Creating a Sales Credit

A sales credit is issued to correct an error on a sales invoice or to return goods. This guide will show you how to create a sales credit in SapphireOne.

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Sales > Sales Client Credit.
  2. Select the “+” button to create a new credit.
  3. Enter the client details or select an existing client.
  4. Add the inventory items to the credit by selecting the “+” button.
  5. Enter the quantity and verify the pricing details.
  6. Save the credit by clicking the Save button.

Alternate Method – Reverse Transaction

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Sales > Transactions.
  2. Select the SCI transaction you wish to reverse.
  3. Go to Tools and select Process > Reverse Transactions.

For more details, visit the Inventory > Sales > Sales Client Credit and Inventory > Sales > Transactions articles.

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