Sapphire Tools Index - Discover Powerful SapphireOne Tools

Sapphire Tools Index – Overview

This Sapphire Tools Index provides the SapphireOne user with a comprehensive list of Sapphire Tools in three categories.

  • Common Tools Tools available for application independent of the currently accessed functionality.
  • Specific tools Tools provided where relevant to the currently accessed functionality.
  • Maintenance Tools Tools utilised for data file maintenance and repair.

Sapphire Tools Index – Common Tools

Tool / Article Link Description
Apply Formula The Apply Formula tool is used to batch modify fields within the entire global scope of SapphireOne utilising the application of a custom formula.
Query By Formula The SapphireOne Query by formula tool allows the user to execute and also save a query on a transaction inquiry subset using a specified custom formula.
Query By SQL Run an SQL on the 4D database. Article Pending
Quick Report The SapphireOne Quick Report editor is made available by SapphireOne for the purpose of creating ad-hoc reports in the Design and Application environment.
XML Table Export The SapphireOne XML Table Export tool enables the user to save the current transaction inquiry to an XML (Extensible Mark-up Language) document.
Re-Index The SapphireOne Re-Index tool will delete the existing indexes from your data file and will create new indexes. We recommend running prior to month end.
Write SapphireOne Write Pro offers SapphireOne users an advanced word-processing tool, fully integrated with your SapphireOne database.
View Sapphire View tool is a functionality and form area that enables the SapphireOne user to embed spreadsheet features and word processor documents in their forms.
Sapphire Custom Report The Sapphire Custom Report feature allows users to create a myriad of different reports from all available data tables and fields from within SapphireOne.
Sapphire Custom List Report The Sapphire Custom List Report contains preexisting report templates which allow users to quickly create reports of different dataset lists in SapphireOne.

Sapphire Tools Index – Specific Tools

Tool / Article Link Description
Add Promotion The Sapphire Add Promotion tool enables the SapphireOne user to add a promotion to any rebate in association with inventory, for a particular client or vendor.
Add Uniform Leave The SapphireOne ‘Add Uniform Leave’ Tool is used when an employee or group of employees need a common type of leave to be added to their Working Transactions.
ADI Time Import The SapphireOne ADI Time Import Tool imports a text file that records Employee Names, Allowance Types and Allowance Hours within a working transaction.
Allocate 0 or 100% The Allocate 0 to 100% Tool enables the SapphireOne user to efficiently elect to fully allocate or unallocate multiple transactions in a quick and dynamic way.
Allocate Task Inventory Within SapphireOne Planning Quote functionality in Job Project we have provision for the selection of Inventory items that can be allocated to the Job project.
Allocation The SapphireOne Allocation Tool enables the user to select a particular transaction and either allocate or unallocate or reallocate that particular transaction.
Analysis for Allocation Audit The purpose of the Analysis of the Allocation Audit tool is to provide the SapphireOne user with a detailed analysis of allocations that may have discrepancies.
Audit Set Leave The Sapphire Audit Set Leave tool enables the SapphireOne user to view an audit report of set leave entitlements of a particular employee and select time period.
Back Orders Process The Back Orders Tool allows for the management and updating of Back Orders in SapphireOne displaying all Back Order Transactions and items yet to be delivered.
Batch Add and Remove Sapphire Batch Add and Remove tools allow users to add a batch number to a group of Receivables/Payables transactions that can be queried, sorted and searched.
Batch Create The Sapphire Batch Create tool enables the SapphireOne user to create vouchers on a particular Serial/ Batch inventory and assign a Number of Voucher and Value.
Batch Email SapphireOne user has the ability to email sales and purchase transaction types from within the inquiry screen and they will be emailed directly from SapphireOne.
Batch Export and Import Sapphire Batch Export and Import tool enables SapphireOne users to bulk export and import all documents or files from your live data file to single merged file.
Batch Link The Sapphire Batch Link tool gives the SapphireOne user the ability to establish a link between one or more documents to an item within the SapphireOne datafile.
BrandScope ATS BrandScope partnership provides the SapphireOne client with access to a global wholesale marketplace and a direct B2B connection to Clients and Vendor partners.
Broadcast SMS The Sapphire Broadcast SMS tool, is linked to the SpliceCom telephone system, and enables the SapphireOne user to send an SMS notification to selected contacts.
Bulk Change Pay Period Date The SapphireOne Payroll/HR Working Transactions Bulk Change Pay Period Date tool is used when a number of employee’s pay dates are to be altered or changed.
Cancel Temporary Removal From BAS Temporarily Removal BAS Sapphire Tool is used to undo the removal of specific transactions from the BAS, using the Temporarily Remove from BAS SapphireOne Tool.
Change Password The SapphireOne Change Password tool has been specifically designed for changing passwords and enabling the user to set up an unlimited number of passwords.
Change Priority The Sapphire Change Priority tool enables the SapphireOne user to alter the priority on one or multiple tracking notes at once within the SapphireOne data file.
Check for Duplicate PVI The Sapphire Check for Duplicate PVI tool enables the SapphireOne user to search the SapphireOne history data file for Purchase Vendor Invoice (PVI) duplicates.
Clear TTD and History The Sapphire Clear TTD and History tool enables the SapphireOne user to efficiently clear data entry in an Employee inquiry in the fields of TTD and History.
Clone SapphireOne Clone functionality allows the user/s to quickly and efficiently clone various SapphireOne data tables and sources within the SapphireOne data file.
Clone to Location SapphireOne Clone Inventory to Location functionality allows the user to quickly and efficiently clone inventory to a new location in the SapphireOne data file.
Clone Transaction The SapphireOne Clone Transaction tool enables the SapphireOne user to make a copy or duplicate of a time sheet transaction or multiple time sheet transactions.
Close The Sapphire Close tool provides the SapphireOne user with the ability to select/ highlight a number of Tracking Notes and alter their current status to closed.
Convert to SCI or PVI The user should be aware that this tool has been added as a convenient means to convert the currently highlighted OCI or OVI that remains unopened to an SCI or PVI.
Copy & Swap GL Budget Tools The Sapphire GL Budget Tools enable the SapphireOne user to alter multiple General Ledger budgets at the one time and processes all items highlighted on screen.
Copy to Client & Vendor Sapphire Copy to Client & Vendor tool enables the SapphireOne user to clone or link an existing contact to a client or vendor setup in the SapphireOne datafile.
Copy Transaction The Sapphire Copy Transaction tool enables the SapphireOne user to copy a transaction/group of transactions, and generate a replica or duplicate in SapphireOne.
Copy to Client or Vendor SapphireOne Copy to Client or Vendor is a tool that is accessed from your Contact/CRM inquiry, efficiently copying contact details to a specific client/vendor.
Create Adjustment Note A SapphireOne Adjustment Note is required if you have previously issued and/or been requested to issue a Tax Invoice for a supply of a taxation adjustment note.
Create Hunter Dispatch.txt Sapphire Create Hunter Dispatch.txt tool enables the SapphireOne user to generate a Hunter Dispatch electronically in text file format directly from SapphireOne.
Create Manifest and Link to Manifest The Sapphire Link to Manifest and Create Manifest tools enable the SapphireOne user to apply sales invoices to an existing manifest, or generate a new manifest.
Create Manifest by Carrier The Sapphire Create Manifest by Carrier tool enables the SapphireOne user to create a manifest organised by carrier i.e. modes of transport or delivery company.
Create Toll Dispatch DAT SapphireOne Create Toll Dispatch DAT tool will create a Star Track Dispatch note and is invaluable for creating dispatch electronically directly to Star Track.
Create Manifest Run The SapphireOne Create Manifest Run tool enables the SapphireOne user to create a manifest for a particular delivery run.
Create Periodic Invoice The Sapphire Create Periodic Invoice tool enables the SapphireOne user to create an invoice on a periodic basis for clients who make regular recurring payments.
Create Toll Dispatch DAT SapphireOne Create Toll Dispatch DAT tool will create a Star Track Dispatch note and is invaluable for creating dispatch electronically directly to Star Track.
Create Transfer Sapphire Create Transfer tool allows the SapphireOne user to transfer Serial/ Batch items one or more at a time at a time and creates the required transfer TGJ.
Custom Modify The Sapphire Custom Modify tool allows the user to make changes to posted records. These are Date in, Date Due, External Reference, Tag, Check Status, and Memo.
Custom Modify Log SapphireOne Custom Modify Log will track any changes that have been made to a transaction. The user wants to be able to go and identify the change that was made.
Debug SapphireOne Debug tool has been designed specifically for the SapphireOne Price Book inquiry and is used for the purposes of debugging and updating Price Books.
Decrypt & Encrypt Private (TFN) The SapphireOne Decrypt & Encrypt Private (TFN) tools protects the Tax File Number identity for client’s, employees within the SapphireOne datafile.
Delay One Day Sapphire Delay One Day tool allows the user to select/highlight one or more actions from the list and delay all of the selected actions by one day automatically.
Do Not Pay SapphireOne Do Not Pay tool enables the user to elect to exclude some employees from a particular pay run and does not want pays to be processed at this time.
Duplicate SapphireOne Duplicate inventory tool simply and efficiently duplicates an inventory item or a group of inventory items, a common shortfall within ERP offerings.
Email Custom Reports The Sapphire Email Custom Reports tool enables the SapphireOne user to email one or multiple custom reports directly from SapphireOne to particular recipients.
ETA Sapphire ETA tool has three functions available for users and is one of the collapsed items in the tools menu. The three sub items are Update, Export and Import.
Event Find The SapphireOne Event Find tool enables the SapphireOne user to search for a particular event by a type or time period within the Project Risk Register screen.
Expiry Date SapphireOne Expiry Date tool enables the user to set a new expiry date or change an expiry date on all or selected inventory items with serial or batch numbers.
Expiry Increase The SapphireOne Expiry Increase tool enables the user to extend the expiry date timeframe by a selected amount of days on a single or multiple inventory item/s.
Export Action List The SapphireOne Export Action List tool enables the user to export selected Action pages information and relevant records, and generating it into a spreadsheet.
Export Activity Quantity by Period SapphireOne Export Activity Quantity by Period tool enables the user to export Job Project Activity quantities on a period by period basis is exported CSV file.
Export ATP The Sapphire Export ATP tool enables the user to export a customised spreadsheet report containing a specific ID and start date from Job Projects General Ledger.
Export ATP Summary The Sapphire Export ATP tool enables the user to export a customised spreadsheet report containing a specific ID and start date from Job Projects General Ledger.
Export Contract Summary This tool enables the Sapphire User to Export Contract Summary to a CSV file, which is viewed using the default spreadsheet program in the operating platform.
Export Custom Report to PDF SapphireOne Custom Report to PDF falls under the Export title and is designed for generating a Sapphire Custom Report to PDF within SapphireOne Inventory mode.
Export Inventory Budget Balances Sapphire export inventory budget balances tool will use Job projects. This tool will export Inventory Budget Balances on a period by period basis to a CSV file.
Export Inventory Income and Expenditure Sapphire Export Inventory Income and Expenditure tool will export a CSV file to the local hard drive SapphireOne will then open it and display the exported file.
Export Sales Invoice Against Plan The Export Sales Invoice Against Plan tool allows the user to select one or more Job Projects from the list on screen and export the data to a CSV file.
Export SPS ASN.XML Generates a shipment from a selected individual Manifest.
Find by Container The Sapphire Find by Container tool enables the SapphireOne user to perform an Advanced Find with selected items from the pick list on the Advanced find screen.
Find From Line Sapphire Find from Line tool enables the SapphireOne user to perform an Advanced Find with selected line items from the pick list on the Advanced find screen.
Find Invalid TFNs SapphireOne Find Invalid Tax File Number (TFN) tool enables the user to search within the employee record and locate any Tax File Numbers determined as invalid.
Find No Sale Client The Sapphire Find No Sale Client tool allows a review all of the Active Clients that have had no sales for a selected period. They may then be set as inactive.
Find No Sale Item The Sapphire Find No Sale Item tool enables the SapphireOne user to search and view all Inventory stock in the data file and find items that have not been sold.
Find Unused Account The Sapphire Find Unused Account tool enables the SapphireOne user to review all of the General Ledger Accounts that they currently have active and find unused.
Find Valid TFN’s Sapphire Find Valid TFN’s tool enables the user to search within the SapphireOne employee record and locate any Tax File Numbers that are determined as valid.
Folder Import Imports the contents of a selected folder to Documents (DMS).
Generate Build The Sapphire Generate Build tool enables the SapphireOne user to create a build journal or build order journal of selected inventory items or materials.
Generate CR From BMCS Distribution.txt  Creates a Client Receipt (CR) from a BMCS Distribution text file.
Generate MP from Expensify CSV Generate MP from Expensify CSV uses character recognition to convert your stored Expensify receipt images to SapphireOne Money Payment (MP) as a cash payment.
Generate Requisition The Sapphire Generate Requisition tool enables the SapphireOne user to generate a requisition for stock from a Sales Client Invoice or an Order Client Invoice.
Generate Star Track Dispatch DIN Star Track Dispatch file is suitable for integration into the Start Track system. Generating the .DINS will be a timesaver within your logistics in SapphireOne.
Generate Vendor Connect  Provides facility to Generate a CSV formatted as required by Vendor Connect from invoices selected in a transaction list.
Generate Vendor Order The Sapphire Generate Vendor Order tool enables the user to create an un-posted Vendor Invoice with the particular inventory items required for that transaction.
Generate VI From Invitbox CSV  Provides facility to Generate a Vendor invoice from an imported Invitbox CSV file.
Grouping Sapphire Grouping tool enables the user to group matrix inventory and label a group accordingly, and is used by apparel, equipment and manufacturing industries.
Hire Calendar For hired inventory items SapphireOne has provided a Gantt chart so that the user is able to see at a glance exactly when any Inventory item has been hired out.
Import Provides facility for importing Clients, Vendors, Inventory and contacts from an imported CSV.
Import (Price Book 2) SapphireOne Import tool allows the user to import new Price Book entries as raw data into the SapphireOne datafile overwriting existing entries with new values.
Import Price Break Once a SapphireOne user has set up the price book they can use the import price break tool, allowing them to set up a variety of prices for clients and vendors.
Import Prices (Inventory) Sapphire Import Prices tool enables the user to import pricing on inventory and efficiently change the prices of inventory directly from a spreadsheet document.
Include Deleted Selecting the Include Deleted tool function from the Sapphire Tools menu will tell SapphireOne to display any deleted items/records as well as the normal items.
Include Finished The Sapphire Include Finished tool enables the user to view a list of all Job Projects contained within the SapphireOne data file that have a status of Finished.
Include Inactive The Sapphire Include Inactive tool enables the user to view all inventory records and items that have a status of inactive, typically not displayed in the list.
Inventory Vendors The Sapphire Inventory Vendors tool enables the SapphireOne user to update a single vendor, a subset of vendors or all vendors from the inventory inquiry screen.
Last Arrivals The Sapphire Last Arrivals tool enables the SapphireOne user to display the last arrivals and is used in conjunction with barcode scanners.
Label Print Per Line Quantity The Label Per Line Quantity Writer is a very versatile label design function that provides users with various ways to create and print custom labels as required.
Leave Calendar The Sapphire Leave Calendar tool enables the user to view employee leave entries within a daily, weekly or monthly calendar within the SapphireOne application.
Load Delivery Run The SapphireOne Load Delivery Run tool is used within Manager Manifest Inquiry and enables the SapphireOne user to add Delivery Run to the Manifests you choose.
Location Change The SapphireOne Load Delivery Run tool is used within Manager Manifest Inquiry and enables the SapphireOne user to add Delivery Run to the Manifests you choose.
Locked Record Sapphire Locked Record tool enables the user to view the status of a Transaction that has been automatically locked preventing the user from posting the record.
Make Inactive The Sapphire Make Inactive tool enables the SapphireOne user to select a single or group of Vendors, Clients or Inventory Items that they wish to Make Inactive.
Market BMCS Billing.TXT Extended
Market BMCS Invoice.TXT Accelerated
Market BMCS Invoice.TXT Extended
Mark Finished Sapphire Mark Finished tool enables the SapphireOne user to efficiently and simply mark a single Job Project or group of Job Projects as Finished and completed.
Matrix Table Sapphire Matrix Table Tool enables the user to check the level of inventory items or stock in a graphical style matrix table also known as a Colour-Size matrix.
Merge Invoices The Sapphire Merge Invoices tool enables the user to merge un-posted invoices for the same Client or Vendor and generate one invoice from all open transactions.
MRP Recalc Forecast The Sapphire MRP Recalc Forecast tool will balance supply and demand providing the SapphireOne user with a supply forecast to cater or budget for future demand.
MRP Recalc Required The Sapphire MRP Recalc Required tool will balance supply and demand providing the SapphireOne user with a supply forecast to cater or budget for future orders.
No ABN Summary Sapphire No ABN Summary tool enables the user to produce a report of all Vendors who do not have an Australian Business Number (ABN) entered in the master file.
No Sale Item SapphireOne No Sale Item enables the user to search a list of inventory items that have had no sales within a particular timeframe i.e. monthly, quarterly, etc.
Open Allocated Lines The Sapphire Open Allocated Lines tool enables the SapphireOne user to display all allocated inventory/stock lines for a particular order or sales transactions.
Open Base Inventory Sapphire Open Base Inventory tool provides the SapphireOne user the ability to view a base inventory inquiry when an Inventory Locations inquiry screen is open.
Open Billing Run The Sapphire Open Billing Run tool enables the SapphireOne user to display a list of selected transactions that are ready for billing within Job Projects.
Open Linked Audit Lines Sapphire Open Linked Audit Lines tool enables the user to display the audit lines for a particular Client Transaction and view the individual transaction lines.
Open Linked Invoice Lines The Sapphire Open Linked Invoice Lines tool enables the SapphireOne user to open all linked invoices and display them in lines on the history sales screen.
Open Linked Invoices The Sapphire Open Linked Invoices tool enables the user to view any invoices that are linked to the selected transaction list currently displayed on the screen.
Open Linked Price Book Open all the Price Books that have been linked to a Price Estimate utilising the Push Price tool. Article Pending
Open Linked Serial Batch The Sapphire Open Linked Serial Batch tool enables the user to view linked serial or batch inventory items within a transaction from History Sales Line Inquiry.
Open Linked Tracking Notes Sapphire Open Linked Tracking Notes tool enables the user to view all Tracking Notes entered by a SapphireOne user that are linked to a particular Job Project.
Open Linked Transactions The Sapphire Open Linked Transactions tool enables the SapphireOne user to view all linked transactions to the highlighted transaction or group of transactions.
Open Related Serial Batch The Sapphire Open Related Serial Batch tool enables the user to view an inventory serial batch when an Inventory Locations inquiry screen is displayed.
Other Athletes Foot Import Creates and Order Client Invoice (OCI) From an imported Athletes Foot order CSV. Article Pending
Other Find from Line From a selected subset of any invoice type in a transaction list search for a particular line and display the related invoices. Article Pending
Pacific Commerce Export Acknowledgement The Sapphire Pacific Commerce Export Acknowledgement tool enables the user to export acknowledgements directly from SapphireOne to their Pacific Commerce (EDI).
Pacific Commerce Export Invoices The Sapphire Pacific Commerce Export Invoices tool enables the SapphireOne user to export invoices from the SapphireOne datafile to the Pacific Commerce (EDI).
Pacific Commerce Import Orders The Sapphire Pacific Commerce Import Orders tool enables the SapphireOne user to directly import orders from their Pacific Commerce Electronica Data Interchange.
Pacific Commerce Upload Acknowledgement Sapphire Pacific Commerce Upload Acknowledgement tool enables the user to upload acknowledgements from their Pacific Commerce EDI directly into their data file.
Pacific Commerce Upload Invoices Sapphire Pacific Commerce Upload Invoices tool enables the SapphireOne user to upload invoices from Pacific Commerce EDI directly into the SapphireOne datafile.
Password Update SapphireOne Password Update tool enables the users to set up unlimited numbers of passwords that are controlled by the organisational chart in your SapphireOne.
Pay Import
Post Transactions SapphireOne Transaction Inquiry allows the user to post from within a transaction inquiry screen within any of the modes e.g. Accounts, Inventory, Job Projects.
Power Add Line
Power Recalc
Print Hunter Manifest Report The SapphireOne Print Hunter Manifest Report enables the SapphireOne user to print a manifest report created for shipping with Hunter directly from SapphireOne.
Print Moveit Manifest Report The Sapphire Print Moveit Manifest Report tool enables the SapphireOne user to print a detailed, hard copy of a Manifest report for a Moveit automated delivery.
Print Toll Manifest Report SapphireOne Manifest allows for various tools within the Tools drop-down menu, and one of these tools is Print Toll Manifest Report.
Prioritise Selection Select a subset of actions and manage the order of priority in relation.
Push Price The Sapphire Push Price tool enables the SapphireOne users to update the sell price or Create a Price Book for all inventory items, in their relevant locations.
Push to Location The Sapphire Push to Location tool enables the SapphireOne user to efficiently copy inventory or a group of inventory prices and push them to their locations.
Query Allocated Transactions SapphireOne Query Allocated Transactions tool will display a subset within all allocated transactions of your current Payables and Receivables transaction list.
Query Linked Transactions SapphireOne Query Linked Transactions Tool is designed for Accounts History mode and displays Client Invoices (CI) linked via allocation to Client Receipt (CR).
Quick Leave Info SapphireOne Quick Leave Info Tool is designed to work within Payroll/HR Working Transactions mode and provides leave information for one or multiple employee/s.
Read MRP Time Sheet Specific tool for managing Payroll in relation to the requirements of an abattoir. Please contact SapphireOne to utilise.
Re-Open The Sapphire Re-Open tool has been provided so the user is able to select or highlight any number of tracking notes, and alter their current status to Re-Opened.
Recalc Forecast The SapphireOne Recalc Forecast tool enables the SapphireOne user to aggregate history usage data and generate a forecast estimate for required inventory levels.
Recalc Required SapphireOne Recalc Required tool enables the SapphireOne user to recalculate the required inventory levels from within Material Requirements Planning (MRP).
Reload Pay SapphireOne Reload Pay Tool is designed for anybody working in Payroll/HR without having to close Working Transactions screen to go and run Start New Pay again.
Remove Barcode Remove the barcodes from a selected subset of Inventory Transactions.
Remove Duplicates SapphireOne Remove Duplicates Tool is designed for SapphireOne’s Contacts, also known as CRM, and identifies duplicates allowing the user/s to remove or delete.
Remove From Batch The Remove From Batch Sapphire tool will remove a receipt from a batch of transactions provided the receipt has not yet been reconciled.
Reorder The Sapphire Reorder tool allows the user to automatically create an Order Vendor Invoice (OVI) for inventory items that are required for reorder by the Vendor.
Reschedule The Sapphire Reschedule tool enables the SapphireOne user to reschedule a Job Project by entering the new completion date they want to change the Job Project to.
Resources Calendar The SapphireOne Resources Calendar tool enables the SapphireOne user to view all Resources allocated to a Job Project in a calendar/chart display e.g. employee.
Retrieve to Current SapphireOne Retrieve to Current functionality will retrieve transaction/s from History and enables the user/s to either reallocate or reverse the transaction/s.
Reverse PGJ
Reverse Transaction Tools SapphireOne Reverse Transaction tools are a very useful set off tools to be able to facilitate the automatic reversal of transactions unllocating automatically.
Sales Support The Sapphire Sales Support tool function has been provided for Sales staff requiring access to selling prices and are for the sale of single inventory items.
Season The SapphireOne Season tool enables the SapphireOne user to update all Season inventory in the selected record to the indent season and clear the indent season.
Serial Check SapphireOne serial numbers are assigned incrementally or sequentially to Serialised Inventory and Serial Check provides a means to identify any inventory items.
Set Complete Date The Sapphire Set Complete date tool allows the SapphireOne user to enter a completed or finish date when the action is considered to be completed in SapphireOne.
Shift Import From a Resource Time transactions inquiry Import Employee Rosters based on a provided end date. Article Pending
Show Parent Child Related SapphireOne Parent-Child Relationship in SapphireOne’s client and/or vendor master table record, establishes a relationship between a parent company and child.
Show Standing Transactions The ‘Show Standing Transactions’ SapphireOne tool can be used to filter and display all standing transactions only within a transaction inquiry window.
SKF Send To SEA Generate a text file to meet the requirements of SEA from a subset of selected invoices in a transactions list.
Split The Sapphire Split tool enables the SapphireOne user to split a single or group/subset of sales or purchase transactions from within SapphireOne inventory mode.
SPS Commerce Tools Sapphire SPS Tools enable the SapphireOne user to manage SPS Commerce from SapphireOne by uploading/exporting reports, invoices, orders, acknowledgements, etc.
Stock Scan Count and Stock Count SapphireOne StockScanCount tool enables the SapphireOne user to do a stock count and has been designed for the adjustment of stock levels and inventory counts.
Stockton Export To be removed.
Stockton Report To be removed.
Strip CR From Notes Removes concurrent carriage returns from the notes field of a selected subset of Actions.
Swap Bay Location The Sapphire Swap Bay Location tool gives the SapphireOne user the ability to enter a quantity of batch inventory and then move it to a new bay/ shelf location.
Swap Component The Swap Component tool allows the user to replace any updated or unavailable components in built items in your Inventory.
Temporarily Remove From BAS The ‘Temporarily Remove from BAS Sapphire Tool allows the user to select specific transactions and exclude them from the BAS Query.
Toggle Active, On Hold & Web Sapphire Toggle Active tool gives the SapphireOne user the ability to update a status of an inventory item or group of inventory items to Active, OnHold or Web.
Unlock The ‘Unlock’ Sapphire Tool allows users to change the status of un-posted transactions from Lock to ‘Unlock’ so that transaction can be Modified or Deleted.
Update Award The SapphireOne Update Award tool enables the SapphireOne user to update the conditions of employment or remuneration for one employee or a group of employees.
Update Employee FX The Update Employee FX Sapphire Tool allows users to update the FX Rate on a selection of employee records at a time.
Update Period Leave The Sapphire Update Period Leave tool enables the SapphireOne user to update the leave of an employee or multiple employees for a selected pay period i.e month.
Update Project The Sapphire Update Project tool has been provided to give the SapphireOne user the ability to link a Job Project directly to highlighted base Inventory Item/s.
Update Status to Active/Inactive The SapphireOne Update Status to Active/Inactive tool enables the SapphireOne user to update the status of a voucher or multiple vouchers to Active or Inactive.
Updating Prices by Markup and Margin The SapphireOne Client Updating Prices by Margin and Mark Up tool enables the user to select entire sections of inventory and update the prices simultaneously.
Verify Un-posted The Verify Un-posted tool enables the SapphireOne user to search all un-posted records or selected un-posted inventory records within the SapphireOne data file.

Sapphire Tools Index – Maintenance Tools

The Maintenance Tools screen offers tools designed to maintain your data file. These tools serve specific functions or address certain concerns and we suggest using them only under the direct guidance of SapphireOne support staff.

If misused, these tools can cause irreversible harm to your data file. Given this potential it is essential to have a recent backup saved. This backup needs to be stored securely, ideally not on the same drive as the database.

Tool / Article Link Description
AbortWebProcess Allows for the aborting of web processes remotely.
Allocation RebuildA This is a special tool to fix allocation problems that may occur regarding Allocation Lines. 
AllocationRebuildAuto Rebuild the records of transactions with related allocations.
Archive_Invoice_Changes If you keep track of changes to Invoices (set in System Defaults) this archives and deletes the changes if the file has grown to an excessive size. Archive files are created as text files. 
Archive_Log This tool allows the archiving of selected information to a separate file and removal of this information from SapphireOne’s data file. 
Authorise This tool is required when running more than one data file. 
Backup System This tool creates a file which is a backup of SapphireOne Values file. 
Bay Fix This tool will present a screen enabling a number of checks to be done for the selected inventory bay item. They are documented in further detail after the end of this table.
Bay Import This tool imports details for a bay items and is the same as a Gateway import and there are five import options. Since they are complex they are documented in further detail after the end of this table.
BlindClient Allocate This tool will blindly allocate all un-allocated transactions to their respective clients and may cause allocation errors. 
CGLBalUpdate This tool will fix any errors found when running Foreign Currency General Ledger.
Change ID This function allows the changing, consolidation or correction of ID’s.  Note that you have to tab forward after entering the new ID before the ACTION button will become active! Details at the end of this article.
CheckDupKey Not to be used unless under explicit instructions from SapphireOne support staff 
CheckHjournal_Lines Rebuild the General Ledger based on settings revisions and then rebuild history lines in relation.
CheckInventory Not to be used unless under explicit instructions from SapphireOne support staff 
Clean_User_Access If your User Access files have developed duplicate entries this function will consolidate the files accessible back to one entry. 
CleanAuditLineStatus Not to be used unless under explicit instructions from SapphireOne support staff 
CompanyFix This function will fix any fields that are incorrectly related to companies, as well as assigning the correct Company ID’s as required where they have not been assigned 
CustomReportList The system will look for any custom reports with data and display them in a list. They may be edited from here as normal for a custom report.
DecryptClientCard Decrypt all encrypted client credit card data.
DeleteHistoryLines Not to be used unless under explicit instructions from SapphireOne support staff
ExportHtran This function will export all history transactions to a text file.
Export Htranline This function will export all history journal lines to a text file.
Exporttranseq This function exports all transaction sequence numbers to a text file.  
Fix100%Alloc It is not recommended that you use this function without first consulting SapphireOne support staff. Additional documentation is at the end of this article.  
FixtableMatrix Regenerate Table ID’s based on Matrix ID’s.
FixErrSuperTran (NLA) Not to be used unless under explicit instructions from SapphireOne support staff  
FixTransactions PeriodbyDate Not to be used unless under explicit instructions from SapphireOne support staff  
Fixundo SIGSECU (NLA) Not to be used unless under explicit instructions from SapphireOne support staff  
FixVRS (NLA) Not to be used unless under explicit instructions from SapphireOne support staff  
Full Backup This function backs up all the data files to a text file for storage purposes.  
FX_ChangeFormat If you change the formatting of an FX currency in Management \ General Ledger \ General Ledger Types you will be told to run this utility. It will update all the Invoices, Transactions etc with the new currency format.  
FX_Fix (NLA) Not to be used unless under explicit instructions from SapphireOne support staff  
GLBal_Import (NLA) This function allows importing of General Ledger balances not in the current year from a Text file. The Text file must be in the format of Account ID, Period, Debit Amount and Credit Amount and stored in a tab delimited file.  
GLBalUpdate This function will fix any errors found when running the General Ledger Audit in SapphireOne Functions. Please make sure that a TranAudit has been run and has verified that there are no errors in the data file before running this procedure. Failure to do so may result in balancing errors within your General Ledger.  
GLBud_Import This function allows importing of General Ledger budgets from a Text file. The Text file must be in the format of Account ID, Period, Debit Amount and Credit Amount and stored in a tab delimited file.  
GLPRBud_Import This function allows the importing of Project General Ledger budgets from a Text file. The Text file must be in the format of Account ID, Project ID, Period, Debit Amount and Credit Amount and stored in a tab delimited file.  
GST Conversion Not to be used unless under instructions from SapphireOne support staff  
ImportPeriod0 Import period 0 balances into your data file and then recalculates the values.
ImpHline (NLA) This function imports all history journal lines from a text file. This reads the file produced when Export HTranLine is run.  
Import_Invoices (NLA) This function imports Invoices in 4D format from a text file  
ImportHTran (NLA) This function imports all history transactions from a text file. This reads the file produces when Export HTran is run.  
InterCompany (NLA) Department Balancing and Intercompany must be activated under Master Defaults plus the Department must have the Intercompany loan account specified to utilise this function.   This may be run as frequently as reports are required however this routine may take time. It is suggested this routine be performed as part of the period end function.  
InventoryCCR (NLA) Not to be used unless under instructions from SapphireOne support staff  
Key Unlock (NLA) This is where data file authorisation codes are entered.  
Key Unlock Ext Not to be used unless under explicit instructions from SapphireOne support staff  
LocationBalUpdate This function checks the number of each item held in the Base Inventory with the sum of the same item in ALL Locations.  
Multi Company (NLA) This function will display the staging window for the multi company conversion process. It is used when you are ready to run the next stage but the system does not automatically display the window.  
Move1to12 Returns a Sapgen code for access to the SapphireOne server.
NetPeriod0 (NLA) This function nets out the Period 0 debits and credits.  
Parent Not to be used unless under instructions from SapphireOne support staff  
ProcUpdate (NLA) This function allows reading of specialist procedures saved on disc by SapphireOne  
ProjectTaskUpdateGLBudget This will update all General Ledger Budgets by your Project Inventory Budgets. Please not that all existing budgets will be overwritten  
RecalAllocTotals This function will force the system to recalculate allocation totals.  
RecalSPAnalysis This function recalculates the sales people period from history Invoices  
RecalcYTD Balance This function will force the system to recheck the YTD balance:  
Recreatetran (NLA) Copies transactions to Current for all sequence numbers specified in a text file.  
ReflexUpgrade Table (NLA) Not to be used! Custom programming!  
ReindexAll (NLA) This function rebuilds the indexes for the entire database.  
RemoveChar13 (NLA) This function removes ASCII character (13 – Carriage Return) from all Alpha-numeric fields but not including text fields.  
RemoveJGJ (NLA) Not to be used unless under explicit instructions from SapphireOne support staff  
RetreiveInvoices Lines Not to be used unless under explicit instructions from SapphireOne support staff  
Reverse special (NLA) Not to be used unless under explicit instructions from SapphireOne support staff  
RunFRF (NLA) This function executes a Foot Runner file.  
Serial Update Not to be used unless under explicit instructions from SapphireOne support staff  
UnpostedSalesLines This function looks for Invoices and Purchases with a post date set but not marked as posted and marks them as posted.  
UpdateDeliveryDate Not normally used  
UpdateInventory Unposted (NLA) Not to be used unless under explicit instructions from SapphireOne support staff  
YearEndMaster Not to be used unless under explicit instructions from SapphireOne support staff  

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