How to Generate Client Refund ABA Files

Generate Client Refund ABA Files Overview

This article aims to illustrate the generation of client refund (CF) ABA files, emphasising key points and providing a convenient and efficient way to process refunds. Before proceeding with generating ABA files for client refunds, please take note of the following:

  • Payment Method – It is essential that the client’s preferred payment method is set as Electronic Funds Transfer (E.F.T) to generate the ABA file successfully.
  • Bank Details – Ensure that the bank details for each transaction are accurately filled in. Incomplete information may result in missing data on the ABA file.
  • Compatibility – This feature is designed to work specifically with the AU ABA file format. It is not compatible with PNG, NZ bank files, or other file formats such as CommBiz or Western Union files at this time.

Generate Client Refund ABA Files Procedure

Follow these steps to generate client Refund (CF) ABA files:

  1. Navigate to Accounts > Receivables > Client Refund – Details page (default).
  1. Select the client using their ID in the ‘Client’ dynamic field.
  2. Navigate to Accounts > Receivables > Clients and select and ‘modify’ the client.
  3. Select the client’s Terms Page from the pages navigation menu.
  1. Confirm that the banking details are complete and accurate.
  2. Click on the green tick (Save) to make the client refund accessible.
  3. Navigate to Accounts > Payables > Payments.
  4. Select the ‘Payments’ checkbox.
  5. Click on OK.
  6. Select the Bank Account for the refund.
  7. Double click the account or click on OK.
  8. Select ‘Reprint’.
  9. From the Payments Selection screen, choose the Client Refund. Previously, only Vendor Payments (VP) were available here.
  10. Select ‘Continue’.
  11. From the ABA company Information screen, ensure that all required fields are populated.
  12. Generate the ABA file, email the remittance, or both as follows.
    • To generate an ABA file:
      1. Select OK on the ABA company information screen.
      2. Choose a save destination for your ABA file. Alternatively,
    • To email the Remittance:
      1. Select ‘Email Remittance’.
      2. Choose the report type from the available options.
      3. Click on OK.
      4. Confirm if you would like to add the remittance to the document management system (DMS) for this client.
      5. Click on OK.

The generated ABA file will include any rebates established in Inventory > Manager > Rebate.

By following the above steps, you can generate ABA files for client refunds efficiently. This procedure aims to streamline the refund process.

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