Initiate a New Pay Run

The SapphireOne Start New Pay facility initiates a new pay run. This indicates that the previous payroll has been successfully completed. Initiating a new SapphireOne Pay Run will activate all defaults for the employees selected for this new Pay Run. Steps are as follows:

  1. Navigate to Start New Pay Section:
    • Go to Payroll/HR > Payroll > Start New Pay.
  2. Select Pay Period and Employees:
    • Choose the appropriate pay period (e.g., Weekly, Fortnightly, Bi-Monthly, Monthly, Four Weekly).
    • Select the relevant employees for the pay run by entering their IDs or selecting their department or class.
  3. Review Pay Details:
    • Examine all default settings, including leave balances, deductions, superannuation contributions, and other benefits.
    • Ensure all details are accurate and reflect the current payroll period.
  4. Confirm and Initiate Pay Run:
    • Verify that all information is correct.
    • Click the Start button to initiate the pay run.
  • It is recommended to complete a backup before starting a new pay run.
  • Ensure that any unprocessed working transactions are addressed to avoid discrepancies.
  • SapphireOne uses the computer’s internal clock for dates; verify and adjust dates as necessary.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the Payroll/HR > Payroll > Start New Pay article.

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