Employee Classes provide a way to group employees into specific classifications relevant to your business operations. For organisations with a large workforce, categorising employees into distinct classes significantly enhances the ability to analyse data and generate detailed reports within SapphireOne.
To effectively define and manage Employee Classes within SapphireOne, follow these steps:
- Navigation – Go to Payroll/HR > Administration > Inquiry and then select the Employee Class item. SapphireOne will display the Employee Class list screen ready for the user to create classes of employees.
- Employee Class Precedence – Employee Classes must be created prior to setting up Employee records. This ensures that when a new Employee record is created, an appropriate existing employee Class can be assigned to their master record.
- Creating a New Employee Class Click on the blue + icon to initiate the creation of a new Employee Class. Sapphire one will now display the New Employee Class screen ready for data entry as follows.
Class area
- Class ID – Enter a new ID or your new Employee Class
- Class Name – Provide a descriptive name for the new Employee Class.
Custom Headers
For more detailed instructions, please refer to the Payroll/HR > Administration > Employee Class article
Notes area
- Notes – If required enter a brief note of the employee class to clarify its purpose.
Linked area
- List of Employees – This list is populated only when an Employee is created and an existing Class is assigned in the Employee area. The user will have to ensure that an actual Employee is created before entering a class to include it in the list here.
- Saving the New Employee Class Record – Click on the Green Tick on the main toolbar to save the new allowance class entry.
For more detailed instructions, please refer to the Payroll/HR > Administration > Employee Class article.
By following these steps, you can efficiently organise your employees into specific classes, facilitating better analysis and reporting within your organisation.