Ultimate Guide to Administrative Tasks in SapphireOne

SapphireOne is designed as a robust and versatile ERP, CRM, and accounting solution, serving a broad range of administrative needs throughout its lifecycle. This guide offers a comprehensive list of administrative tasks executable within SapphireOne, with a focus on configuration and setup to guarantee optimal performance and customisation for your organisation. These essential tasks enable administrators to effectively adapt SapphireOne to specific operational needs and are critical to consider during any new implementation.

General Setup and Configuration

Mode and Module Specific Configuration

  • Accounts > Client configuration including:
  • Accounts > Vendor configuration including:
  • Job Projects configuration including:
  • Inventory configuration including:
    • Tax Code Sets the default tax code for inventory items.
    • Type configuration Defines types or categories for inventory items.
    • Default Location Sets a default location for inventory storage.
    • Price Decimals Configures decimal places for pricing.
    • Quantity Decimals Configures decimal places for inventory quantities.
    • Serial/Batch Manages serial and batch numbers for inventory tracking.
    • Table Matrix Utilises a matrix for inventory attributes like size and colour.
    • Pricing Manages pricing structures for inventory items.
    • Importer ID Prefix Assigns an identifier for importers.
    • Check Sale Rate Ensure sale rates are accurate.
    • Distribution settings to manage stock levels – Configures settings for stock level management.
    • Reorder Points – Sets thresholds for inventory reordering.
    • Supplier Details – Manages supplier information for inventory items.
  • Invoicing customisation including:
  • Point of Sale (POS) customisations including:
  • Setup of Payroll/HR mode, including:
    • Payroll Defaults Sets default configurations for payroll processing.
    • Payslip Options Customises the appearance and information on payslips.
    • Superannuation Display Manages how superannuation is displayed and calculated.
    • General Defaults Sets general default settings for the Payroll/HR mode.
    • Leave Defaults Configures default leave settings and entitlements.
    • User-Defined FieldsAllows custom fields for employee-specific information.
    • GL Account Defaults Sets default GL accounts for payroll transactions.
    • Single Touch Payroll (STP2) Configures settings for STP2 reporting.
    • Employee Details – Manages employee personal and employment information.
    • Pay Rates, and Superannuation Settings – Sets pay rates and superannuation contribution settings.
  • Setup of user-defined Workbooks including:
    • Mail Book Manages correspondence, parcel delivery and mail records.
    • Actions Tracks actions and tasks within SapphireOne.
    • Clients – Configures client-specific workbooks.
    • Vendors – Configures vendor-specific workbooks.
    • Contacts – Manages contact information and categorisation.
  • Configuration of asset management mode for tracking organisational assets and depreciation schedules. This includes:
    • General Defaults Sets general default settings for asset management.
    • Tags Manages asset tagging for identification and tracking.
    • Taxes Configures tax settings related to assets.
    • Country Sets country-specific settings for assets.
  • Customisation of the General Ledger including:
  • Customisation of the Sapphire Web Pack settings including:
    • Session Expiry Time Sets the timeout duration for web sessions.
    • Inventory Defaults Configures default settings for inventory management in the web pack.
    • Market Configures market-specific settings.
    • Rosters Manages rosters and scheduling within the Sapphire web pack.
    • Visitor Book Manages visitor records and appointments.
  • Sapphire Web Pack Store defaults including:

Security and Compliance

System Maintenance and Updates

The administrative tasks listed above are essential for configuring SapphireOne to serve as a tailored solution for your organisation’s unique needs. By meticulously performing these tasks, administrators can ensure that SapphireOne operates seamlessly, providing a solid foundation for your organisation’s financial management, resource planning, and customer relationship activities. Should you require assistance with any of these tasks, the SapphireOne team and the Sapphire AI assistant are ready to provide expert support and guidance.

You can review our Blog and YouTube channel for additional information and resources on SapphireOne ERP, CRM and Business Accounting software.

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