Submit a BAS Report

In this section, you will learn how to prepare and submit your Business Activity Statement (BAS) within SapphireOne. This functionality is essential for ensuring compliance with tax regulations. There are two methods for submitting a BAS submission to the tax department.

Manual Method

  • Navigation – Go to Management > Analysis and select the BAS Submission item. SapphireOne will display the BAS Submission screen ready for data entry.
  • New BAS – Select the New BAS Submission item at the top of the list.
    • New – Click on the New/Modify button on the lower left hand corner of the screen. Sapphireone will display the New BAS alert ready for data entry.
  • BAS alert – From this from this alert into the following data .
    • Document Nº – Enter the required document number .
    • Start & End dates – Enter the Starting and Ending dates for this BAS submission.
    • OK Button – Once the above data has been entered correctly the OK button will become active allowing the user to create a new BAS submission.
  • Prefilling – SapphireOne’s software will prefill your BAS submission ready for checking by the user.
  • Sheets – The BAS return consists of two sheets:
    • Statement Sheet – By default, the Statement Sheet will display first.
    • Calculation Sheet –To view or modify items on the Calculation Sheet, the user should select the Calculation Sheet button.
  • Checking – Ensure all details are accurate and complete, including GST collected, GST paid, and other relevant tax information.
  • Saving & Printing: -It is important to understand the distinction between saving and printing a BAS submission in SapphireOne, as follows:
    • Saving – To save the BAS submission without locking it, click on the Save button. The BAS submission will then appear in the list and can be modified as it has not yet been printed.
    • Printing – When the Print button is selected, SapphireOne will prompt the user with a question asking if the BAS submission has been printed correctly. If the user selects Yes, the BAS report will be locked, preventing any further modifications. The submission will be saved in this final state.
  • Reporting – Follow the instructions to submit the BAS report to the relevant tax authority.

SBR 2 BAS Reporting

  • Before connecting to the ATO website, confirm that all reports, audits, and checks are completed on the data file for the BAS submission period.
  • Once connected, the ATO will retrieve all necessary data directly from your General Ledger accounts.

New BAS Submission procedure –

  • New BAS – To start the process first click on the New Bas Submission from the top of the list of BAS submissions.
    • Prefill BAS – If the credentials are correct the Prefill button at the bottom of the screen will become active allowing the user to select it.
    • Credentials – SapphireOne will now use the credentials documented above to access the ATO SBR 2 website.
    • Errors – If there is a single eror or typo the ATO website will not allow a connection to be made. Re-ckheck all items for your AUSkey and the credentials as entered.
  • Verification – If the ATO website verifies that the company has the correct credentials, a alert will confirm successful authentication.
    • Creating BAS – Once the ATO site accepts the connection, the Create BAS button will become active. At this point, the user should select the Create BAS button to proceed.
    • Activity Statement Interaction – The ATO and SapphireOne will now proceed with what the ATO calls an Activity Statement interaction. (AS) for short.
  • Pre Lodge – After the ATO system has finished interacting with SapphireOne, the software will return the user to the BAS Submission screen.
    • Modifications – If the user selected the PreLodge option, they will see a new, unprinted (unlocked) BAS statement at the top of the list Immediately below the new BAS Submission item which may be modified if required.
  • Lodgment – The last procedure to do is to Lodge your BAS submission. Once you lodge your BAS submission you will unable to make any modifications to it. However revisions are allowed so please refer to the link below.

For more detailed information, visit the Management > Analysis > BAS Submission article.

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