The No Sale Command in SapphireOne is used to trigger the opening of the cash drawer, and is configured using the following option:

  • Ascii Code – To open the till, an Ascii code is entered in this field. This code sends a command directly to the cash drawer to prompt it to open, facilitating access without processing a sale. For the correct Ascii code and setup instructions, please consult with SapphireOne support staff. They can provide the necessary details to ensure that the cash drawer operates seamlessly with the POS system.

Default Report Area – Point of Sale Page

The Default Report area in SapphireOne is designed to configure receipt setups for POS transactions, typically requiring two printouts: one for the customer and one for the retailer. The setup involves a key option:

  • Option Menu – This drop-down menu typically defaults to “Plain Paper,” but offers a variety of printing options to suit different needs. While many POS systems commonly use thermal roll paper due to its efficiency and speed in printing, SapphireOne is versatile enough to support printing on virtually any type of paper required by your business. This flexibility ensures that regardless of the specific needs or equipment of your POS setup, you can customise the output to match, providing professional and appropriate receipts for both customers and the retailer.

Payroll/HR Page in Master Defaults

The Payroll/HR Page within the Master Defaults of SapphireOne is specifically designed to streamline the configuration of payroll and human resources settings. This dedicated section allows for the establishment of defaults that facilitate the efficient processing, creation, and completion of various Payroll/HR tasks. By setting these defaults, businesses can ensure consistency and accuracy in payroll operations, enhance compliance with employment laws, and improve overall HR management practices. This setup is critical for automating routine processes, such as salary calculations, tax deductions, and benefits management, making the Payroll/HR department more effective and reducing administrative burdens.

Payroll Default Area – Payroll/HR Page

In the Payroll Default Area of the Payroll/HR Page in SapphireOne, you have specific options that help streamline the administration of payroll tasks. Here are the details of the available settings:

  • Default Payslip For Printing – This option allows users to choose the style of printing a payslip from a menu that currently includes twelve different default options. Each style may vary in layout, detail, and information provided, catering to different organisational requirements or personal preferences. This flexibility ensures that the payslips can be tailored to meet the needs of both the employer and the employees, providing clear and comprehensive wage statements.
  • Journal Line Detail – Users can select from five available options to determine how much detail is shown in the payroll journal entries. This functionality allows for varying levels of granularity in recording payroll transactions in the general ledger, which can be crucial for financial reporting, audits, and compliance with accounting standards. Depending on the selected setting, the journal entries can either provide a simple summary or detailed line items for each aspect of payroll.

For companies managing payroll across multiple departments and locations, it is strongly recommended to use the option “Full Detail by Employee and Company” in the Journal Line Detail settings on the Payroll/HR Page in SapphireOne. This setting provides comprehensive details in the payroll journal entries, ensuring that each transaction is recorded with complete visibility into which employee and department are involved.

  • Default First Note – Selecting this option allows you to set the default value for the first note in the payroll system.
  • Round Cash To Nearest – This option is used to specify how cash payments are rounded, determining the coinage used in cash payroll calculations. It helps in aligning payroll disbursements with available currency denominations, simplifying cash payments to employees.
  • Default Period – By selecting either “Hourly” or “Daily”, you set the time period for calculating Award Entitlements. This defines how entitlements like overtime, bonuses, and leave accruals are computed, based on the hours or days worked.
  • Default Start Day of Week – This setting allows you to specify the day that marks the start of the work week for payroll calculations. This is crucial for accurately tracking work hours, overtime, and compliance with weekly work limits according to employment laws.
  • Costing Method – Selecting a Costing Method enables you to use: None, Department, or Project.
    • By Dept – If by Dept is selected and a single Cash Journal is used, SapphireOne will generate a separate cash payment journal for each department.
    • None – If “None” is selected, regardless of the number of departments, a single merged Cash Payment Journal will be created. This setup is connected to the Accounts Defaults area and influenced by the “Single Cash Payment Journal” checkbox.
  • Allow Access To Payroll/HR Transactions In Accounts Mode – By default, payroll/HR transactions are not displayed in Accounts mode in SapphireOne. Selecting this option will make these transactions visible, allowing Account or Payroll/HR managers to access and manage these transactions directly from Accounts mode. However, enabling this feature requires careful user setup:
    • User Access – Additional settings must be adjusted in each user’s Access file on the Menus Page to ensure proper access controls and maintain security.
  • Generate Superannuation VI’s Monthly – This option in SapphireOne is designed to simplify the management of superannuation contributions by consolidating them into a single monthly transaction. Typically, SapphireOne calculates and generates superannuation Vendor Invoices (VI’s) after each pay run. However, when this option is selected, SapphireOne will only generate superannuation VI’s once a month, during the End of Month process. This adjustment helps streamline the administrative workload associated with superannuation, making it more efficient by reducing the frequency of transactions and aligning contribution processing with other monthly financial activities.

Disk Bank File Area – Payroll/HR Page

The single options is as follows.

  • End Of Line – This area only contains one item the indicator which is a Carriage Return and should not be altered..

Custom Area – Payroll/HR Page

The Custom Area on the Payroll/HR Page in SapphireOne provides flexibility by allowing users to customise certain data entry field headings within an Employee Inquiry. This feature enables businesses to tailor the payroll and HR system to better match their specific operational requirements and data management preferences.

  • Tag1, Tag2, Tag3 – These tags are located in the Grouping area on the first page of an Employee Inquiry. They are designed to help categorise and segment employee data for more granular reporting and analysis. Just like tags in other areas of SapphireOne, these can be used to filter and sort employee information based on custom criteria set by the organisation, facilitating targeted HR reports and data insights.
  • Rename Alt Rate Name – This feature in SapphireOne allows for customisation of alternative rate names on the Salary Page of an Employee Inquiry. Located centrally on the page near the Hourly Pay Rate, this section includes three fields labeled A B and C. These field headings can be customised to suit different pay rate categories or special compensations that an organisation might offer beyond the standard hourly rate.
    • Renaming – When renaming these alternative rate fields, it’s important to consider the length of the new headings. If they are excessively long, SapphireOne will truncate them on payslips. This truncation could potentially lead to confusion or misinterpretation of the payslip details.

Payslip Options Area – Payroll/HR Page

The options are as follows.

  • Only Display Total For Monthly Payslips – Selecting this checkbox prevents the quantity of an allowance from being printed on a monthly payslip.
  • Use TTD On Payslips – Selecting this checkbox will cause SapphireOne to print the Total to Date from the commencement of employment instead of Year to Date (Default). 
  • For Direct Print Rediform 403 Format – Selecting this checkbox enables the format for a pre-printed security pay envelope.
  • Join Allowances Of Same Name On Payslips – Selecting this checkbox will cause SapphireOne to combine Allowances of the same name but different departments and ID’s.
  • Add YTD Super To Payslips – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will print YTD Super amount paid so far on the Employee Payslips. 
  • Add YTD Super Paid To Payslips – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will display how much superannuation has been Paid in addition to how much has accrued to be paid. The superannuation paid is indicated by the Super Paid function from the Payroll/HR Menu. 
  • Superannuation Display – For this option, the user has three choices:
    • Display Active Funds (default).
    • Include Inactive Funds.
    • Do Not Display.

The default setting for the above is to display active funds only, but the user can change this as required.

General Area – Payroll/HR Page

The options are as follows.

  • Do Test Version of ATO Magnetic Media – Selecting this checkbox provides testing facilities prior to live lodgement. 
  • Sort Employees By Department – Selecting this checkbox permits sorting by department. 
  • Allow RDO Accrual To Be Negative – Selecting this checkbox allows for negative accruals of your RDO. 
  • Payroll Period To Override Financial – Selecting this checkbox will cause SapphireOne to insert the Payroll/HR period in the transaction when creating the Cash Payment, (MP) in Financials. If left un-ticked the transaction will have the period that Financials is operating in to be inserted in the Transaction. 
  • Use Alternative Number Of Fortnights In A Year – Selecting this checkbox will cause SapphireOne to override how many fortnights there are in a year to a number specified that is not equal to 26. 
  • Always Round Tax Up To Nearest Dollar – Selecting this checkbox will make SapphireOne round up the tax to be paid to the nearest dollar on all occasions. This checkbox operates on a company by company basis. If the checkbox is not selected, tax for this company will not be rounded up to the next dollar. Then, if FX is used for some employees, an award maybe created for them and rounding, turned on in the Details page. When rounding is turned on in an award, it over-ride the selection of the checkbox and all employees included in the award they will then have rounding applied. 
  • Allow Payroll To Clone GL Accounts – Selecting this checkbox will tell SapphireOne that if the G/L account for the department that the employee is in does not exist, it is to create it by cloning, and then create the G/L transaction as normal. 
  • Calculate Leave On Current Payrun Employee Only – Selecting this checkbox tells SapphireOne to calculate leave based on the current payrun and not all previous payruns. 
  • Always Process Payrun On Client – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will execute the payrun on the local machine and not the server.
  • Disable ESCT – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will not deduct Employer superannuation contribution tax from employer contributions.
  • Import Timesheet With Inventory GL – When this checkbox is selected and a timesheet is imported as a line into a working transaction, SapphireOne will use the Inventory cogs general Ledger account on that line. 
  • Disable Auto Split on Tax – When this is selected SapphireOne will ignore any departmental costing splits set up in an employee inquiry 
  • Import Timesheet with Start/Finish Date – When this checkbox is selected and a time sheet is imported into a working transaction SapphireOne will use the Start/Finish date that is entered into the time sheets header. 
  • Enable Termination Annual Leave Net –
  • Default To Email On Payrun – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will not bring up the print checkbox as active. It will only activate the email checkbox. The user may at the time select the print checkbox so that SapphireOne will print as well as send an email when the payrun is completed. 
  • Update Finish Date On Termination – When an employee in the employees master record. has been terminated SapphireOne will enter the finish date

Superannuation Area – Payroll/HR Page

The options are as follows.

  • Use Allowance For Credit Side Of Super – Selecting this checkbox will allow you to reverse the journal created between the Allowance and the Account specified in System Controls, Period and Super GL. 
  • Activate New Super – Selecting the checkbox allows superannuation to be set up under Employee Defaults. 
  • Calculate Super on Gross To Nearest Dollar – Selecting the checkbox will cause SapphireOne to round superannuation amounts on the Gross amount to the nearest dollar. 
  • Calculate Super On Custom Real 1 – When the checkbox is selected super will be based on a % of Custom Real 1 field from Employee Inquiry / Custom Fields and not on their Gross. 
  • Proportional Super By Project – If the checkbox is selected SapphireOne will allow the splitting of superannuation on a project by project basis.
  • Calculate minimum super payment based on the Pay start date –

For Department based companies the default sort for the Employees, Standing transactions and Working Transactions Inquiries may be set to the Department. 

Account Defaults Area – Payroll/HR Page

There are initially two checkboxes visible and selecting the first checkbox causes SapphireOne to display the second checkbox. The options are as follows.

  • Create Cash Payment Journal – Selecting this checkbox will cause SapphireOne to generate the MP journal for posting to SapphireOne Financials.
    • Single Cash Payment Journal –Once the first checkbox above, is selected you then have the option of selecting this checkbox. SapphireOne then generates a single cash line MP for the whole pay run. This does not override the multiple journal line entry in G/L. (The default setting). (It is linked to the Costing Method in the Payroll/HR Defaults area). The user will be asked when executing a Pay run if they want a single entry to be displayed when the Bank Rec is being processed. 
  • Use TSB For Downloading Timesheets – When timesheets are downloaded from Financials, TSB format from the Gateway documentation is used instead of TSA. Please refer to the SapphireOne Gateway Tech-note for more information. 
  • Auto Correct GL accounts on Journals Regardless of Intercompany – Disallow users with inter-company access from posting a journal to a GL account that the journal was not established within.

Single Touch Payroll Area – Payroll/HR Page

The single options is as follows.

  • Phase 2 – We started with single touch payroll. During the switch to version 2 we needed the ability to switch between the two. From now on this checkbox must be selected.

Leave Defaults Area – Payroll/HR Page

The options are as follows.

  • Accumulate Leave Using Pro Rata Method – Selecting this checkbox allows a new method of calculating leave, which reduces incremental rounding errors. Under the old method the leave is based on the conditions of the individual pay run and calculated on hours worked using the leave details in the previous pay run, as a default. Under the new method leave is calculated daily based on the award and employee’s details. This allows leave to be more accurate and enhanced to support Pro Rata as it takes into account the employee’s leave history. Please see Tech-note 44 Pro Rata Leave. 
  • Take Leave Loading On Alternate Rate – Selecting the checkbox allows the calculation of Leave Loading on an alternative rate as set in the Employee Details. 
  • Display Carer/Personal On Payslips – Can be used if Pro rata leave is set active.
  • Display Holiday – Can be used if Pro rata leave is set active.
  • Display Long Service – Can be used if Pro rata leave is set active.
  • Display Public Holiday – Can be used if Pro rata leave is set active.

Custom Page in Master Defaults

Workbook Page in Master Defaults

The Workbook Page in Master Defaults is for the renaming of a number of Data Entry Field headings in Workbook mode. These functions are accessible from the Inquiry Menu in Work Book Mode. They are all also accessible from the Inquiry Pallet as well. Actions and Contacts are also available from many menus in SapphireOne as the last items on the drop-down list. 

Mailbook Area – Workbook Page

The options are as follows.

  • Mailbook area – Tag headings in the mail book function.
    • Tag, Tag2, Tag3 – The three tag headings may all be renamed here in this Work book page in Master Defaults. The user should remember that these are just default headings established as place holders ready to be altered to any name that the user wants.
    • Grouping area – In a Mail book inquiry the user will find all three of these tags in the grouping area about half way down the page.
    • User Createable lists – In addition to being able to modify the headings in this area the user is also able to create drop down menus as required.

Action Check Boxes Area – Workbook Page

The options are as follows.

  • Action Check Boxes Area – In the Actions function there is an area at the top right-hand corner of the screen.
    • Check 1 to Check 5 – This area has five initially empty fields with checkboxes at their right hand side. These five fields are populated with the details as entered here from Check 1 through to Check 5.

Contact Phone Titles Area – Workbook Page

The user will find these phone headings on the first page of a Client or Vendor Inquiry in the Address area. The options are as follows.

  • Title 1 to Title 4 – These fields allow the user to enter in a name for the phone number headings from 1 to 4. The appropriate telephone numbers may be entered as required. Home, Mobile and Work are several common names however any name may be used. 

Contact Phone Items Area – Workbook Page

In the Contacts function there is a Details area halfway down the screen. This Details area contains provision for the entry of a number of types of communication with the contact. In the center column there is a heading Fax No with three data entry fields above it. The options are as follows.

  • Item1 , Item 2, Item 3 – Item 1, 2 and three are the field headings from this master default workbook function. They will be blank until the headings are entered here.

Assets Page in Master Defaults

The Assets Page allows you to set your Asset defaults for SapphireOne. 

General Defaults Area – Assets Page 

The options are as follows.

  • Claim Depreciation In Year Of Disposal – Selecting this checkbox instructs Assets not to zero out the current years’ depreciation when an asset is sold. 
  • Single Journal For Each Transaction Type – Selecting this checkbox instructs Assets to combine all transactions with the same type prior to posting to SapphireOne. 
  • Format Some Reports To Whole Dollars – Selecting this checkbox enables Assets to generate most of the reports available in whole dollars. 
  • Do Not Transfer Auto Purchases – Selecting this checkbox prevents the transfer of an asset purchase to SapphireOne as a purchase order and a vendor invoice will have been created within SapphireOne. 
  • Use New Valuation Reports – Selecting this checkbox enables the new Valuation style reports to be selected. 
  • Asset Period To Override SapphireOne – Selecting this checkbox enables the Asset period to override the SapphireOne period.
  • Depreciate On Closing Written Down Value – Selecting this checkbox instructs Assets to calculate depreciation on the Closing Written Down Value if required. If this is left un-ticked then an additional Depreciate On Opening Written Down Value checkbox will appear. Deselecting the Depreciate On Closing Written Down Value will use the Depreciate On Opening Written Down Value to be displayed preventing the selection of both of them at the same time. 
  • Auto Purchase on Auto Depreciation defaults to C Tax Code – Selecting this check box tells SapphireOne to depreciate based on the ex GST Price. SapphireOne normally includes GST when calculating GST 

Defaults Area – Assets Page 

This controls which depreciation schedule that will be posted to SapphireOne. The options are as follows.

  • Export To SapphireOne –
  • Assets Only –
  • Export To SapphireOne
  • Assets Only –

Tags Area – Assets Page 

The options are as follows.

  • Tag1, Tag2, Tag3 – These are tag headings that may be renamed as the user requires. Theyare tag headings that are displayed on the details page of an Asset Inquiry in the Grouping area. It should be noted that these headings are for user createable drop down list that the user may set up as required.

Tax Area – Assets page

The options are as follows.

  • Type –
  • Rate –

Country Area – Assets Page

The options are as follows.

  • Type –
  • Rate –

Integrations Pages in Master Defaults

The functionality of all third-party integrations of SapphireOne is managed here in the Integrations pages in Master Default. The user will notice that the functionality of the Integrations pages is organised between two tabbed sections, which are Page 1 and Page 2. It should be noted that in some cases, only basic documentation will be provided for each third-party integration here. Additional documentation can be found within the online support documentation of the respective services.

Integrations Area / Tab 1 – Integrations Page

XML Group – Integrations Page

The options are as follows.

  • XML Vendor Block Import –

Data Imports Group – Integrations Page

Please note that this procedure is the same for both Imports and Exports in this area.
The only difference being that for imports you are telling SapphireOne where the folder it is to get the data from. For exporting you are telling it the folder that it is to send the data to.

The four items in this area are all used to import data into the data file. They are Freight Update, XML, Mercer Journal & Frontier Journal. When a time has been entered these operations become automated procedures where data may be imported into the data file. For further details on functionality please ring SapphireOne support staff for details.
The procedure for setting all of these up are all the same. The options are as follows.

  • Time – First enter the time that the operation is to be executed.
  • Import Location – Once a time has been entered click in the area just to the right of where the time has been entered.
    • Folder Selection – Navigate to the folder where the data is to be imported from. It must be in text or CSV formats.

Data Exports group – Integrations Page

SapphireOne supports exporting data from a number of tables as follows. Once the Start and Recurring data fields have been entered the procedure for The Inventory, Client and Vendor tables is the same. Provision has been made to export one, two or all of the tables as required. The options are as follows.

  • Start – Enter in a time that the export procedure is to commence.
    • Recurring Hour – If this is to occur every 24 hours leave it as set 0, zero. If set at 1 every 1 hour, 2 every 2 hours or 6 every 6 hours and so on.
  • Name Table – Click and navigate to the folder where the import file is to be exported to.
  • Query – When this button is selected SapphireOne will display a query enabling the user to select any cell in the table for export.
  • Field Selection – When this button is selected SapphireOne will display a list of fields available for export. Multiple fields may be selected by selecting the checkbox in the Use column.
    • Cell Selection – The only items that will be exported will be those that have the checkbox selected alongside them.
  • File Format – The user is supplied with a drop down menu with the following options for the file export format. Either an XML or CSV style format file, or create both formats in two files.

SapphireOne now supports a number of payment options and currently is adding additional functionality or connectivity to and from various systems. A means of accessing or using these systems will be provided from within SapphireOne, so that these payment systems may be integrated into SapphireOne. From now on these Integrations pages here in Master defaults will become a common location for storing the credentials for these payment options and systems. They all have some basic documentation here in this reference manual and additional details may be found on the world wide web.

Web API Group – Integrations Page

SapphireOne now has a Web based API for the importing or exporting data in or out of the data file. Please ring SapphireOne support for more details. The options are as follows.

  • API Key – An API key must be created by the user. If the user want to create a random key select the Generate button. The randomly generated key will be inserted into the key data field.
  • API IP – Enter the IP address of the API location.

FX Rates Feed Group – Integrations Page

These services are usually a paid service. The options are as follows.

  • Type – Select the FX rate option required from the drop down menu. When a selection is made SapphireOne will load the FX rates as selected. The options to read the FX rates from are,, or
  • API Key – If an API key is required enter the API key in this field.

Payment Gateway Group – Integrations Page

At present the CyberSource and Stripe gateways are supported. Information about the CyberSource and Stripe Payment Gateway systems may be found on the web or on SapphireOne’s main page under Partners. A selection made from the Type drop down menu will cause the associated area to alter as required, so that the appropriate credentials may be entered.

PayPal Group – Integrations Page

For PayPal functionality the user will have to obtain a Client ID and a Secret text from PayPal. It should also be noted that this PayPal feature requires a SapphireOne web pack license.

Before PayPal may be processed some items in the SapphireOne data file will have to be setup.

PayPal General Ledger Accounts Setup

First go into Accounts mode and execute a General Ledger Inquiry. For every currency that PayPal is to be used in ensure that a General Ledger Account which is a bank account is created.

PayPal Company Setup

Go to Utilities mode and select the Controls menu on the main toolbar. From this select a Company Inquiry.

  • Company Inquiry – In a Company inquiry select the Control Accounts Page.
  • Control Accounts – Go down to the PayPal item at the bottom of the list.
    • Map Accounts – Select the Map Accounts button. A window will be displayed allowing the user to select the FX GL accounts that you have set up using the Accounts details just above.
    • Add GL Account – Select the button to add the FX bank accounts as required for PayPal operation in FX.

Remember the order that this has been setup. Create your G/L Accounts first then link them to the PayPal API using the procedure above. Once the above has been completed you are now ready to start on your Master Default Settings.

PayPal Master Default Settings

Next go to Utilities mode and select the Controls menu on the main toolbar.
From there select the Master Defaults option and proceed as follows.

  • System Page – On SapphireOne page go to the Network & Web area in the lower right-hand corner and enter in your company’s Public URL.
  • Integrations Page – Your business will have to contact PayPal and organise a Commerce agreement with them. They will then give your business a PayPal Client ID and a secret to be entered as text.
    • Client ID – Enter the Client ID as provided by PayPal.Secret – Enter in the secret as Provided by PayPal.Payment Sync – A time has to be entered here so that the SapphireOne server will sync with the PayPal server and transfer all payments made since the last sync connection was conducted.
    • Include Payment link on Sales Invoice Email – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will display a one time only payment link for a browser on the email that is sent to the customer.

PayPal Payment Procedure
  • Include Payment link on Sales Invoice Email – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will perform a number of tasks when a PayPal transaction is processed via the web pack.
    • Payment – SapphireOne will include a Payment button on the SCI or OCI that SapphireOne emails to the customer. They may then pay their invoice online through PayPal and SapphireOne’s web pack once they select it.
    • PayPal Login – No login is required by the user, as the Payment button is hardwired to go to SapphireOne’s web pack online, and then directly to the user’s transaction and no other transaction or location within the web pack.
  • Processing – Once processed depending on the information provided, SapphireOne will create a CR, CF, VP, VF, or MP for the transaction with Custom fields as provided. (Paid with SapphireOne PayPal link on the email so that it records the Client ID and Invoice number).
  • Allocation – It then automatically allocates to the invoice within SapphireOne.
  • Payment Sync – When SapphireOne syncs with the PayPal data base online, the Invoice number and Client ID will then be recorded in PayPal’s database as well.
  • Transaction Completion – Once SapphireOne has determined that the transaction has been paid, the link from the button to SapphireOne’s web pack will be broken, so that it can no longer be used, and the amount owing will change as well.

SpliceCom Group – Integrations Page

SapphireOne has partnered with SpliceCom to provide telephony access directly for SapphireOne.

MailChimp Group – Integrations Page

SapphireOne integration ensures your contacts are updated automatically in MailChimp. Import your databases from SapphireOne into MailChimp and with the new Create Member in MailChimp button, connect contacts individually. Subscribe contacts to different targeted marketing campaigns and the automated feature in MailChimp lets you set and forget. Once you have a MailChimp API Key, the MailChimp button will populate on all Contacts Details page.

IntegraPay Group – Integrations Page

IntegraPay is a payment solutions that enables businesses to accept recurring and one-off payments from bank accounts or credit / debit cards via Direct Debit, online / ecommerce and mobile apps.
They have a page on the internet which can be accessed by going to The options are as follows.

  • Business ID – Enter your Business ID provided by IntegraPay.
  • User Name – Enter your user Name provided by IntegraPay.
  • Password – Enter your password as provided by IntegraPay.
  • eDDR Template – Select your IntegraPay template.

Optus SMS Group – Integrations Page

Optus SMS is a cloud based messaging platform that connects your business to an enterprise messaging solution providing your business with a SapphireOne API-deployed SMS messaging solution. The options are as follows.

  • Application – Enter the application name provided by Optus.
  • Password – Enter the password supplied by Optus.

Fair Work Pay database Group – Integrations Page

The options are as follows.

  • Key –

Integrations Area / Tab 2 – Integrations Page

SPS Commerce Group – Integrations Page

SPS Commerce is a retail gateway with the largest network of EDI connections. It seamlessly connects with SapphireOne for automation of exchanges with trading partners. SapphireOne now supports SPS commerce or EDI services, Electronic Data Interchange.
The link to their web site is:

SKF Group – Integrations Page

SKF provides online purchase and information. It includes a range of functionality, including: catalogue search, price and availability information, inquiries and offers, purchase order submission, order history and package tracking.

SKF Setup
  • Inventory Items – For all Inventory Items to be used with this SKF function the following details must be set up.
    • Default Vendor- On the More Details Page of an Inventory Inquiry all Inventory Items must have the default Vendors ID entered as SKF.
    • Product ID – Make sure that for the Product ID, the user enters the SKF Product ID. If this is not entered and left blank SapphireOne will use the SapphireOne Inventory Product ID instead.
  • Hard Drive – An SKF Directory or folder has to be created on the server.
    • This should point to the master directory where the SKF-EA system has been installed.
    • This main directory or folder should contain folders like Batch, Incoming and Outgoing sub directories.
  • Customer ID – The ID SKF gives customers a numeric value only not an alpha numerical ID. Please verify with SKF, and see if this is the correct customer ID when they send it to you.

SKF Functionality

Pushing a Purchase Order to SKF

The SapphireOne client application does not have to be the running on the same machine where SKF-EA is installed. To proceed with an SKF order proceed as follows.

  • Location – Go to Inventory > Purchases > Transaction inquiry.
  • Selection – Highlight the orders OVI’s only, as it will not work on any other type of transaction.
  • Sapphire Tools – Open Sapphire Tools and select SKF > Send to SEA
    • Upload Files – This will create the upload files in the Outgoing/Orders directory under the directory setup in the master defaults.
    • Tags – Once all the files have been successfully uploaded, the respective OVI’s tags in the transaction inquiry will have been changed to Order Uploaded.
    • Overwriting Tags – It is important to not overwrite the tag after this step as SapphireOne and SKF will look for it at the next step in the procedure.

Getting update status of the OVI’s from SKF

This step is automatic as the code currently runs every hour, when the SKF directory has been setup in Master defaults.
Based on 3 different types of files detected in a different sub directory it does different things.

SKF Order Acknowledgement

Once it detects the file in the Incoming/Acknowledgements folder it will do the following.

  • Checking – It will try to find any OVI’s, with the tag Order Uploaded that match the internal reference number.
    • Processing – Once it has successfully found the matching OVI’s, it will update it’s external reference to the SKF order number, and also change the OVI’s tag to Confirmed.
    • Overwriting Tags – It is important to not overwrite the tag after this step as SapphireOne and SKF will look for it at the next step in the procedure

SKF Shipment Advice
  • Shipping Detection – Once it detects the file in the Incoming/Shipping Advices folder it will do as follows.
    • Confirmed – It will try to find OVI’s, with the tag set as Confirmed that matches the internal reference number.
    • Dispatched – Once it successfully found the matching OVI’s, it will change the tag to Dispatched.
    • Overwriting Tags – It is important to not overwrite the tag after this step as SapphireOne and SKF will look for it at the next step in the procedure

SKF Invoice

Once it detects the file in the Incoming/Invoices folder it will do as follows.

  • Checking – It will try to find the OVI’s, with tag Dispatched that matches the internal reference number.
    • Invoice – Once it has successfully found the OVI’s, it will change the tag to Invoiced.

EasyPost API Group – Integrations Page

EasyPost is a multi-carrier shipping solution. The EasyPost API is one integration point for 100+ carriers, including Australia Post. The link to their web site is:

All Australia Post functionality is accessible using the EasyPost API, including tracking as a standalone product. EasyPost standardises the inconsistencies across carrier tracking and shipping.

MoveIt Group – Integrations Page

The MoveIt® family of companies continues a tradition of value-added transportation and logistics started in 1979 by Computer Transportation Services. With proven dedication and experience, MoveIt® utilises unparalleled shipping technology in order to ensure that they exceed expectations – year after year. Shippers around the world with specialised requirements choose MoveIt® to increase efficiency and guarantee that their business continues to run smoothly.

SapphireOne now incorporates the MoveIt API allowing direct interfacing with the SapphireOne data file. The options are as follows.

  • Label Printer 1 – 3 – The default data entry that is required for the Movit API is the entry of the Labels required for each printer that is used when using the MoveIt API.
  • Use Demo Site for MoveIt – Enable the demo site option by selecting the checkbox

Integrations Testing Group – Integrations Page

Several API systems currently offer testing sites for their applications. To utilise this functionality. The options are as follows.

  • Australia Post API – Select the test site checkbox.
  • Toll API – Opt for the test site option by selecting the checkbox.
  • Toll API (alternative) – Utilise MyTeamGE by selecting the checkbox.

Be sure to uncheck the test checkbox before processing any item for the respective API.

BCF Group – Integrations Page

E-Commerce group – Integrations Page

The link to their web site is:
In a nutshell, e-commerce is just the process of buying and selling produce by electronic means such as by mobile applications and the Internet. Ecommerce refers to both online retail as well as electronic transactions. Ecommerce has hugely increased in popularity over the last decades, and in ways, it’s quickly replacing traditional brick and mortar stores.
Ecommerce enables you to buy and sell products on a global scale, twenty-four hours a day without incurring the same overheads as you would with running a brick and mortar store. For the best marketing mix and the best conversion rate, an Ecommerce venture should also have a physical presence; this is better known as a click and mortar store.
SapphireOne’s API will currently directly integrate with three of these Ecommerce stores, Shopify, WooCommerce and BigCommerce. More e-commerce integrations will be added in future.

Brandscope group – Integrations Page

Brandscope is the new way to launch, source and buy brands. Connected with SapphireOne to release and buy multiple brands and centralise finances on the one platform.

Anaconda Group – Integrations Page

Sapphire Gateway Page in Master Defaults

Gateway Group – Sapphire Gateway Page

The single options is as follows.

• Run Gateway Script – When this checkbox is selected the associated browse button will become active allowing you to navigate to a location on your systems hard drive for a Script file to run from.

It should be noted that this Script file must not contain formatting and be a simple text file. These files contain Custom Commands. These Custom Commands are listed in a separate article API Gateway.
Once the checkbox above has been selected, and the navigate procedure followed, SapphireOne will proceed as follows.

  • It will then read the lines in the Script file in sequence.
    • Each line in the Script file must be the name of a Table file in this same folder.
    • Each Table file must be set up as seen in the Table files in the API Gateway manual.
  • To create these files, you have two choices.
    1. Use any Non-Formatting text editor.
    2. You may use a spreadsheet program like Excel to create both the Script file and the Table files but when these are saved you must tell the spreadsheet program to Save As, Tab Delimited text. Excel also treats dots and the uppercase characters above the numbers on the main keyboard somewhat strangely in cells. If uncertain look at the saved file with any Non-Formatting text editor and check for errors.

Sapphire Gateway Setup Procedure

Create a new folder on the hard drive. This folder must contain two types of files.

  1. The Script file folder containing the names of all the Script files that are to be run.
  2. The original Excel files that were use to create the script files. This is so that you can alter the script file if required.

Once the Script file has been created come back here to Master Defaults and use the button to navigate to it.

  • On execution, the Script file selected in master defaults will be looked for, and the first line (Table file name) read. SapphireOne will then look for this Table file in the current folder and run it.
    • If unsuccessful a sub folder will still be created called Gateway but no files will be created in it.
    • When a Table file is successfully run the resultant output will be placed in this Gateway folder.
    • If there are additional Lines/Table names, each line will be read and run until the end of file marker, %%%% is found.

Remember that for each line in the Script file pointing to a table file, there has to be a matching Table file for it to run in this folder.

When using Gateway II directly the % symbol is commonly used as a prefix to the Table file name to indicate to the user what is in the file. E.g. %Serial.txt.
Do not use this Table file naming convention when using the automated gateway function. Use for example Serial.txt or ExportSerial.txt. The Automated Gateway function will not work with the % symbol as a prefix to the Table file name. Do not use any of the upper-case characters/symbols at all!
Always check that the Table file name used in the main script file is complete including any file extension used E.g. Serial.txt

Each time the Automatic functions are run the previous files will be over written. Care will have to be exercised to ensure that the data written out each time is copied elsewhere on the hard drive before it is overwritten with the current data from the data base.

Gateway Setup Procedure Script File

You can use any name that is suitable for you. This should be located in its own folder that the server has access to. The reason a folder is suggested is that if you have multiple files they will be grouped in the folder and be easy to find and manage. This Script file will contain information that points to other Table files that have the commands that are to be run.
From here you have 2 choices:

  1. Have a Script file pointing to a single Table file containing multiple commands.
    • The script file will have just 2 lines in it.
      • Serial.txt The name of the Table file.
      • %%%% The end of file indicator.
  2. Have a Script file pointing to multiple Table files each Table file having a single command in it. It would have a line for each Table file that is to be run in sequence.
    • Serial.txt The name of the first Table file (Read Serial Nº?)
    • Clients.txt The second Table file. (Read Clients?)
    • Inventory.txt The third Table file. (Read Inventory?)
    • PriceBook2.txt The fourth Table file and so on. (Read PriceBook2?)
    • %%%% The end of file indicator.

In the second option above SapphireOne would read and run each Table file in succession until it reached the %%%% symbols indicating end of file.

The %%%% is critical in all files. It must be at the beginning of the last row to be read in each and every file.

Colours Page in Master Defaults

The Colours Page enables the changing of colours in the Line Listing area of forms in Accounts and Inventory as well as the Background colours. 

Some of the forms within SapphireOne are very similar, for example a Cash Receipt and a Cash Payment so clearly identifying these to try and minimise the mistake of entering a Receipt instead of a Payment for example is essential. One way is to use different colours within the forms themselves and this Colours Page in Master Defaults enables this to be set up. 

To alter a colour, click on the window next to the heading for each item and a standard colour pick dialog will be displayed enabling a user to select a colour.

Accounts Group and Inventory Area – Colours Page

The Accounts Inventory and Production areas, are used to select the colours used in the line entry areas for the selected mode and function. The options are as follows.

  • Reset All To Default Colours – Reset the colour scheme to the SapphireOne default scheme. 

Background Selection Area – Colours Page

The Selection of a different background colour is done by selecting the Default window colour. A dialog is displayed enabling a selection to be made from the standard palette. The user may select from the colours as displayed or select: Open from file. If none of these are suitable, selecting the Default window colour will return the background colours to their default colour. 

General Ledger Page in Master Defaults

User defined Names Area – General Ledger Page

The options are as follows.

  • No 1 –
  • No 2 –

Inter-company Area – General Ledger Page

The options are as follows.

  • Link Master to Company –

General Ledger Area – General Ledger Page

The options are as follows.

  • Tax – Entering a wildcard @ or ? in this field will provide a list of options to select the default Tax Code for General Ledger accounts. For SapphireOne, this is an S.
  • Direct Bank Entry –Activates a cashbook facility in Accounts Mode when selected.
  • Bank Accounts Position – When enabled, SapphireOne will print the bank assets class within the current assets on the balance sheet in accounts.
  • Display Notes On Use – Enabling this checkbox allows any text entered into the Notes field in the General Ledger Account Inquiry screen to be displayed on-screen in the form of an alert each time that G/L account code is entered on an Accounts Transaction.
  • Departmental Balance Sheet – When selected, the control accounts will be automatically split based on the settings in the expense account.

Ageing Area – General Ledger Page

The options are as follows.

  • Date –
  • Date Report by Period –
  • Period –

Web Pack Page in Master Defaults

The WebPack Page is the eighteenth option in the page drop down list in the Master Defaults function.

General Area – Web Pack Page

The options are as follows.

  • Touch Style Checkbox – Selecting this checkbox will tell SapphireOne to switch from normal sales entry procedure to touch screen style.
  • Save Credit Card Information Checkbox – Normally SapphireOne does not store credit card information. . When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will store the data and auto fill the credit card details the next time the credit card is presented as payment.
  • Session Expire Time – This data entry field sets the time in minutes before the local device disconnects the current session from the server. (Standard security procedure).
  • Number of Search Results – When searching for any items using the web pack SapphireOne will limit the list to the of items as entered here.
  • Default Printer – If necessary a default printer may be entered in the data entry field.
  • Default Printer U – ??
  • Visitor Host Table – For security reasons access to the web pack from the internet the may be set as an employee or a visitor which allows different levels of access into the web pack function. 
  • Visitor Procedure – If a visitor is using the web pack they may need some instructions so these may be entered in the Visitor Instructions data entry area. 

Inventory Area – Web Pack Page

The options are as follows.

  • Pre Order Season – This data entry field is directly linked to a data entry field in the first page of an inventory inquiry the grouping area. The first three items in the list are tags which have been re-named as seen in the screen shot above. The Pre Order Season when a valid season is entered will restrict web pack users to only see those inventory items with the matching Pre Order as entered above. 
  • Pre Order Selection – This data selection field may also be used to reduce the number of inventory items in the list even further by selecting a Class or one of the Inventory tags from the drop-down list as seen to the right. 
  • Customer Order Message – This text field may use to automatically attach a message to order taken while using the Web Pack
  • Display Inventory Available On Current Order List – When this checkbox is selected only Inventory items available for delivery now will be displayed in the current order list. 
  • Radio Buttons – Select if the default option for inventory data entry is to Scan the item of by manual data entry by the user.
  • Scan/User Entry – By default this radio button is set on User Entry which will provide direct quantity entry on the Stock Count screen of the Sapphire Web Pack. The user will have to enter all inventory items by keyboard entry. If Scan has been selected and the device is able to scan bar codes, the user may then scan items into SapphireOne using barcodes.
  • Delivery/Arrival Show Only User Location Items – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will only display to the user the items linked to the location that he is logged in to.
  • Include Transfer On Arrival – When this checkbox is selected SapphireOne will show the TGJ on arrival. Any stock that has not arrived will have its value adjusted automatically.
  • Sales Invoice Record As POS Invoice – When this checkbox is selected, any Sales Invoice’s, SCI’s will automatically be saved as a POS invoice a TCI.
  • Modify Order On History Order Form – To be advised
  • Favorite Base On – SapphireOne will create a list of favorites for each user. It bases the criteria for this from the selection made by the user form this drop down menu. The options are, ID, Class, Area, Tag1, Tag2 or Tag3.
  • Delivery Check Packing Slip – This item allows the user to select the default printing option when a Deliver Check Packing Slip is processed

Market Area – Web Pack Page

The options are as follows.

  • Tag Break –
  • Goods Receive To – When goods are processed as received SapphireOne will save received goods as selected from the radio button. A POS PGJ or a standard PVI.
  • Goods Receive Label –
  • Client Receipt –
  • RCTI – Recipient Created Tax Invoice.

Roster Area – Web Pack Page

These two items are directly linked to the Roster function for which additional documentation is in an Employee Inquiry. The options are as follows.

  • Shift Distance – The distance that the employee is from the scheduled shift.
  • Time Margin – The time margin that will have to be allowed for at the beginning of the scheduled shift.

Web Report Variable Heading Area – Web Pack Page

There are number of headings that may be customised in the Web reports and these headings are set up here as required. This the same as in other areas of SapphireOne. Find the heading in the Web Pack, then return here and enter in the new heading that is required.

Inquiry View Setting Area – Web Pack Page

The options are as follows.

  • Stock List – When this button is selected SapphireOne displays a screen where the user may select what cells are to be displayed in a Stock List in the Web Pack.
  • Use –

Visitor Area – Web Pack Page

The options are as follows.

  • Host –
  • Employee –
  • Procedures –

Web Store Page in Master Defaults


The WebStore Page sets up parameters for an online store.  Before this is set up please check with SapphireOne support as both a WebPack enabling access to your data file from the World Wide Web and a WebStore add on may be required. 

Users are setup with access to the data file with restricted access to certain functions within the data file. This then enables the management of the business to allow Clients to access the data file from the web and enter in an Order or a pre-order. Once set up a standard html page is then populated with selected items from your inventory. 

For inventory items to be displayed in the web store the Inventory item must have the ‘Web’ checkbox selected in its Details Page. The items are then displayed based on Class and then Tag1, Tag2 and Tag3. 

Web Store Area – Web Store Page

The options are as follows.

  • Default Company – The will normally be the company that the user is logged into 
  • Default Location – Entering a will set the Inventory location that is to be used to source the stock used in the Web Store. 
  • Default Client – The entering of a is not essential but one may be entered if required. 
  • User Cannot Create New Account – Selecting the checkbox will prevent the user from creating any new Clients when using this function. 
  • Automatic Email To Customer – When the checkbox is selected SapphireOne will automatically send a confirmation email to the customer when any type of order is raised using the web pack. Email details must be set up correctly in SapphireOne for this functionality to work correctly. 
  • Exclude Tax On Price – When the checkbox is selected SapphireOne will display any prices without tax added. Normally prices on the web pack will include tax!` 
  • System Generated Random Password – When the checkbox is selected SapphireOne will generate a random password for the client or customer. Additionally, by selecting the checkbox, this will enable the generate password button.
  • Category Colour – Select a web page Category Colour.
  • Base Colour – Select a web page base colour.
  • Background Image – Select a web page background image.

You can review our Blog and YouTube channel for additional information and resources on SapphireOne ERP, CRM and Business Accounting software.

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