Temporarily Remove From BAS - Exclude Transactions for Accurate Reporting

Accounts > History > Transactions > Temporarily Remove From BAS

Temporarily Remove from BAS Tool Overview

Retention’s for the purpose of the BAS included only upon receiving payment, in effect, applying Cash Accounting. Yet, the Accounting Standards state that including these values within ‘Work in Progress’ under an Accrual Accounting system. Typically, SapphireOne provides the Temporarily Remove From BAS tool to make this possible. Therefore, allowing the user to select specific transactions and exclude these from the BAS Query.  Additionally, retentions can be held for a month, two years or more.

SapphireOne creates all retention transactions with an External Reference of ‘RT’. Firstly, begin with searching for Retention Transaction with your SapphireOne datafile. Then, open the Transaction Inquiry screen and use SapphireOne Quick Find function to enter SapphireOne WildCard Search ‘RT@’. As a result, it will create a Subset of all retention transactions.

To use the Temporarily Remove from BAS Tool:

  1. Highlight the transactions you wish to exclude from the BAS Calculation.
  2. Select the Sapphire Tools icon and select ‘Temporarily Remove from BAS.’ 

Alternatively, if you require cancelling this function, immediately select the transaction/s again and select from the same Sapphire Tools menu Cancel Temporary Removal from BAS.

Furthermore, there is a check box in Master Defaults where you may elect to automatically remove retention amounts from the BAS. Again, this can be done by navigating to: Utilities > Controls > Master Defaults > Projects. 

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