Last Arrivals - Unveiling The Latest Inventory Arrivals In SapphireOne

This tool is redundant and has been removed, as SapphireOne now includes arrival functionality as a dedicated function. This function is accessible at Inventory > Purchase > Arrivals > Last Arrivals.

Last Arrivals Overview

The Sapphire Last Arrivals tool enables the SapphireOne user to display the last arrivals and is used in conjunction with barcode scanners. SapphireOne Arrivals provides an overview of all recorded incoming inventory arrivals that can be processed and allocated based on the recorded outstanding Order Vendor Invoice (OVI). 

The SapphireOne Arrivals function can be found in both Transaction inquiry within Inventory Purchases and Inventory Transaction Inquiry within Job Projects Costs. Within Inventory Purchases, the SapphireOne Arrivals functionality commonly provides a method to observe and audit your business or organisations inventory levels against existing orders. The SapphireOne Arrivals feature displays all orders that still have items to be delivered including those that are on Back Order.

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