Create a Purchase Vendor Credit

A Purchase Vendor Credit (PVC) is used to record returns or credits from a vendor. This helps in managing inventory and financial records accurately.

Option 1 – Direct Method

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Purchases > Purchase Vendor Credit.
  2. Enter the Vendor ID, Date In, and Arrival Date.
  3. Add inventory items by selecting the + button.
  4. Specify the quantity, rate, and other relevant details for each item.
  5. Save the PVC by clicking the Save button.

Option 2 – Reverse Transaction

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Purchases > Transactions.
  2. Select the PVI posted transaction you wish to reverse.
  3. Go to Tools and select Process > Reverse Transactions.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the Inventory > Purchases > Purchase Vendor Credit article.

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