Assets > Assets > Contacts > Remove Duplicates
SapphireOne Remove Duplicates Tool is designed for SapphireOne’s Contacts, or in the industry, commonly referred to as CRM. SapphireOne is unique in that all Contacts are contained within in one table. Also within SapphireOne we have contacts for Clients and Vendors, we have contacts for Job Projects, we have contacts for Assets we have contacts for Employees, we have contacts for Payroll/HR, and we have General contacts that are not linked to a specific table.
The unique feature within SapphireOne Contacts is that the SapphireOne user has the ability to verify the table the contact is linked to. This table link is referred to in the contact page as Link.
In this scenario, it’s relatively simple for users to have entered the same contact more than once into SapphireOne, for example, the same Client and the same Vendor. This Tool when executed will simply identify the duplicates by various criteria and then allow the user, if they have the authorisation, to remove or delete the duplicates.
This function will remove any duplicates from your list of contacts.
SapphireOne Remove Duplicates Tool is designed for SapphireOne’s Contacts, or in the industry, commonly referred to as CRM. This Tool when executed will simply identify the duplicates by various criteria and then allow the user, if they have the authorisation, to remove or delete the duplicates.
You can review our Blog and YouTube channel for additional information and resources on SapphireOne ERP, CRM and Business Accounting software.