Define and Manage Employee Classes

Employee Classes allows for the grouping of employees into particular classifications as applicable to your business. For companies that have a large number of employees, the grouping of employees into different classes will greatly assist in the analysis and production of reports generated from SapphireOne.

To effectively define and manage employee classes within SapphireOne, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Class Section:
    • Go to Payroll/HR > Administration > Class.
  2. Create a New Class:
    • Click on the New icon to initiate the creation of a new class.
  3. Enter Class Details:
    • Class ID: Enter a unique identifier for the class.
    • Class Name: Provide a descriptive name for the class.
    • Description: Optionally, add a brief description to clarify the purpose of the class.
  4. Assign Employees to the Class:
    • Navigate to the Employee Inquiry Details Page.
    • Select the relevant employees and assign them to the newly created class.
  5. Save the Class Record:
    • Click the Green Tick icon to save the class entry.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the Payroll/HR > Administration > Class article.

By following these steps, you can efficiently organise your employees into specific classes, facilitating better analysis and reporting within your organisation.

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