Sapphire Gateway III - Innovative API for Smart Data Importation

Sapphire Gateway III Overview

Sapphire Gateway III offers a distinct approach to data importation compared to its predecessor, Sapphire Gateway II. This API, specifically named Sapphire Gateway III, facilitates the importation of a limited selection of specific items into a data file with enhanced adaptability. It allows users the flexibility to arrange data columns in any order and assign each column to match SapphireOne’s criteria by interacting with the column headers. Primarily designed for use with new data files, its functionalities are confined to the options available in the provided drop-down menu.

It is important to highlight that this feature is exclusively for importing data and does not support data export. The primary purpose of this tool is to assist in the importation of information into newly established data files.

Never directly import gateway files into an active live data file. First, prepare a recent version of your production data file using the same build as the server, and initiate it in Single User Mode. Conduct a trial import with the intended data and meticulously review the outcome, ensuring particularly that the columns in the import file align correctly with the appropriate fields in your data file replica. After confirming the test import is accurate and everything appears in order, proceed to create a backup of the production (live) data file, and only then carry out the actual import. If discrepancies are detected, identify and rectify the issues in the import file, then re-attempt the import with a new copy of the production data file. Always prioritise testing before importing your data.

Gateway III Commencement Procedure

Accessing Gateway III:

  1. Navigate to Utilities > Utilities > Sapphire Functions.
  2. From the General Tab drop-down menu, select the API Gateway III option.

SapphireOne will then prompt the user to select one of (currently) 26 tables where data can be imported into a SapphireOne data file. These tables range from the default item Inventory to the last item Location.


SapphireOne will now feature the standard search function for both Mac and Windows-based platforms. This function will be limited to identifying text files or CSV files only. It is important to note that the text files should be tab-delineated and not formatted as standard spreadsheet files.

Data Importation Limitations

It is crucial to note that the Gateway III functionality does not support the importation of all data for any of the twenty-six items. This functionality is limited to providing seven essential columns of data, required for the establishment and setup of a new data file.

Gateway II Exported Files

When exporting from Gateway II, SapphireOne utilises the first column to control the data being exported and imported. In Gateway III, this first column must contain valid data to ensure successful importation.

As shown in the screenshot below, the hash (#) INA control code is inserted into the first column when exported using Gateway II. This data was not removed before re-importing it using Gateway III.


Gateway III Data Entry Procedure

When using Gateway III, users must ensure that tab-delineated or CSV files contain valid data in the very first column, as depicted in the screenshot below. This first column ID is critical as IDs are used for the management of data in your data file and must be unique.

This structured approach will help users better understand and effectively utilise the Sapphire Gateway III functionalities.

Examining Imported Data

The user must first examine the data imported by SapphireOne to determine the type of data in each column. Note that the Gateway III import function is limited to seven columns of data.

Organising Columns and Data

  1. Identify Your Data – Start by identifying your data and deciding which columns in the default list are suitable for it.
  2. Adjust Column Headings – For suitable columns, click on the required heading and move it to correspond with the appropriate column of data you have imported.
  3. Select Data Type Options – Click on the headings again to display a dropdown list of options. These options will vary depending on the type of data being imported. From the dropdown list, select the item that matches the column of data you are importing.
  4. Position the Column Heading – Once you have correctly identified the column heading, drag it to the appropriate column of data on the screen that you have imported.”

This structured approach will guide users through the data organisation process in Gateway III more effectively.

Importing the Data

  1. Initial Import – Once you have correctly set up everything, click the Import button to import the data into a copy of your live data file.
  2. Verification – Carefully examine the copy of your data file to ensure that all data is correctly placed within the file. It is crucial to check that the data aligns properly and meets the required parameters.
  3. Final Import – If the verification confirms that everything is accurate, repeat the procedure on your live data file. This step ensures that your operational data remains consistent and accurate.

Following these steps will ensure a smooth and error-free data import process into SapphireOne.

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