Pick Market Orders from the Sapphire Web Pack

The Picking functionality in SapphireOne Web Pack Market enables you to efficiently pick items from inventory to fulfil orders. This guide will help you understand how to create and manage picking lists. The steps are as follows:

  1. Navigate to Web Pack > Market > Picking.
  2. Click on the New Picking List button.
  3. Fill out the following mandatory fields:
    • Order Number – Select the order number from the dropdown list.
    • Picker Name – Enter the name of the person responsible for picking.
    • Pick Date – Enter the date of picking.
    • Inventory Items – Add the items to be picked by selecting from the inventory list.
    • Quantity – Enter the quantity to be picked for each item.
  4. Click Save to create the picking list.
  5. Review the picking list details for accuracy.
  6. Click Confirm to finalise the picking list.
  7. Ensure the picked items are updated in the inventory system.
  8. Confirm the stock levels are accurate.

For more detailed information, refer to the Web Pack > Market > Picking article.

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