Posting Inventory Transactions (Invoices)

Posting inventory transactions finalizes the sales process (SCI’s) and updates the inventory stock levels. This guide will walk you through how to post Inventory transactions in SapphireOne.

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Sales > Process and select the Post Transactions item.
  2. Select the Transactions you wish to post.
  3. Verify that a tick or a + symbol appears in the last column on the screen, indicating the transactions selected for posting.
  4. Click the Process button to post the selected transactions.

Alternate Process – Using Sapphire Tools

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Sales > Transactions.
  2. Select the Transaction you wish to post.
  3. Go to Sapphire Tools > Process and select the Post Transactions option.
  4. Sapphire will display an alert asking for confirmation of your action.
    • Note that the alert also indicates exactly how many transactions are to be posted.
  5. Click on the Yes button to confirm your action

Alternate Process – Using right mouse click

  1. Navigate to Tools > Process > Transactions.
  2. Select the SCI Sales Client Invoice that you want to post.
  3. Right-click on the transaction.
  4. Choose Post from the context menu.

The Post option will only be visible if the selected transaction is ready and available for posting. Once you select Post, SapphireOne will immediately post the transaction without any further prompts or user intervention.

This is important for users to be aware of since there is no confirmation step once the post action is initiated.

For more details, visit the Inventory > Sales > Post Transactions and Inventory > Sales > Transactions articles.

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