Open Allocated Lines - Maximise Order Visibility With Allocated Line Access

Inventory > Sales > Transaction Lines > Open Allocated Lines

Open Allocated Lines Overview

The Sapphire Open Allocated Lines tool enables the SapphireOne user to open lines allocated to a sales transactions inquiry. This gives the SapphireOne user the ability to display all allocated lines of inventory or stock for that particular order.

For example, you may have a surfboard manufacturing company and have received an order from a client for 100 surfboards. Within your warehouse you may have 80 surfboards in stock that are ready for shipment but require another 20 boards to be shaped to fulfill the order. Once the remaining 20 boards are ready for shipment, the SapphireOne user can utilise the Sapphire Open Allocated Lines tool to view the order and display the allocated inventory to that order. This allows the SapphireOne user to view the remaining amount of inventory required to be allocated to fulfill the order.

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