Record Point of Sale (POS) Transactions

Record Point of Sale (POS) Transactions cover all sales activities at the point of sale. This guide will help you manage POS transactions efficiently. The steps are as follows:

  1. Open SapphireOne and navigate to Inventory > Point of Sale > POS Transactions.
  2. Enter Rep ID – Input an active and valid Rep ID.
  3. Select Inventory – Use the search function or barcode scanner to bring up the relevant inventory.
  4. Add Items – Manually select the items being purchased.
  5. Process Payment – Click on the “Payment F3” tab or press F3. Select the payment method.
  6. Complete Transaction – Ensure the outstanding balance is $0.00, then click the “Process” button to finalise the transaction.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the Inventory > Point of Sale > POS Transactions article.

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