Error and Status Code Glossary Overview
SapphireOne may occasionally display error and status codes on various list screens, or to signal a problem during posting, or within the Controls and Error Tabs of the information section while processing transactions. The following sections provide explanations of these codes and describe the circumstances they indicate, allowing for appropriate troubleshooting and resolution when necessary.
List Screen Error and Status Codes
When a list of items appears on the screen, SapphireOne will display various error and/or status codes. Some of these codes are normal during transaction processing, while others indicate errors. Error codes are shown when the standard inquiry list screen is in use. If the user has selected the optional ‘Swap to Custom Inquiry’ button and used the ‘Setup’ button
to choose the columns to populate the list, they may opt to display the Status column. This column includes the Status Number as detailed in the table below. To obtain extended details of an error, the user must open the transaction for modification and examine the Information Tabs area.
Posted | Status | Details |
Ent: | -2 | The line has been entered correctly and is ready to be posted. The transaction is as yet Un-posted and Modifiable. |
Err: | -1 | Error in posting Modifiable. Will not post until the error has been corrected. (Check remainder of this section for details) |
No: | 0 | Un-posted (Modifiable). SapphireOne is deciding as to what posted status it is to place on the transaction. |
Yes: | 1 | Posted. The line has been correctly entered and has been posted. |
Hist: | 2 | Record to go to History. |
Wait: | 3 | Waiting to be posted. |
Lock: | 4 | Record in use while trying to update. Will post in next posting run. |
Later: | 6 | Waiting to be posted via the activity Queue button. |
7 | Indicates a payment process stage where the payment is created and printed (with the check box selected), and an ABA file is generated, but it has not yet been posted. | |
Rec: | 8 | Waiting to be Reconciled but already posted. |
Work: | 12 | Currently Processing un-posted. The line is being posted now. |
Inwards Goods: | 13 | Not normally displayed as 13 is the transactions status when the transaction is an Inwards Goods transaction. No effect on anything and can be ignored. |
Print: | Preparing to print | |
New: | This code will appear while data is being entered. That is before the green tick becomes active. | |
Dup: | Duplicate transaction in the list. | |
WF: | Transaction requires Work Flow authorisation. |
Posting Error and Status Codes
Transactions may fail to post due to an additional error. While it should be uncommon to see these errors in a properly managed data file, they do occur. Below is a condensed list of common error codes.
Code | Description |
P: | Locked Period. |
L: | Locked Record. |
C: | Invalid control account. |
PJ: | Project required. |
PER: | Period error. An invalid period has been entered and it may indicate damage to the data file. Please check with SapphireOne support staff immediately. |
Control Tab Error and Status Codes
The error codes listed below will be posted within the Controls and Error Tabs of the information section when conducting transactions in SapphireOne.
Code | Description |
AC | Clients Inactive |
Check that the Client has an Active Status in Client Inquiry. From the Tools menu select the show inactive option. | |
ACT | Activity Link |
In Projects, Resources, the Times Lines Activity Link cannot be found. Try modifying the record to the activity that does exist. | |
ADO | Asset Depreciation |
This asset has already been depreciated up to its full cost and may not be depreciated any further. | |
AV | Vendors Inactive |
Check that the Vendor has an Active Status in Vendor Inquiry. | |
BA | Bank Account |
Bank Account has been used in a Vendor Invoice. There is a flag in: Utilities\ Controls \ Master Defaults under the Invoices option which states ‘Allow Invoices to Bank Accounts. The error will only be reported when this option is not ticked. | |
BAY | Bay Error |
There is an error in the bay usually a quantity error. | |
BC | Bank Control Error |
This means that here is a discrepancy between the Bank account currency and the currency that the transaction is using. I.e. a transaction has used USD and auctioned it to the AUD Bank account. | |
BL | Build Line Error |
There is an error in the build line itself usually insufficient stock left to build the item. You should be aware that in some cases a sub build will be used to build the main item and if there is not enough stock for the sub build this error code will be displayed. | |
C | Client Name Not Valid |
Locate the Client by accessing the Client Inquiry. If the Client exists, ensure a name has been completed in the description field. If the Client does not exist, you will need to create a new Client or select the appropriate Client for the record in question. Return to the relevant record, delete the Client ID and re-type it. | |
CA | Control Account |
Verify the Client Control Account in the Terms Screen of the Client Inquiry. The Control Account field must have a valid Account entered or it should be left blank. If Department Transactions have been activated in Master Defaults, you will need to verify the Tax Default Account exists for all Departments. | |
CL | Credit Limit |
Verify the Client’s credit limit by accessing the Terms Screen from Client Inquiry. | |
CONV | Converting an Order |
On Converting an Order, the total quantity was zero. | |
CT | Control Accounts |
The Control Account doesn’t exist. Replace the Financials Structure File, and re-index General Ledger. Suggest that you also check that the Control Accounts exist in the Client/Vendors records, and that these Control Accounts have the correct Department (Company) attached to them. | |
CX | Tax Control Account |
Verify the Tax Default Account by accessing the Terms Screen of the Client Inquiry. If Department Transactions have been activated in Master Defaults you will need to verify the Tax Default Account exists for all Departments. | |
DA | Duplicate Adjustment lines inventory |
This means that an attempt has been made to use the same inventory item twice in the creation of an ADJ. | |
DC | Different Company |
Raised if your company is creating transactions that will be on a different companies BAS then the one you are logged into. Error is enabled by a master default in posting. | |
DEL | Deleted Posted Record |
An attempt was made to post and delete a record at the same time. Please be aware that the likely outcome was that the record was deleted and did not post. | |
DQ | Totals Don’t Balance |
The total of debits doesn’t match total or Totals of Credits don’t equal total. Ensure that all data entry is correct. | |
EX | External Reference Error |
Delete the External Reference and re-type it. The option for setting unique External References per Vendor has been set in the Vendor Screen in Master Defaults. De-select this flag to allow double entry of the External References. | |
G | General Ledger not Valid |
Locate the General Ledger Account by accessing General Ledger Inquiry. If the General Ledger Account does not exist, create a new General Ledger Account or select the appropriate General Ledger Account for the record in question. If the General Ledger Account does exist, return to the relevant record delete the General Ledger ID from the line entry and re-type it. | |
GX | General Ledger Account not found |
The General Ledger account name field is blank. Replace the Financials Structure File, and re-index General Ledger. | |
HJ | History Journal Lines |
These Journal Lines are the wrong status. | |
HJL | No History Journal Lines |
History Journal Lines do not exist | |
I | Inventory Error |
Displayed as I followed by the Inventory ID. E.g. I:AACUT~0. Locate the Inventory item by accessing Inventory Inquiry. If the Inventory item exists ensure a name has been completed in the description field. If the Inventory item does not exist create a new Inventory item or select the appropriate Inventory item for the record in question. Return to the relevant record delete the Inventory item from the line entry and re-type it. | |
IBA | Invalid Bank Account |
When entering Control Accounts if SapphireOne determines that the Bank Account being entered it will display this error code. | |
IC | Inter Company |
If Multi-Company has been set up the Inter Company General Ledger Code must be filled in under department as must the Company ID. If a record is being posted to a department on a Multi Company data file where the Inter Company G/L has been set up but not the Company ID the transaction will error as an IC code. | |
IL | Invoice Lines Don’t Exist |
The just created Invoice lines can’t be found and don’t exist while posting an invoice | |
JOB | Journals lines don’t balance |
When the transaction was posted the journal lines were either unable to be created or the total of the Debits did not balance the total of the Credits | |
L | Locked Invoice |
The Invoice is in use by another component of SapphireOne. Try again after a period of waiting, or restart the server. | |
LD | Location Missing Department |
If a Pack Location is not assigned to a department this error message will appear | |
LDI | Locked Invoice, processing an Order |
You tried to update an order that was locked at the time. Make sure that no one else is using the transaction. | |
LIN | Locked Inventory processing an Order |
You tried to update an order that where the Inventory was locked at the time. Make sure that no one else is using any of the related Inventory items. | |
LOC | Filename |
A miscellaneous file is locked. Like all of the locked record situations it is likely another user or a system process has this Record in use. File Name specifies which file. | |
LP | Locked Period |
Unlock the Period for the type of record by accessing the Period & Taxes Screen from Utilities, System Controls and try again. | |
LT | Locked Transaction |
The transaction is in use by another component of SapphireOne. Try again after a period of waiting, or restart the server. | |
LV | Locked Invoice calculating Un-Posted |
The Invoice is in use by another component of SapphireOne while attempting to post. Try again after a period of waiting or restart the server. It is suggested that you also run Verify Un-Posted in Utilities \ Utilities. | |
NG | Negative Stock |
Locate the relevant Invoice and check that the right Inventory item has been used. If the Inventory item is correct you will need to create a PVI to purchase more Stock. | |
OB | Out of Balance |
Locate the relevant record and ensure the total of Debits and Credits balance. | |
P | Period |
Locate the relevant record and check the Period field. | |
P1 | Error in Activities file in an Invoice |
The Activities percentage has been over allocated. Check the Invoice. | |
PER | Period Error |
Monthly period errors no longer display the period error. It is only displayed when a period that is in current should not exist. I.e. Period 31, 83, 101, 121 etc. Please contact SapphireOne support staff if a period error is displayed as this could indicate damage to the data file. | |
PERO | Period 0 Journal |
This is only reported in First Time mode. There has been a Period 0 Journal done to an Income Statement Account. | |
PJ | Project Required |
Return to the relevant record and complete the Project ID in the line entry, or turn off the “Project Required” flag in the General Ledger Account by accessing the General Ledger Inquiry and selecting the appropriate General Ledger ID. | |
PR | Project Error |
Locate the Project by accessing Project Inquiry. If the PR project still exists, then ensure a name has been completed in the description field. If the Project does not exist, create a new Project or select the appropriate Project for the record in question. Return to the relevant record delete the Project from the line entry and re-type it. | |
QTY | Quantity Error |
Return to the relevant record and check the Quantity field. If the Quantity does not exists, type in a quantity for that item. Note: you are allowed zero quantities on AGJ’s. | |
REF | Internal Reference |
Return to the relevant record and check the Internal Reference field. If the Internal Reference exists, delete it and re-type it. | |
RS | Resource Link |
Times Lines Resource Link the resource can’t be found. | |
SB | Stock Breakdown |
SapphireOne checks to see if the number of lines in an Invoice is less than the number of lines in history for that particular Invoice. Check History \ Sales Line and see if all the lines for the Invoice were correctly copied across. If there is an error, then try re-entering the problem line or re-entering the whole Invoice. | |
SBA | Transaction History Error |
SapphireOne is unable to write the current transaction to history. This will commonly occur if another user has the transaction open at the same time. To fix shut down the data file/server, restart and then reopen the transaction. Then select the green tick and save the transaction again. When SapphireOne re-saves the transaction it will be able to write it in to history removing the SBA error. | |
SGL | GL Name not valid |
Locate the General Ledger Account in question by accessing General Ledger Inquiry. If the General Ledger Account exists, then ensure a name has been completed in the description field. If the General Ledger Account does not exist, create a new General Ledger Account or select the appropriate General Ledger Account for the record in question. Return to the relevant record, delete the General Ledger Account from the line entry and re-type it. | |
SN | Serial Number Error |
Locate the Serial Number by accessing Serial Number Inquiry. If the Serial Number does not exist, create a new Serial Number or select the appropriate Serial Number for the record in question. If the Serial Number does exist, go to the relevant record, delete the Serial Number ID from the line entry and re-type it. | |
SNID | Serial Number ID Error |
Locate the Serial Number by accessing Serial Number Inquiry. If the Serial Number does not exist create a new Serial Number or select an appropriate Serial Number for the record in question. If the Serial Number does exist go to the relevant record delete the Serial Number ID from the line entry and re-type it. | |
SNL | Serial Numbers Don’t Balance |
Serial Number quantities don’t match the quantity specified in the Invoice. Try re-entering the Invoice. | |
SNS | Serial Number Sold Greater Than Quantity Available |
Serial Number sold greater than quantity available for that Serial Number. Refer to the Sales Lines of the transaction and identify which Inventory item has a repeated ID or a repeated serial number. | |
SNT | Serial Number Link Error |
Return to the relevant record delete the Serial Number from the line entry and re-type it. | |
SP | Sales Person |
Return to the relevant record, delete the Rep ID and re-type it. | |
TBQ | Table Matrix Error |
There is an error in the Table matrix. The most common error is a missing line so check that all lines are present and accounted for. | |
TN | Total Less Than Zero |
Return to the relevant record and check that the total equals an amount greater than zero. If the value is already greater than zero, delete the amount from the line entry in the record in question and re-type it. | |
TK | Item Error by Tran Audit |
Tran Audit or Cross check has found records that might be in error and has flagged them with error of TK so they may be later reviewed. | |
TOT | Total Error |
The Total of the accounting record does not equal the Total of the Invoice record. Re-enter the lines on the Invoice and check the values being used. | |
TR | Transaction Exists in Accounts |
Verify the Transaction is already located in the Accounts Module by accessing Transaction Inquiry. If the Transaction exists in the Accounts Module an Apply Formula will need to be used in order to manually post the Invoice. | |
UA | Un-posted stock adjustment |
This means that an inventory item has been used in raising a transaction that currently has an Un-Posted adjustment against it. Until this adjustment is posted SapphireOne will not allow the transaction to be posted until the ADJ is posted first. (NOTE that this function may be turned off by a setting in Master defaults in the Inventory Page). | |
V | Vendor Name Not Valid |
Locate the Vendor by accessing Vendor Inquiry. If the Vendor exists, then ensure then ensure a name has been completed in the description field. If the Vendor does not exist, create a new Vendor or select the appropriate Vendor for the record in question. Delete the Vendor and re-type it. | |
WF | Workflow Restriction |
Transaction must be authorised by a user with the appropriate level of authority. This requires that Workflow be correctly set up. Documentation is in the Management and Utilities manual. | |
XL | Invoice Lines Created Incorrectly |
The created invoice lines do exist but the information on them may not be sufficient for them to be found again by SapphireOne and month end may delete them. See IL | |
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