This report in SapphireOne is a valuable tool for efficiently managing workforce scheduling. This report offers a detailed overview of Employee Rosters, providing a comprehensive view of individual work assignments, shifts, and schedules. The reporting steps are as follows:
- Navigation – Go to Payroll/HR > History > Reports and then select the Show Reports item. Sapphire will display the Select Report alert allowing the user to select the required report from the list.
- Select Report alert – From this select the Roster by Employee report. SapphireOne will then display the Show Report data entry screen, ready for user input as documented below.
If any alterations are made to any of the data entry fields below, the user must click the Recalculate button. This will prompt SapphireOne to recalculate and update the displayed data in the Roster by Employee area.
Query options area
For additional documentation on the three items below please go to the Query Options section in the main article.
- Range – There are thirteen options available; select the required one from the list. Based on the selection, the From and To fields will be automatically populated accordingly.
- Depart – This is a drop-down list populated with all Departments from the data file. Select the desired Department to generate the report accordingly.
- Query Button – This button serves as a valuable tool for refining the content of a report within SapphireOne. When users require the ability to filter the report based on particular criteria, such as a specific Vendor, they can initiate a comprehensive query by clicking on the Query button.
Display Options area
For additional documentation on the two items below please go to the Display Options section in the main article.
- Sort Menu – The Sort menu enables you to sort the items in the report according to different criteria. There are currently ten options available for sorting starting with the, ID (Default), all the way through to Fill %.
- Click the > symbol next to the sort list to invert the sort order. Clicking it again will revert to the original order.
- Recalculate Button – Whenever you make a change to the report, click on the Recalculate button to allow SapphireOne to re-calculate the report. Any changes you make will be displayed immediately in the Roster by Employee area.
Report Generation area
There are several buttons at the bottom of the Show Reports Page that Perform the following functions.
- Cancel Button – By selecting this button, the current report processing will be canceled.
- Export to HTML Button – Selecting this button will export the current report as an HTML file
- Export to CSV Button – Selecting this button will export the current report as a CSV file. CSV file.
- Print Button – By selecting this button, the printing interface for the current report will be opened
For more detailed instructions, please refer to Payroll/HR > History > Reports > Show Reports – Roster by Employee.