Create a Vendor Invoice

Creating Vendor invoices in SapphireOne is essential for payments for goods or services provided. This process ensures that all Invoice details are accurately recorded and sent to Vendors promptly.

  1. Navigate to Accounts > Payables > Data Entry and then select the Vendor Invoice item. Sapphire one will display the Vendor Invoice Entry screen ready for data entry.
  2. Directly enter the Vendor ID if it is known or use wildcard search options. Type part of the ID followed by the @ symbol to search for the correct Vendor ID.
  3. Complete the necessary fields, in the transaction area including Invoice NÂș, Date, General Ledger (GL) Account and Total.
  4. Pay attention to dates as SapphireOne will automatically enter most of them as setup from default settings and you operating platforms clock.
  5. In the Destination area enter the GL account details as required.
  6. Finalise the invoice by clicking on the green tick button on the main toolbar. This will save and then close the new Vendor Invoice.

The vendor invoice can be reopened by going to Accounts > Payables > Inquiry > Transactions and selecting the vendor invoice for viewing or modification if it remains un-posted.

For more detailed information, refer to the Accounts > Payables > Vendor Invoice article.

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