Manage Resource Time Sheets

The SapphireOne Resource Time Sheet in the Job Projects Resources menu allows you to enter time sheets and allocate time or labor to a specific Project. The process is as follows:

  1. Navigate to Resource Timesheet:
    • Go to Job Projects > Resources > Resource Time Sheet.
  2. Select Relevant Resource and Period:
    • Choose the resource for which you want to manage timesheets.
    • Select the appropriate period for the timesheet entry.
  3. Enter and Review Timesheet Data:
    • Enter the required timesheet details, including Resource ID, Activity, Date, Start and Finish times, Cost, Quantity, Rate, and any additional notes.
    • Review the entered data to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  4. Save the Timesheet Record:
    • Click the Save button to record the timesheet entry.
    • Ensure that the timesheet is saved correctly and verify that it appears in the summary list below.
  5. Post the Timesheet:
    • Navigate to Job Projects > Resources > Post Transactions.
    • Select the relevant Timesheet(s).
    • Select ‘Process’.

Resource timesheets need to be posted so that they can be utilised within working transaction timesheets.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the Job Projects > Resources > Resource Time Sheet and Job Projects > Resources > Post Transactions articles.

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