Resource - Propel Your Job Project with SapphireOne

  • Digital Assets Page Overview
  • Image File Format
  • Compression
  • Image Dimensions
  • Considerations for Adding Digital Assets
  • Digital Assets Page
  • Digital Assets Page Overview
  • Image File Format
  • Compression
  • Image Dimensions
  • Considerations for Adding Digital Assets
  • Resource Inquiry Overview

    SapphireOne Resource Inquiry screen displays a list of all Resource based records. A Resource may be anything that is used to achieve the completion of a Job Project and has a costing value.

    A resource may include Employees, Machinery or anything that requires tracking for Job Projects. The Resource then has Activities that they perform. For example, an Employee may perform activities such as Installations, Professional Fees, Auditing etc. Machinery on the other hand will perform different activities.

    Activities are held within an Inventory Inquiry as an Inventory item. They must be created with a Stock Control Type of Activity.

    To create a new Resource, click onto the New record icon on the main Toolbar. To Modify or Look at existing records select the record first then select the required icon on the Main Toolbar. The sub-classification of Resources is through Activities which are defined in the Details Page of a Resource Inquiry. 

    While the deletion of a Resource is not permitted, the Resource may be made Inactive by selecting the Inactive checkbox in the Details Page. The Resource will then not appear in any lists unless specifically asked for.

    To find inactive Resources, go to the Options menu and then select the Find option at the top of the drop-down menu. When the Find pop up is on screen from the top drop-down menu select the All Records option.

    All inquiry screens in SapphireOne offer the option to customise the list of items displayed on the page. This feature, known as Custom Inquiry, allows you to select the data fields to be shown and the order in which the columns of data appear across the screen. Although a client list is used as an example below, any type of inquiry can be customised within SapphireOne.

    The list below represents the standard inquiry list, displaying a basic set of data fields for each client record:

    Swap to Custom Inquiry

    When you select the ‘Swap to Custom Inquiry’ button in the lower left-hand corner of the screen, SapphireOne will display the default Custom Screen, as shown below. This Custom List screen provides the user with two main options for organising the data display:

    1. To add or remove the data field columns displayed on the screen, click the ‘Setup’ button in the bottom right corner of the screen. Within the Setup screen, you can right-click on the column lines and choose from Delete, Move Left, or Move Right. More information on the Setup screen is provided below.
    2. To change the order in which the data field columns are displayed, click the ‘Setup’ button in the bottom right corner of the screen. Within the Setup screen, you can right-click on the column lines and choose from Delete, Move Left, or Move Right. More information on the Setup screen is provided below.

    Once you have customised the Custom Inquiry screen, the screen view will be unique to you, and each time you log in, you will see the same custom view. You also have the option to select and save an unlimited number of custom views. This can be done in the ‘Setup’ screen, as detailed below.

    The Inquiry screen below is the initial Custom Inquiry screen, which can be modified by the user.

    Custom Inquiry Screen ‘Setup’ Function

    To begin setting up your Customised List screen, click the Setup button, as shown above. The Setup screen will appear, as displayed below.


    From this screen, users can add and remove data columns as needed. Almost every field within the SapphireOne data tables can be included in the Custom List screen, provided the user has the necessary authorisation.

    The screen features several menu items across the top, which include:

    • Reset to Default – Clicking this button resets the display to the default settings determined by SapphireOne. When you add a new data field, SapphireOne will place it on the right-hand side of the data columns. You can then click on the field heading and drag it to your desired location on the screen.
    • Show Related Record – This option allows you to add related fields from other tables. By ticking the Show Related checkbox at the top of the screen, you can select a related record, and a mini view of that related record for the chosen entry will be displayed for the currently selected record. You will need to select the fields to be displayed.
    • Favourite Set – Located at the top left of the screen, this option enables you to save a custom-created screen for future use. For instance, you can have a simple Inquiry screen for general use and a more complex screen view when auditing specific information.

    How to Print Resource Inquiry Reports

    Selecting the Print icon on the main toolbar brings up a print dialog box which allows the user to create various reports based on information in the data file.

    • Print Destination – Allows the user to select between Printer, creating a Sapphire Custom Report, Quick Report or Labels.
    • Report Type – The user may select the type of report that they want to print. 
    • The Report Sort Order – Allows the user to sort data in different sequences and criteria while still using the same fundamental report format. The user can sort by Current Sort, by ID and by Class.

    Details Page

    The Resource Inquiry Details Page below displays information about the selected Resource.

    Main Information Area

    • Resource ID – Enter in a unique ID for the resource.
    • Name – Enter in a name for the resource.
    • Company – SapphireOne will enter the company that the user is logged into when creating this Resource record.
    • Class – If required, select the Class that this Resource is to be linked to. Please note that a Resource Class is set up through the Resource Class Inquiry screen. These classes should be set up before Resources are created so that the Resources here may be linked to them as you go.
    • General Ledger – Enter the General Ledger account that this Resource is to be linked to.
    • Employee ID – Enter the Employees ID. The Resource ID and Employee ID can be the same.
    • Default Payroll Allowance – The default Payroll allowance should be entered here with the provisions below.
    • The user should note that there are two locations that SapphireOne will use to enter in an employees pay rate.
      • If time sheets are imported from Job Projects, SapphireOne will take the data as entered in an Employee Inquiry in Payroll/HR.
      • By default, SapphireOne is set up to use the payroll details so the Payroll Employee’s ID, and the Default Payroll/HR Allowance must be entered in this Resource Inquiry.
    • The switch is set in the Rates area by selection of the Transfer Checkbox at the right-hand side of each line of the activity. This option may be set on an activity by activity basis. Extended documentation is in the Rates Area which is documented below.
    • Paperclip – Documents may be stored within this Resource by selecting the Paperclip.
    • Inactive – When a new resource is created this checkbox is not selected. If the resource is not needed further, this Inactive checkbox may be selected and the resource will not be listed in any lists or transaction from this point on.
    • Staff Member – There is also a checkbox to mark if this Resource is also an employee.

    Paperclip Management Saves Time with Easy File Attachment

    The SapphireOne Document Management System (DMS) features a convenient Paper Clip button on all data entry and inquiry screens. This enables users to attach relevant documents or files to every transaction or record. The system also includes a dedicated page for managing documents related to a specific transaction or record, providing robust version control of the attached documents.

    The color of the paper clip serves as a visual indicator of the status of the attached documents. A red paper clip indicates that there are no documents currently attached to the transaction or record, while a green paper clip indicates the presence of one or more attached documents. Additionally, the word “Items” is preceded by the number of attached documents, providing a clear and concise representation of the current status.

    SapphireOne’s Document Management System is highly versatile and can accommodate a wide range of document types, including Adobe Acrobat, spreadsheets, word processing documents, photo files, JPEGs, CSV files, HEIFs, and MP4 files. With the ability to store an unlimited number of documents for an indefinite amount of time, the system provides users with a comprehensive and efficient solution for managing all their important files and documents.

    Master Defaults

    In SapphireOne, users have the flexibility to control the size of individual documents and determine where they are stored through the Master Defaults settings. These settings can be accessed by navigating to Utilities > Controls > Master Defaults > System Page.

    Within the Documents area of the SapphireOne page, there is a Document Size Limit setting with a default size of 10 MB, which can be adjusted as needed. Additionally, users can choose to store the documents either as part of the data file or as separate files, by selecting the appropriate option from the two radio buttons provided.

    To attach a document to a transaction, simply click on either the Paperclip Green or Attach-Red-Button Paperclip button. The Document List window as seen below will be displayed allowing the the user to select the desired file to attach.

    How to Attach Documents Using SapphireOne Paperclip

    SapphireOne also provides users with the convenient Drag & Drop functionality to attach documents. To use this feature, simply drag a document from your local computer into the Document List screen and it will be attached automatically. This streamlined process saves time and effort and makes it easier to manage your important files and documents within SapphireOne.

    If SapphireOne detects that the document name already exists, a pop-up will be displayed alerting the user. Alternatively, the user can also select the

    If SapphireOne detects that the document name already exists, a pop-up will be displayed alerting the user. Alternatively, the user can also select the Plus button to select a document to upload from the local computer.

    SapphireOne’s document management system provides users with the ability to easily manage their attached documents. After a document has been attached, the user has the option to rename it by right-clicking on the file and selecting Rename This feature is useful for maintaining consistency in document names across all records and helps to keep the system organised and efficient.

    Documents Area within Document Management System (DMS)
    • Open – By clicking on this button, the document will be opened for viewing, allowing users to review its contents without having to leave the SapphireOne system. This feature provides a convenient and streamlined way to access and review important documents within the context of the larger document management system.
    • Update – When this button is selected an alert is displayed allowing the user to import a new version of a highlighted document, enabling version tracking. After selecting a new version, the user enters a version number. The latest version becomes available, with previous versions accessible in the History area. The updated document remains linked to associated transactions.
    • Scan – This option in SapphireOne provides users with the ability to scan a document directly into the data file and link it to a transaction. This feature requires access to a local or network scanner, and the appropriate scanner and software must be installed on the local machine or network. By using the Scan option, users can quickly and efficiently digitise physical documents and associate them with the relevant transactions within SapphireOne.
    • Save – This button in SapphireOne allows users to save the currently highlighted document to disk. This feature provides a convenient way to export a copy of the document for backup or further use outside of the SapphireOne system. By clicking the Save button, users can easily access a digital copy of their important documents and ensure that they are properly preserved and accessible.
    • Link Documents – With SapphireOne, users have the ability to link a highlighted document to one or more transactions within the data file. To do this, the user simply clicks the “Link” button, which will bring up an alert allowing them to make their selection. This feature provides a convenient way to associate important documents with multiple transactions, ensuring that all relevant information is easily accessible from one central location. For more information about linked documents, refer to the Links Area documentation provided by SapphireOne.
    • Link Existing Documents – SapphireOne provides users with the ability to link existing documents in the data file to the current transaction or record. To do this, the user simply clicks the Link Existing button, which will bring up an Alert allowing them to choose from a list of available documents. This feature provides a convenient way to associate existing documents with additional transactions, ensuring that all relevant information is easily accessible from one central location. For more information about linked documents, refer to the Links Area documentation provided by SapphireOne.
    • Delete – This option in SapphireOne allows users to remove the currently highlighted document. By clicking the Delete button, the selected document will be removed from the system, providing users with a simple way to manage their attached documents and ensure that only relevant and up-to-date information is stored within the system.
    • Plus – SapphireOne includes a search function that makes it easy for users to select a document saved on their local computer. This feature provides a convenient way to quickly locate and attach the desired document, streamlining the process of adding and managing important files within the SapphireOne system.

    Details Area within Document Management System (DMS)

    The Details area within SapphireOne’s Document Management System (DMS) provides users with additional information about the selected document. When a document is selected in the Documents area, the Details area will automatically display the title of the document and the type of file. This information helps users to quickly identify and manage their important files and documents, providing a more efficient and organised system for document management.

    Notes Area within Document Management System (DMS)

    The Notes area is for entering any notes related to the document. The user can select the green clock button to create a time and date stamp for every note added.

    The Notes area will also keep an automatic user log when any changes are made to the document. For example, if the document is renamed or new links are created. SapphireOne will record the date, time and user that made the modifications.

    Document Details Area within Document Management System (DMS)

    The Document Details area within SapphireOne’s Document Management System (DMS) provides additional information about the selected document. This area automatically displays information such as the date and time the document was added, the document number, and the user who added the document. This information helps users to quickly understand the context of the selected document and provides a comprehensive history of the document’s status and interactions within the system. The Document Details area is a valuable resource for managing and tracking important documents within SapphireOne.

    History Area within Document Management System (DMS)

    The History area within SapphireOne’s Document Management System (DMS) provides a record of the complete version history of the selected document. SapphireOne tracks all version changes and automatically displays the document’s history in this area.

    As new versions of the document are imported using the button, the History area will be automatically updated, ensuring that all previous versions of the document are recorded and available for viewing. This enables users to access the most recent version of the document, while still maintaining a complete history of all versions.

    The History area provides a valuable resource for tracking the evolution of a document and understanding how it has changed over time. By having a complete record of the document’s history, users can easily review past versions and understand the context of the changes that have been made.

    The Links area within SapphireOne’s Document Management System (DMS) is used to link documents to specific transactions or areas within SapphireOne. This area provides a comprehensive view of all linking information related to the document, including any functions used to import the document into SapphireOne.

    By linking documents to transactions and areas within SapphireOne, users can easily associate important information and files with the relevant transactions, providing a more organised and efficient system for document management. The Links area is a valuable resource for understanding the relationships between documents and transactions within SapphireOne.

    To add additional links to a document in SapphireOne, follow these steps:

    1. Select/highlight the document you wish to link.
    2. Click the Link Document button.
    3. The Files pop-up window will be displayed.
    4. From the File drop-down menu, select the item you want to link the document to.
    5. In the Value data entry field, enter the necessary details (ID).

    Note that the Value data entry field has a light blue background and is searchable by entering the wildcard symbols ‘?’ or ‘@’, making it easier to find the information you need. By linking documents to specific transactions and areas within SapphireOne, users can create a more organised and efficient system for document management.

    Updating a Document within Document Management

    The process for updating a document in SapphireOne is straightforward:

    After clicking the “Update” button in SapphireOne, the user will be asked to confirm if they would like to import a new version of the document:

    1. Confirm that you wish to import a new version of the document by selecting Yes.
    2. The user will then be prompted to choose the updated document to open.
    3. After selecting the updated document, a secondary dialogue will appear, asking the user to enter an alphanumeric value for the new version.
    4. Enter the desired value for the new version and select OK

    By following these steps, SapphireOne will replace the previous version of the document with the updated document. It will also maintain a complete record of all previous versions in the History area. This process ensures that the most up-to-date information is always readily accessible within the SapphireOne system.

    Document Management using SapphireOne Documents Inquiry

    In addition to SapphireOne’s Document Management Paperclip functionality, SapphireOne Documents Inquiry function in Workbook Mode provides users with a centralised repository of all documents and files stored within the SapphireOne data file. This function gives users the ability to add new documents, modify, view, or delete existing documents from within the Documents Inquiry screen.

    Any revisions made to a document within the Documents Inquiry screen will be automatically updated across all areas where the document is linked within SapphireOne. Similarly, any modifications made to documents within the SapphireOne Paperclip Document List window will be reflected within the Documents Inquiry window.

    For example, if a document is renamed within a transaction Paperclip Document List screen, the updated document name will be reflected when viewing the document in the Documents Inquiry screen.

    You can learn more about SapphireOne Documents Inquiry functionality within the Documents Inquiry article.

    Document Control within Document Management
    Paperclip Management

    In this example, we have an inventory item with documents attached, such as installation instructions and a packing checklist. The item is added to a sales order, manufactured, shipped, and the job is completed. SapphireOne’s Document Management Paperclip functionality allows for easy attachment and access to all relevant documents throughout the entire process, from sales order to completion. This improves efficiency and helps ensure all relevant information remains consistently available and up-to-date.

    A year after the completion of the job, a revision of the inventory item is made, along with updates to its associated Documents (DMS). To keep the information organised and up-to-date, it is not necessary to create a new inventory item for the revision. Instead, the documents and files can be easily updated using SapphireOne’s DMS file that are attached.

    By using the Update button within the DMS, users can import a new version of the document and SapphireOne will automatically keep track of all version changes, ensuring that the most recent information is readily available. This process saves time and effort by allowing users to simply update the documents and files, rather than creating a new inventory item for each revision.

    In SapphireOne, when referring back to the original completed sales client invoice or job projects client invoice, the associated documents and files will be displayed in their original state or as they have been updated. The user has the option to view the documents and files as they were at the time of completion or as they currently are, providing a comprehensive and accurate record of all relevant information.

    In the screen shot above, both the current and historical documents are attached to the inventory item. As a SapphireOne user, you have the ability to edit the list and choose to delete the historical document by simply selecting the Minus button.

    Additionally, you also have the ability to modify the existing document, keeping a log file of each and every time the document has been revised. This ensures that a complete and accurate record of all revisions to the document is maintained, allowing you to easily reference the most recent version or any previous versions as needed.

    The ability to manage both current and historical documents, as well as the option to modify and delete them, provides users with a flexible and efficient solution for document management within SapphireOne.

    History Area

    The History area displays a summarised history of all costs and billings against this Resource to date. This includes Period Hours, Period Cost, Period Billing, TTD Hours, TTD Cost and TTD Billing.

    Notes Area

    Any notes that are required for this class may be entered here. You can select the Green clock icon to add Time and Date stamps to your notes. You can also highlight the text in the Notes area and right mouse click to customise the Font, Style, Colour and Background Colour to your preference.

    Rates Area

    The Rates area is a complete list of Activities for the selected Resource, and displays internal costing and billing information such as the Standard Charge Rate and Standard Cost.

    Activities must be created first using a Base Inventory Inquiry. The inventory Item must have its Type set as Activity when it is created. All activities for the resource should be entered first. The default activity data entry field is linked to the activities as already entered for the resource. Enter all activities for the resource first and then select the default activity for the resource last.

    • Default Activity – The Default activity must be selected after all activities have been entered for the resource. The data entry field has a light blue background so it is searchable and will only search for activities that have already been entered for the Resource. When a time sheet is raised, SapphireOne will enter this Default Activity, each and every time a timesheet is created. If the standard or Default Activity is not the one required when this Resource is used in a timesheet, simply enter any other Activity code listed as required into the Timesheet. The same applies when the one Resource performs several Activities. Enter additional lines into the line entry area with the associated Activity ID codes.
    • Cost FX – Data entry into this field may only be done when a new activity is being created. The FX currency type, for example USD, is entered and once the save button is selected this FX data entry field will be locked.
      From now on SapphireOne will take the resource cost as FX, and it will then flow directly through to PayRoll/HR.

    When the user enters any Inventory activity in this area, SapphireOne will also enter in the Inventory Last Cost into the Cost/Price data entry field. The Inventory Standard price will be entered into the Charge/Unit data entry fields.

    • Code – Enter the activity ID or code.
    • Description – SapphireOne will enter the name or description from the Activity as entered.
    • Allowance – Enter in the allowance if required. This data entry field is directly linked to the allowances in PayRoll/HR.
    • Cost / Unit – SapphireOne will enter the cost as entered to the selected activity. This may be altered if required.
    • Charge / Unit – SapphireOne will enter the Charge cost as entered into the activity. This may be altered as required.
    • Charge FX – If the activity is being processed using an FX currency the charge will be displayed in that FX currency here.
    • Units – SapphireOne will display the units as set up in the activity. i.e. Hours, Days, Weeks, Minutes etc.
    • There is a checkbox at the end of each activity line and the user will note that it is not selected. This is SapphireOne default and when time sheets are imported into a pay slip SapphireOne will use the pay rates as set up in an Employee Inquiry.
    • Use Activities from Inventory List – As documented above the one resource may perform several activities. There are two methods of setting this up and these are selected with the Use Activities from Inventory List checkbox.
      1. When it is unticked, and the user is entering a time sheet, the only items to be displayed when a selection is being made for the activity will be limited to the activities as entered into this resource inquiry.
      2. Once the  Use Activities from Inventory list has been selected, SapphireOne will then display all inventory items that have their type set as Activity enabling a selection to be made from all items listed as activities in the Inventory.
    • Transfer – When any of the Transfer checkboxes are selected, SapphireOne will use the Cost/Unit entered into this resource Inquiry as the actual pay rate, and use the pay rate when calculating the working transaction in SapphireOne PayRoll/HR. Also note that this may be done on an activity by activity basis.

    Resource Inquiry Times Page

    This screen displays a list of Activities that have been allocated to this Resource. The basic details for each Activity are displayed in a single line and are for viewing data already entered. Select and double click the line to view additional details.

    The screen will alter slightly as a Resource based Time sheet will be different to a Job Project based time sheet.

    Details Area

    This area displays the Resource ID and the Type.

    Tracking Area

    • Period – This area displays the accounting Period number.
    • Date In – This area displays the Date In of the entry.
    • Ref – This displays the reference number for this transaction.
    • Total – This displays the total dollar amount for this transaction.
    • Resource / Project – This displays a a combination of the resource with the Job Project ID directly under it.
    • Qty – This displays the quantity of resources.
    • Rate – This displays the billable rate of the resource.
    • Cost – This displays the actual cost of the resource.
    • Amount – This displays the total amount of the resource.
    • Activity – This displays the activity linked to this resource.
    • Client Allocation – Any Client allocations are displayed here.
    • Vendor Allocation – Any Vendor allocations are displayed here.
    • Client Write Off – Any Client Write Offs are displayed here.
    • Vendor Write Off – Any Vendor Write Offs are displayed here.
    • Sequence – This displays the uniquely generated SapphireOne sequence number.

    Resource Inquiry Custom Page

    Custom Page Overview

    SapphireOne’s Custom page features text fields designed for versatile, user-defined purposes. Each field is assigned a variable by SapphireOne, which is displayed as the default field heading label. Users can take note of the desired field or heading variable for customisation and modify it by navigating to Utilities > Controls > Change Names. Detailed instructions on this process will be provided below.

    The Custom page is organised into the following sections:

    • Alpha – Allows letters and numbers, but cannot be used for arithmetic functions
    • Real – Allows numbers only, and can be used for arithmetic functions
    • Date / Time – Date fields store date values and can be used for date functions, while Time fields store time values and can be used for time functions
    • No Heading Defined – Features eight alphanumeric fields that cannot be used for arithmetic functions
    • Text – Accepts letters, numbers, and special characters, but cannot be used for arithmetic functions

    The data entry fields in these Custom Pages can also be employed in Sapphire Custom Reports, Quick Reports, Custom Inquiries, 4D View Pro, and 4D Write Pro Reports, just like any other data entry fields within SapphireOne.

    The example Custom Page below is from an Asset Inquiry; however, the process for customising this page remains the same, irrespective of the function in which the Custom Page is located.

    Default Variable Values

    In the default variable values defined by SapphireOne, the first number signifies the position of the field within the group, while the second number denotes the maximum number of characters for the data entry field.

    For instance, ASAlpha_1_20 indicates that it is the first data entry field in the group and can hold up to 20 characters. Similarly, ASAlpha_8_80 shows that it is the eighth data entry field in the group, with a capacity for a maximum of 80 characters.

    To modify the headings on a Custom Page:

    1. Write down the exact names of the headings you wish to modify.
    2. Navigate to Utilities > Controls > Change Names. Keep in mind that when performing this procedure, you will be warned that only one user should be logged into the data file.
    3. Upon accessing the Change Names function, a dialogue box will appear. Then, refer to your list of names and scroll down the list to find the headings you want to modify.
    4. For each heading:
      1. Highlight the name.
      2. Enter your new name in the lower data entry field.
      3. Click the Update button to save the changes in SapphireOne.

    Resource Inquiry Action Page

    Action Page Overview

    The Action Page is a versatile tool that can be added to major records and transaction tables. It includes various actionable items such as Calendar Reminders, Meeting Invites, Alarms, Emails, To-Do Lists, General Notes, Private Notes, Meeting Notes with Date and Time, Start and Finish stamps, as well as All Day Notifications. This provides users with a centralised location to manage and organise their tasks, meetings, and notes, improving efficiency and productivity.

    The Action Page allows users to use the add or delete buttons to add or delete actions as required. Simply select the relevant button to add or delete an action.

    Diary Area

    The Diary Area in SapphireOne provides users with a comprehensive range of options to customise their actions. It includes a sequence number, title, type, action, user, privacy settings, status, tag, and link fields.

    • Sequence – SapphireOne automatically generates a unique sequence number for each action.
    • Title – Enter a title for the action.
    • Type – Choose from the customisable drop-down menu to input a type. This will subsequently become a permanent type within the drop-down.
    • Action – Utilise the user-customisable drop-down menu to input an Action. This will then become a permanent action within the drop-down.
    • User – SapphireOne automatically inputs the user creating this action, though it can be modified if necessary.
    • Private – If this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will only permit the specified user to view or modify this action.
    • Status – The user has three options: Open, Hold, and Completed.
      • Open – Action is open and active.
      • Hold – Action is active, but no alarms will be active.
      • Completed – Action is now Inactive and won’t be displayed in any list of actions.
    • Tag – Users may attach a tag to an action, which will create a permanent tag within the drop-down. To add a new tag, type the name of the new tag into the tag box and press the tab key. Select “Yes” from the pop-up window to confirm. To remove a tag from the list, click on the tag name while holding down the Command (MacOS) or Control (Windows) key. Select “Yes” from the pop-up window to confirm the deletion.
    • Link – When created within a transaction or record, SapphireOne automatically generates a link to the transaction or record. When created from the Options Menu, Palette, or Workbook, users must select an item or function from the drop-down menu to link the action. There are 12 items on this list, ranging from Clients to Manager.

    Check List Area

    SapphireOne offers a user-friendly checklist tool to create and track actions, allowing users to check off completed items as they progress.

    Dates and Times Area

    • Start/Finish – Set a Start and Finish time for the action, or select the checkbox for an all-day option.
    • Completed – Entering a completion date for an action deactivates it, and it will no longer appear in action lists.

    Alarm Area

    Never forget a task again – set up alarms to send reminders via email at specific dates and times. Users can also receive email notifications with the provided email address.

    Recurring Area

    If necessary, the alarm can be set to recur at intervals selected from the Type drop-down menu. Additionally, the recurring period can be defined by date.

    Notes Area

    Click the green clock button to add time and date stamps to your notes. You can also customise the font, style, color, and background color of the text in the Notes area by highlighting it and right-clicking.

    Invite Attendees Area

    In the event module, you can invite multiple attendees to your event and track their acceptance or rejection of the invitation. You can also send them an email notification if their email addresses are provided. Additionally, you can manage and track attendees’ RSVP status in real-time.

    Resource Inquiry Documents Page

    Documents Page Overview

    The Documents Page centralises document and information storage for transactions and master tables, streamlining organisation and management for easy access and improved efficiency.

    Documents Area

    The Documents Page simplifies file management by allowing various document types to be attached via drag and drop, including PDFs, spreadsheets, photos, and more. It provides a centralised location for document and information storage for transactions and master tables, streamlining organisation and management for easy access and improved efficiency.

    Documents can only be attached once the corresponding record has an assigned ID.

    Documents List Screen Options

    There are eight buttons on the Document List screen, as follows:

    1. Open – Allows viewing of the currently selected document.
    2. Update – Prompts the user to import a new version of the selected document while maintaining links to any associated transactions.
    3. Scan – Accesses a scanner for scanning documents directly into the data file and linking them to the current transaction (requires a compatible scanner with software).
    4. Save – Saves the currently selected document.
    5. Link Document: Enables linking of the selected document to other transactions in the data file, presenting a popup for user selection.
    6. Link Document – Allows linking of an existing document in the data file to the current transaction or record, displaying a popup with a list of documents to choose from.
    7. Link Existing Document – Allows linking of an existing document in the data file to the current transaction or record, displaying a popup with a list of documents to choose from.
    8. Delete – Deletes the currently selected transaction or record.
    9. Add – Displays a search function for selecting a document from the local computer or device.

    Details Area

    The Details area allows users to add a custom name, description, and tags to each document, enabling easy search and location of specific documents. These details can be customised to meet the specific needs of the user or organisation, further improving the efficiency and organisation of the Documents Page.

    Last Modified Area

    The Last Modified section displays the date and time when the document was last modified, as well as the user who made the changes. This feature helps maintain accountability and enables efficient tracking of document modifications.

    History Area

    The History area records changes made to the document, including the date, time, and user who made the changes. This provides a valuable tool for tracking and managing document revisions.

    The Links area allows users to record links to other places where the document has been attached. Links can be added or removed using the (+) and (-) buttons, providing an efficient way to manage and organise related documents.

    Notes Area

    The Notes area allows users to add any relevant notes related to the document. Clicking the green clock button will add a date/time stamp, further improving document tracking and management.

    Resource Inquiry Pictures Page

    Digital Assets Page Overview

    The Digital Assets Page enables users to attach an unlimited number of media files to almost any record in SapphireOne. Only the digital assets that have been entered by users for the selected record will be listed from the page menu in the selected record.

    It should be noted that there is a Digital Asset item in Workbook mode on the General drop-down menu as well. This Digital Asset item lists all digital assets within the data file as a complete list. While very limited modifications are allowed from this list, it is very handy for getting an overall view of the digital assets in the data file. SapphireOne has provided the search function, enabling the user to search for a specific digital asset.

    The key to successful image optimisation for performance is finding the perfect balance between the lowest file size and acceptable image quality. There are three things that play a huge role in image optimisation:

    Image File Format

    For most website owners, the three image file formats that matter the most are JPEG, PNG, and GIF. Choosing the right file type is crucial in image optimisation. To simplify things, JPEGs are ideal for photos or images with lots of colors, PNGs are recommended for simple images or transparent images, and GIFs are suitable for animated images only. PNG images are uncompressed, making them higher-quality, but also much larger in file size. JPEGs are a compressed file format that slightly reduces image quality to provide a significantly smaller file size. GIFs only use 256 colors along with lossless compression, making them the best choice for animated images.


    Image compression plays a significant role in image optimisation. Various types and levels of image compression are available, and the settings for each will depend on the image compression tool you use. Most image editing tools such as Adobe Photoshop, ON1 Photo, GIMP, Affinity Photo, among others, have built-in image compression features. You can also save images normally and use web tools such as TinyPNG or JPEGmini to compress images before uploading them to SapphireOne. Although they require some manual effort, these two methods allow you to compress images efficiently.

    Image Dimensions

    When you import a photo from your phone or a digital camera, it usually has a high resolution and large file dimensions (height and width). These photos typically have a resolution of 300 DPI and dimensions starting from 2000 pixels or more. Although high-quality photos are perfect for print or desktop publishing, their dimensions can still be optimised. Reducing the image dimensions can significantly decrease image file size. You can resize images easily using image editing software on your computer.

    To illustrate the impact of image optimization, let’s consider an example. We optimized a photo with a resolution of 300 DPI and image dimensions of 4900 x 3200 pixels. The original file size was 1.8 MB. We selected the JPEG format for higher compression and adjusted the dimensions to 1200 x 795 pixels. The resulting file size was reduced to just 103 KB. That’s a remarkable 94% reduction in file size from the original.

    Choosing the Digital Assets option from the Page menu in a record displays a list of digital assets currently stored in the data file for the selected record.

    This screen, as well as any subsequent screens, will overlay the existing screen displayed in your major table. This feature facilitates the attachment of digital assets to your Master Record, providing an efficient way to manage and organise media files associated with your data.

    • To add a picture, simply click the Add button. 
    • To delete a picture, select the Delete button. 

    Considerations for Adding Digital Assets

    Adding digital assets can impact your data file size and system performance. It is important to consider the following:

    • Storage capacity: Assess your storage capacity to ensure it can accommodate an increase in file size.
    • System performance: Adding a large number of media files can potentially slow down your system. Evaluate the impact on system performance before attaching a significant number of digital assets.

    Digital Assets Page

    Digital Assets Page Overview

    The Digital Assets Page enables users to attach an unlimited number of media files to almost any record in SapphireOne. Only the digital assets that have been entered by users for the selected record will be listed from the page menu in the selected record.

    It should be noted that there is a Digital Asset item in Workbook mode on the General drop-down menu as well. This Digital Asset item lists all digital assets within the data file as a complete list. While very limited modifications are allowed from this list, it is very handy for getting an overall view of the digital assets in the data file. SapphireOne has provided the search function, enabling the user to search for a specific digital asset.

    The key to successful image optimisation for performance is finding the perfect balance between the lowest file size and acceptable image quality. There are three things that play a huge role in image optimisation:

    Image File Format

    For most website owners, the three image file formats that matter the most are JPEG, PNG, and GIF. Choosing the right file type is crucial in image optimisation. To simplify things, JPEGs are ideal for photos or images with lots of colors, PNGs are recommended for simple images or transparent images, and GIFs are suitable for animated images only. PNG images are uncompressed, making them higher-quality, but also much larger in file size. JPEGs are a compressed file format that slightly reduces image quality to provide a significantly smaller file size. GIFs only use 256 colors along with lossless compression, making them the best choice for animated images.


    Image compression plays a significant role in image optimisation. Various types and levels of image compression are available, and the settings for each will depend on the image compression tool you use. Most image editing tools such as Adobe Photoshop, ON1 Photo, GIMP, Affinity Photo, among others, have built-in image compression features. You can also save images normally and use web tools such as TinyPNG or JPEGmini to compress images before uploading them to SapphireOne. Although they require some manual effort, these two methods allow you to compress images efficiently.

    Image Dimensions

    When you import a photo from your phone or a digital camera, it usually has a high resolution and large file dimensions (height and width). These photos typically have a resolution of 300 DPI and dimensions starting from 2000 pixels or more. Although high-quality photos are perfect for print or desktop publishing, their dimensions can still be optimised. Reducing the image dimensions can significantly decrease image file size. You can resize images easily using image editing software on your computer.

    To illustrate the impact of image optimization, let’s consider an example. We optimized a photo with a resolution of 300 DPI and image dimensions of 4900 x 3200 pixels. The original file size was 1.8 MB. We selected the JPEG format for higher compression and adjusted the dimensions to 1200 x 795 pixels. The resulting file size was reduced to just 103 KB. That’s a remarkable 94% reduction in file size from the original.

    Choosing the Digital Assets option from the Page menu in a record displays a list of digital assets currently stored in the data file for the selected record.

    This screen, as well as any subsequent screens, will overlay the existing screen displayed in your major table. This feature facilitates the attachment of digital assets to your Master Record, providing an efficient way to manage and organise media files associated with your data.

    • To add a picture, simply click the Add button. 
    • To delete a picture, select the Delete button. 

    Considerations for Adding Digital Assets

    Adding digital assets can impact your data file size and system performance. It is important to consider the following:

    • Storage capacity: Assess your storage capacity to ensure it can accommodate an increase in file size.
    • System performance: Adding a large number of media files can potentially slow down your system. Evaluate the impact on system performance before attaching a significant number of digital assets.

    You can review our Blog and YouTube channel for additional information and resources on SapphireOne ERP, CRM and Business Accounting software.

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