Checking All Historical Account Transactions

In this section, you will learn how to check all historical account transactions in SapphireOne. This is essential for reviewing past transactions and making necessary adjustments. Understanding this process will help you maintain accurate financial records and ensure compliance with auditing requirements.

  1. Navigate to Accounts > History > Inquiry and select the Transactions option. SapphireOne will display a new screen listing historical transactions, with the most recent ones at the top.
  2. To make any adjustments to historical transactions, you must first retrieve them to the current period. Select the transaction you wish to adjust.
  3. Then navigate to Tools and select the Retrieve to Current option.
  4. Once the transaction has been retrieved to current the transaction may processed in a similar manner to any other transaction that is current.

Once the transaction has been retrieved to the current period, you can reverse it or perform allocation or de-allocation as needed. However, since it is part of the historical record and as such has already been posted, it cannot be deleted.

For more detail, visit the Accounts > History > Transactions article.

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