SapphireOne User Implementation Course

SapphireOne User Implementation Course Overview

Welcome to the SapphireOne User Implementation Course. We understand that SapphireOne’s extensive features may seem overwhelming at first. Therefore, we’ve distilled this guidance to the fundamentals. Completing this course should not pose any challenges to new users and will set the stage for steady and confident progress.

We suggest that new users of SapphireOne complete the course by following through each module in a sandboxed environment on a local workstation, utilising the Sapphire Single User application with either a copy of your organisation’s data file or the Bondi Blue test data file. Additionally wIf you require assistance, please consult your organisation’s administrator or SapphireOne support.

The feedback forms at the end of each training article should be utilised for questions or concerns. SapphireOne support is available and committed to ensuring an easy and effective implementation.

SapphireOne User Implementation Course

This user implementation course is currently being developed and will continuously have additional units and modules added until it is complete.

1. Fundamentals of Managing Accounts Receivables

Managing accounts receivables efficiently is crucial for maintaining healthy cash flow and ensuring timely payments from clients. This guide will walk you through the fundamental tasks involved in managing accounts receivables in SapphireOne, including setting up new clients, creating invoices and receipts, and generating reports.
Estimated Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Unit Label Description Duration
1.1  Set Up and Add a New Client Setting up and adding new clients in SapphireOne is the first step in managing your accounts receivables.  0:10
1.2 Create a Client Invoice Bill clients for goods or services provided, ensuring all invoice details are accurately recorded and deployed promptly. 0:10
1.3 Create a Client Receipt Record payments received from clients ensuring all payment details are accurately documented and allocated to their corresponding invoices. 0:10
1.4 Create a Client Credit Necessary for issuing refunds or adjustments to client accounts ensuring that all credit details are accurately recorded and applied to the appropriate invoices. 0:10
1.5 Create a Client Journal Creating client journals in SapphireOne is essential for making adjustments to client accounts. This process ensures that all journal entries are accurately recorded and reflect the correct account balances. 0:10
1.6 Set Up and Add a New Client Class Categorise clients for better management and reporting ensuring all client classes are accurately defined and utilised. 0:10
1.7 Post Any Transaction Type (CI, CC, CR, CJ) Posting transactions is crucial for finalising and recording financial activities ensuring all transactions are accurately posted and reflected in the accounts. 0:10
1.8 Allocate Client Refund and Client Credit Transactions Allocating CR and CC transactions is essential for matching payments and credits to the corresponding invoices ensuring all allocations are accurately recorded and reconciled. 0:10
1.9 View and Generate Client Ageing Reports Viewing and generating client ageing reports is vital for monitoring outstanding receivables and managing overdue accounts ensuring all ageing reports are accurately generated and utilised for effective receivables management. 0:10

2. Fundamentals of Managing Accounts Payables

This training module encapsulates the essential skills and knowledge needed to efficiently manage an organisation’s accounts payables using SapphireOne. The course teaches a variety of topics including setting up new vendors, creating and processing vendor payments, and methods for accurate record-keeping and streamlined financial operations.
Estimated Duration: 1 hour 50 minutes.

Unit Label Description Duration
2.1 Set Up and Add a New Vendor Ensure that all vendor-related transactions are accurately recorded and managed. 0:10
2.2 Create a Vendor Invoice Record the financial obligations of your organisation to its vendors. 0:10
2.3 Create a Vendor Payment Settle your organisation’s financial obligations.  0:10
2.4 Create a Vendor Credit Vendor credits are used to record returns or adjustments. 0:10
2.5 Create a Vendor Journal Vendor journals are used for adjustments or corrections.  0:10
2.6 Set Up and Add a New Vendor Class Setting up vendor classes helps in categorising and managing vendors efficiently. 0:10
2.7 Create and Process a Vendor Payment Creating and processing vendor payments is essential for the timely settlement of obligations. 0:10
2.8 Post Any Transaction Type (VI, VC, VP, VJ) Posting transactions is crucial for finalising and recording them. This guide will teach you how to post different transaction types. 0:10
2.9 Allocate Vendor Payment and Vendor Credit Transactions Allocating vendor payments and credits ensures accurate reconciliation.  0:10
2.10 View and Send Vendor Ageing Reports Vendor ageing reports help monitor and manage payables.  0:10
2.11 View and Send Vendor Statements Vendor statements keep vendors informed about their account status.  0:10

3. Fundamentals of Managing Accounts General Ledger

This training documentation provides a step-by-step guide to managing Accounts General Ledger in SapphireOne. The procedures outlined will help ensure the accuracy and integrity of your financial data, contributing to the overall efficiency and success of your organisation’s accounting processes.
Estimated Duration: 1 hours 30 minutes.

Unit Lesson Description Duration
3.1 Set Up a General Ledger Account Setting up a General Ledger (GL) account is the first step in managing your financial records. This process involves creating accounts that will be used to record all financial transactions. 0:10
3.2 Set Up a General Ledger Class GL Classes are used to categorise your GL accounts for better organisation and reporting. This step ensures that your accounts are grouped logically. 0:10
3.3 Set Up an FX General Ledger Account Setting up FX (Foreign Exchange) General Ledger accounts allows you to manage transactions in multiple currencies. This is crucial for organisations dealing with international clients. 0:10
3.4 Create a General Ledger Journal Creating a General Ledger Journal is essential for recording financial transactions that do not fit into other categories. This ensures all financial activities are accurately documented. 0:10
3.5 Post a General Ledger Journal Transaction Posting a General Ledger Journal transaction is the final step in recording your financial activities. This process ensures that the transactions are officially recorded in your financial statements. 0:10
3.6 Perform a Bank Reconciliation Bank Reconciliation is a crucial process that ensures your financial records match your bank statements. This step helps identify any discrepancies and maintain accurate financial data. 0:10
3.7 Perform a Bank Sync Bank Sync allows you to automatically import and reconcile your bank transactions, saving time and reducing errors. 0:10
3.8 Generate Trial Balance, Income Statement, and Balance Sheet Reports Generating financial reports such as Trial Balance, Income Statement, and Balance Sheet is essential for understanding your organisation’s financial health. 0:10
3.9 Generate Trial Balance, Income Statement, and Balance Sheet Reports for FX GL Accounts Generating financial reports for FX GL accounts allows you to understand your financial position in multiple currencies. 0:10

4. Fundamentals of Managing Accounts History

This training documentation is designed to provide a foundational guide on managing Accounts History within SapphireOne. The focus is on task-oriented procedures to ensure that you can efficiently navigate and utilise the functionalities related to historical account transactions, transaction lines, and bank reconciliation.
Estimated Duration: 30 minutes.

Unit Lesson Description Duration
4.1 Checking All Historical Account Transactions Essential for reviewing past transactions and making necessary adjustments to help maintain accurate financial records and ensure compliance with auditing requirements. 0:10
4.2 Checking All Historical Account Transaction Lines Check all historical account transaction lines for detailed auditing and reviewing individual transaction entries. By mastering this process, you can ensure that all transaction details are accurate and complete. 0:10
4.3 Viewing Historical Bank Reconciliation Transactions Learn how to view historical bank reconciliation transactions. This is important for verifying that your bank statements match your financial records, ensuring that all transactions are accounted for correctly. 0:10

5. Fundamentals of Managing Inventory Sales

This training documentation provides a foundational guide to managing inventory sales in SapphireOne. Each section includes a step-by-step procedure to help you efficiently navigate and utilise SapphireOne’s functionalities. Links to relevant articles are provided for further information.
Estimated Duration: 1 hours 30 minutes.

Unit Label Description Duration
5.1 Creating a Sales Quote Creating a sales quote is the first step in the sales process. It allows you to provide potential clients with a detailed estimate of the products and services they are interested  0:10
5.2 Creating a Sales Order A sales order is a confirmation of the sale and is used to process the order. 0:10
5.3 Creating a Sales Invoice A sales invoice is a document issued to the client, detailing the products or services provided and the amount due. 0:10
5.4 Creating a Sales Credit A sales credit is issued to correct an error on a sales invoice or to return goods. This guide will show you how to create a sales credit in SapphireOne. 0:10
5.5 Converting a QCI to an OCI or SCI Converting a Quote Client Invoice (QCI) to an Order Client Invoice (OCI) or Sales Client Invoice (SCI) is essential for progressing through the sales process.  0:10
5.6 Setting Up Sales Representatives and Carriers Setting up sales representatives and carriers ensures that each sales transaction is properly attributed and managed.  0:10
5.7 Processing Back Orders Processing back orders ensures that all pending orders are fulfilled once inventory is available. 0:10
5.8 Posting Inventory Transactions (Invoices) Posting inventory transactions finalises the sales process and updates the inventory records.  0:10
5.9 Printing and Sending Invoices to Clients Printing and sending invoices ensures that clients receive their billing information promptly. 0:10

6. Fundamentals of Setting Up Employees and Managing Payroll/HR

This training documentation provides a step-by-step guide to setting up employees and managing all critical facets of Payroll/HR in SapphireOne.
Estimated Duration: 3 hours 20 minutes.

Unit Lesson Description Duration
6.1 Set Up Employee Records Enter personal details, assign departments, and configure pay details. 0:10
6.2 Define and Manage Employee Classes Create new classes, assign employees, and save records. 0:10
6.3 Define and Manage Employee Departments Create new departments, assign employees, and save department records. 0:10
6.4 Set up Award Entitlements for Employees Enter award details, assign employees, and save records. 0:10
6.5 Define and manage Employee Allowances Create new allowances, assign them to employees, and save records. 0:10
6.6 Define and Manage Allowance Classes Create new allowance classes, assign allowances, and save records. 0:10
6.7 Manage Working Transactions for Payroll Review, edit, and ensure accuracy of transactions. 0:10
6.8 Initiate a New Pay Run Select pay periods, review details, and start the pay run. 0:10
6.9 Execute a Pay Run Review details, make adjustments, and process the pay run. 0:10
6.10 Adjust Superannuation Contributions Select employees, enter adjustments, and save records. 0:10
6.11 Process EFT Payroll Payments Select pay runs, review details, and execute payments. 0:10
6.12 Generate and Distribute Pay Slips Select pay runs, review, and distribute pay slips. 0:10
6.13 Review Historical Payroll Data Select pay periods, review data, and ensure accuracy. 0:10
6.14 Review Historical Employee Transaction Lines Select employees, review transaction periods, and ensure accuracy. 0:10
6.15 Review Pay Run Logs and Single Touch Payroll (STP) Submissions Select pay runs, review logs, and ensure STP accuracy. 0:10
6.16 Review Pay Slip Summaries Select pay periods, review summaries, and ensure accuracy. 0:10
6.17 Generate and Review Superannuation Reports Select pay periods, review reports, and ensure accuracy. 0:10
6.18 Generate and Review Roster Reports Select periods, review data, and ensure accuracy. 0:10
6.19 Generate and Review Payment Summaries for Single Touch Payroll (STP) Select periods, review summaries, and ensure accuracy. 0:10
6.20 Manage Resource Time Sheets Select resources, enter timesheet data, and save records. 0:10

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