Make a Purchase Money Payment

The Purchase Money Payment function allows you to record payments made to vendors for Job Projects, ensuring accurate financial records. The steps are as follows:

  1. Navigate to Job Projects > Costs > Data Entry and select the Purchase Money Payment item. SapphireOne will display the Purchase Money Payment Entry screen on the Details page ready for data entry.
  2. Vendor details are not required for this type of transaction as it should be a cash based transaction.
  3. The Date In and Date of Arrival will be set to today’s date by the users operating platform, (MacOS or Windows). Enter the Cheque and Invoice NÂș if required.
  4. Add Inventory items by selecting the green + button or use the Command / key combination.
    • Use the wildcard search options to locate items, or type part of the product name followed by the @ symbol. This will search for the corresponding Inventory ID.
    • If the selected Vendor has a Job Project associated with their master record, SapphireOne will automatically populate the Project ID in the Project data entry field.
    • For vendors without a linked project, you will need to manually enter the Project ID in the Project data entry field.
  5. Enter the Quantity required for each Inventory item. SapphireOne will automatically enter the Rate as set up for each Inventory Item.
  6. Go to the More Details page and check that additional information is required to be entered.
  7. Save the new Purchase Money Payment by clicking the Green tick button on the main toolbar.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the Job Projects > Costs > Purchase Money Payment article.

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