Reverse PGJ - Reverse and Create New Purchase Goods Journal

Inventory > Purchases > Transactions Inquiry > Reverse PGJ

Reversing An Inwards Goods Transaction (Reverse Purchase Goods Journal (PGJ)) Overview

If an Inwards Goods transaction has been Posted but not Processed through to a Purchase Vendor Invoice (PVI), the SapphireOne user has the option to reverse it.

Firstly, within your SapphireOne Tools drop-down menu, there is now the option to Reverse the Purchase Goods Journal (PGJ). A new Purchase Goods Journal (PGJ) will be created in reverse of the original. As a result, this process will then cancel out the original PGJ. Subsequently, a new Order Vendor Invoice (OVI) will be created in lieu of the Original PGJ that was deleted.

Reversing an un-posted PGJ in your SapphireOne will have the following effects.

  • For Normal Inventory (Product):
    • A debit inwards goods processing
    • A Credit Inventory Asset
  • For Non-Stocking Inventory (Job, Services and Non-Diminishing Items):
    • A debit inwards goods processing
    • A Credit Labor cogs

The Reverse Purchase Goods Journal tools give the SapphireOne user the ability to reverse their purchase inwards goods efficiently.

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