Creating a Transfer Journal

The Transfer Journal is used to move inventory between different locations within your organisation, ensuring accurate tracking of stock movements. the steps are as follows:

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Inventory > Data Entry and then select the Transfer Journal item. SapphireOne will display the Transfer Journal Entry screen ready for data entry.
  2. In the Details and Tracking areas enter any notes and transfer dates.
  3. Add a new line by using the green + button or use the Command / key combination.
  4. Enter the Source and Destination Locations. (From Inventory > To Inventory)
  5. Enter the Inventory ID and Quantity to be transferred.
  6. Save the new transfer entry by clicking the green tick button on the main toolbar.
  7. Remember that inventory stock levels will not be adjusted until this transfer journal has been posted.

For more details, visit the Inventory > Inventory > Transfer Journal article.

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