Generate and Distribute Pay Slips

The Payslips Report within the SapphireOne PayRoll/HR Mode allows for the reporting and printing of a variety of employee payslips. The process is as follows.

  1. Navigate to PaySlips report:
    • Go to Payroll/HR > Payroll > PaySlips Report.
  2. Select Pay Run and Employees:
    • Choose the relevant pay run from the list.
    • Select the employees for whom you need to generate pay slips.
  3. Review and Generate Pay Slips:
    • Carefully review the pay slip details for accuracy.
    • Click on the appropriate option to generate the pay slips.
  4. Distribute Pay Slips:
    • Use the distribution options available in SapphireOne to send the pay slips to employees. Options include printing, emailing, or exporting the pay slips.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the Payroll/HR > Payroll > PaySlips Report article.

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