Converting a QCI to an OCI or SCI

Converting a Quote Client Invoice (QCI) to an Order Client Invoice (OCI) or Sales Client Invoice (SCI) is essential for progressing through the sales process. This guide will show you how to perform these conversions in SapphireOne.

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Sales > Transactions.
  2. Go to the More Details page.
  3. Tick the checkbox for OCI, SCI, or both as required.

Alternate Method – Right-Click Context Menu

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Sales > Transactions.
  2. Select the transaction you want to convert.
  3. Right-click and select Convert.

Alternate Method – Tools

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Sales > Transactions.
  2. Select the transaction.
  3. Go to Tools and select Process > Convert to SCI/PVI.

For more details, visit the Inventory > Sales > Transactions article.

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