Balancing Debtors And Creditors - Easily Identify Debtors And Creditors Control Account Discrepancies

Balancing Debtors and Creditors Overview

This Balancing Debtors and Creditors article will teach you how to check for Debtors Control Account and Creditors Control Account discrepancies with the SapphireOne Audit reports (Tran Audit, Client Allocation Audit, Vendor Allocation Audit and GL Audit). 

Balancing Debtors and Creditors Procedure

Ensure the following procedure is adhered to.

  • Back Up the data file
  • Make certain all transactions are posted
  • Run Verify Unposted

SapphireOne recommends that you be in single user mode before running audit reports.

Run the following audits reports from: Utilities > Utilities > Custom Functions and action any errors.

  1. Tran Audit
  2. Client Allocation Audit. OR 
  3. Vendor Allocation Audit.
  4. GL Audit

These reports should be run and fixed in the exact sequence outlined above. This is because fixing items in the Tran Audit or Allocation Audits can make an entry show up in the GL Audit. 

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