Create, Modify, View, and Delete a Tariff

The Tariff functionality in SapphireOne allows you to manage tariffs associated with imported goods, ensuring compliance with customs regulations and accurate cost calculations.

Creating a new Tariff

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Manager > Inquiry and then select the Tariff item. SapphireOne will display the Tariff list screen displaying a list of Tariffs already in the data file.
  2. Click on the New, blue + button and the New Tariff data entry screen will be displayed. Enter data into the necessary fields as required:
    • Tariff Name – Enter a unique name for this Tariff record.
    • Details – Enter all the relevant details about this new Tariff
  3. Click on the green tick on the main toolbar to create this new Tariff record.

Modifying an existing Tariff

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Manager > Inquiry and then select the Tariff item. SapphireOne will display the Tariff list screen.
  2. Select the Tariff record that you wish to modify.
  3. Click on the Modify button on the main toolbar and the Tariff Details screen will be displayed.
  4. Make the necessary modification or changes.
  5. Click on the green tick on the main toolbar to save the Tariff changes or modifications.

Viewing an existing Tariff

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Manager > Inquiry and then select the Tariff item. SapphireOne will display the Tariff list screen.
  2. Select the Tariff record that you wish to view.
  3. Click on the View button on the main toolbar and the Tariff details screen will be displayed.

Deleting an existing Tariff

If the tariff is linked to any records an alert will prevent the user from the deleting the selected tariff.

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Manager > Inquiry and then select the Tariff item. SapphireOne will display the Tariff list screen.
  2. Select the Tariff record that you wish to Delete.
  3. Click on the red Delete button on the main toolbar.
  4. If it is allowed, SapphireOne will display the normal deletion confirmation alert so select the Delete button. If more than one tariff has been selected, select the Delete All button.

For detailed insights, please refer to our comprehensive article on Inventory > Manager > Tariff.

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