Generate a Job Cost Report

The Job Cost Report functionality in SapphireOne allows you to track and analyse all Costs associated with your Job Projects. This guide will show you how to generate Job Cost Reports for accurate financial monitoring. The steps are as follows:

  1. Navigation – Go to Job Projects > Job Projects > Report and then select the Job Cost Item. SapphireOne will display the Journal Lines Reports printer dialogue screen, allowing the user to make selections and customise the report output as needed.
  2. Print Destination – In this drop-down menu, Printer is selected by default. However, the user may also select Custom Report or Quick Report as required.
  3. Report Type – In the drop-down menu, Balances is selected by default. However, users have three additional options available to customise the report according to their specific requirements: Wide-Balances, Income & Costs, and Wide-Income & Costs.
  4. Report Sort Order – The drop-down menu defaults to Full Data. There are currently eight additional options for the report sort order, ranging from GL Data to GL Class by Class, allowing users to organise the report as needed.
  5. Report Selection – This is a very important menu, as the user has access to a drop-down menu with two options: Open Project (default) and All Records.
  6. Additional Filtering options –The user will note a series of two drop-down menus that enable additional filtering and criteria for the report. From these menus, the user can select whether to include or exclude items from the report.
  7. Printing – To print the report, select the blue Print button. SapphireOne will take you to the print dialogue screen for your operating platform, either Windows or Mac. Choose your print options as you would normally for any printing operation.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the Job Projects > Job Projects > Job Cost Report article.

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