Creating an Order Vendor Invoice (OVI) is the first step in managing your Inventory purchases. This document formalises your order with a Vendor, specifying the goods or services you intend to purchase. The steps are as follows:
- Navigate to Inventory > Purchases > Data Entry and select the Order Vendor Invoice item. SapphireOne will display the Order Vendor Invoice Entry screen ready for data entry.
- Enter the Vendor ID and other required details.
- Fill in the Delivery Instructions and if necessary review the Payment Terms.
- Add inventory items by selecting the + button or use the Command / key combination.
- Use wildcard search options, or type part of the product name ending with the @ symbol to search for the Inventory ID.
- Enter the Quantity for each item.
- SapphireOne will automatically enter the Rate set up for each Inventory Item.
- You may overwrite this and enter the rate manually if required.
- Save the new OVI by clicking the Green tick button on the main toolbar.
For more detailed instructions, please refer to the Inventory > Purchases > Order Vendor Invoice article.