Set up Award Entitlements for Employees

Group Employees together who have the same employment conditions for Payroll/HR purposes using the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Award Entitlements:
    • Go to Payroll/HR > Administration > Award Entitlements.
  2. Create a New Award Entitlement:
    • Click on the New icon to initiate the creation of a new award entitlement.
  3. Enter Award Details: Fill in the required fields, including:
    • ID: Enter the chosen ID for the Award Entitlement.
    • Description: Provide a name for the Award Entitlement.
    • Band Level: Specify the band level of the award.
    • Package Area: Enter the agreed-upon payment package, either as a salary or hourly pay amount.
    • Leave Details: Configure leave entitlements such as annual leave, personal leave, and long service leave.
    • Rostered Days Off (RDO): Set up RDOs if applicable.
    • Superannuation: Enter superannuation details if they differ from the employee’s master file.
    • Contribution and Workers Compensation: Specify any additional contributions and workers compensation rates.
  4. Assign Award to Employees:
    • Add the newly created award to relevant employees or employee classes by navigating to the Employee Master File on the Details Page.
  5. Save the Award Entitlement Record:
    • Click the Green Tick to save the new award entitlement.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the Payroll/HR > Administration > Award Entitlements article.

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