Generate a Purchases Report from the Sapphire Web Pack

The Purchases Report functionality in SapphireOne’s Web Pack enables you to create comprehensive reports on your organisations purchasing activities. This report helps in tracking vendor performance, managing inventory, and controlling costs. The steps to Generate a Purchases Report are as follows:

  1. Navigate to Web Pack > Report > Purchases Report
  2. On the Reports page, choose Purchases Report from the list of available reports.
  3. Fill Out Necessary Form Elements
    • Date Range – Select the start and end dates for the report.
    • Vendor – Optionally, select a specific vendor to filter the report.
    • Product Category – Optionally, choose a product category to narrow down the report.
    • Region – Optionally, select a region to focus the report on a specific geographical area.
  4. Click on the Generate Report button to create the Purchases Report.
  5. Review the generated report on the screen.
  6. Use the Export button to download the report in your preferred format (PDF, Excel, etc.).

For more detailed information, refer to the Web Pack > Report > Purchases Report Article.

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