SapphireOne Server Maintenance Guide

Maintaining the SapphireOne server is crucial for ensuring the smooth operation of your organisation’s ERP, CRM, and accounting functions. Regular and periodic maintenance tasks, along with annual checks, are essential to prevent data loss, optimise performance, and maintain security. Below is an expanded guide on the maintenance tasks that should be performed.

When the SapphireOne Server is launched under Windows or macOS, a graphical administration window is available, providing many analysis and control tools. Complete documentation for all SapphireOne server administration window functionality is currently available at

Regular Maintenance Tasks

Data Backup

  • Ensure your automated (real-time and data mirroring) SapphireOne 4D backups are established and saved to a secure and readily accessible location.
  • Conduct regular manual backups of the live data file on another drive to mitigate the risk of data loss due to unforeseen events.
  • Ensure that backups are stored in multiple, secure locations, with at least one off-site storage option to protect against localised disasters. SapphireOne provides our clients with 333 GB of storage on the SapphireOne File Station for this purpose if desired.
  • Utilise incremental backups such as MacOS Time Machine or Windows File History to enable rapid and granular restoration.
  • Regularly test the backup files to confirm that they can be restored successfully, thus verifying the integrity of the data.

Data File Integrity Check

  • Utilise the Maintenance Tab within SapphireOne to perform checks on records and indexes, ensuring data accuracy and consistency.
  • Utilise the SapphireOne Maintenance and Security Center for performing routine maintenance on your data file.
  • Plan these checks to occur outside of standard business hours to reduce the impact on daily operations.

Server Performance Monitoring

  • Keep a close eye on server performance metrics and resource utilisation to identify potential issues early by utilising the sever ‘Processes’ and ‘Real Time Monitor’ tabs.
  • Investigate and address any unusual activity or performance degradation that may signify underlying problems.

Security Updates

  • Stay vigilant by regularly updating the server’s operating system and all related software to protect against vulnerabilities.
  • Install the latest updates provided by SapphireOne to fortify against threats.

User Access Management

  • Conduct frequent reviews of user permissions to ensure that access levels are appropriate and current.
  • Promptly revoke access for users who no longer require entry to SapphireOne to maintain security integrity.

Audit Trails and Logs

  • Systematically review system logs to detect any anomalies or potential security breaches.
  • Keep audit trails up to date and readily available for compliance and investigative purposes.

Database Optimisation

  • Periodically reorganise and optimise database indices and tables to enhance performance.

Hardware Checks

  • Regularly inspect server hardware components for signs of deterioration or failure.
  • Confirm that all hardware elements are in good working order to prevent unexpected downtime.

Disaster Recovery Plan

  • Review and refine your disaster recovery plan to ensure it remains effective and relevant.
  • Conduct drills to test the plan’s efficacy and your organisation’s readiness for emergency situations.
  • SapphireOne has the capability to run a remote instance of your data file in the event of an emergency.
  • Establish a secondary server as a disaster recovery (DR Server).
  • DR Server to be established for additional testing of all new releases prior to live deployment.


  • Maintain meticulous records of all maintenance activities performed on the server.
  • Keep documentation current to accurately reflect any modifications or upgrades.

Periodic Maintenance Tasks

Server Clean-Up

  • Eliminate redundant files and applications from the server to free up resources.
  • Dispose of temporary files and outdated logs to maintain a clean server environment.

Network Performance Review

  • Evaluate the performance of the network infrastructure and resolve any identified bottlenecks.
  • Ensure that the network is capable of supporting the demands placed on it by SapphireOne.

Storage Management

  • Monitor disk space utilisation and anticipate future storage requirements.
  • Implement scalable storage solutions to accommodate data growth.

Power Supply and Cooling Systems Check

  • Verify that power supply units and cooling systems are operating efficiently to prevent overheating and hardware damage.
  • Schedule routine maintenance for these systems to ensure their reliability.

Annual Maintenance Tasks

Comprehensive System Audit

  • Perform an in-depth audit of the SapphireOne environment inclusive of network and firewall policies to pinpoint areas for improvement.
  • Develop a plan for necessary upgrades and enhancements.
  • Regularly conduct penetration testing.

Review of Compliance and Standards

  • Confirm that your organisation adheres to relevant industry standards and regulations.
  • Update internal policies and procedures as needed to maintain compliance.

Training and Development

  • Provide staff with training on the latest features and updates of SapphireOne.
  • Promote ongoing learning to boost efficiency and productivity within the organisation.

It is critical to perform maintenance tasks during off-peak hours to minimise disruption. Always inform all users affected by planned maintenance well in advance to prepare them for any temporary service interruptions. Adhering to this comprehensive maintenance guide will help maintain a robust and secure server environment, essential for the seamless operation of your organisation’s core functions.

You can review our Blog and YouTube channel for additional information and resources on SapphireOne ERP, CRM and Business Accounting software.

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