Build Worksheet - Powerful Manufacturing Data

Build Worksheet Report Overview

The Build Worksheet Report provides detailed information about the components required to manufacture a finished product. It shows the quantities of each item needed, as well as the total cost of materials.

To generate the report, the user first selects the Build Worksheet Report from the Inventory Reports Menu. This brings up a print dialog screen where the user can customise the report by selecting the desired criteria and data to include.

The user can choose from several options in the Print Destination drop-down menu, such as printing the report to a printer or saving it as a PDF. In the Report Type drop-down menu, the user can select the Build Worksheet option and can include only the components needed for a single product, or to generate a report that includes all products in the inventory.

The user can then select from the Print Destination, Report Type and Report Sort Order drop-down menus to determine their preferred Build Worksheet Report layout. Additionally, reports are created as a result of using a combination of the selected metrics.

The Report Sort Order drop-down menu allows the user to choose how the report should be sorted, such as by product name or by the quantity of each component required.

Once the user has made their selections, the report is generated based on the chosen criteria. The report includes a list of all the components required to manufacture the selected product(s), along with their quantities and costs. This information can be used to plan production schedules, estimate costs, and manage inventory levels.

Print Destination Menu

The Print Destination menu in the Build Worksheet Report provides several options for the user to choose from, depending on their needs. For example, Printer, Custom Report, Quick Report and Labels.

Printer  The SapphireOne user can send the report directly to a printer for hardcopy printing.
SapphireOne will send the report to the printer that has been designated as the default printer for the user’s computer. The user may need to configure their printer settings within SapphireOne to ensure that the report is printed correctly.
It’s important to note that the printer must be properly connected and configured in order for SapphireOne to send the report to the printer successfully. If there are any issues with the printer, the user may need to troubleshoot the problem or choose a different Print Destination option to generate the report in a different format.
Custom Report  A custom report is a report that is tailored to the specific needs of the user. It allows the user to select the data and criteria that they want to include in the report, as well as customize the formatting and layout of the report to their individual requirements.
In SapphireOne, the “Custom Report” option is available in the Print Destination menu of the Build Worksheet Report. When the user selects this option, they can choose which data and criteria to include in the report, adjust the font size and style, and add logos or other branding elements.
Once the user has customized the report to their satisfaction, SapphireOne will use these settings to generate the report. The “Custom Report” option will then be saved and available for future use in the Print Destination menu of the Build Worksheet Report.
Using a custom report allows the user to create a report that is tailored specifically to their business needs, making it easier to analyse and interpret the data in the way that is most useful for their organization.
Quick Report  A quick report is a pre-designed report template that provides users with a fast and easy way to generate a report based on commonly-used metrics and criteria. In SapphireOne, the “Quick Report” option is available in the Print Destination menu of the Build Worksheet Report.
When the user selects the “Quick Report” option, SapphireOne opens the Quick Report function, which provides several pre-designed report templates to choose from. The user can then select the appropriate template and customize it by selecting the data and criteria they want to include in the report.
The Quick Report function is designed to be fast and efficient, allowing users to generate reports quickly and easily without having to spend time customizing individual report settings. This is particularly useful for generating reports on commonly-used metrics, such as inventory levels or sales data, where the criteria are already well-defined.
Using the Quick Report function can save users time and effort, as they can generate reports quickly and easily without having to manually select and configure each report setting.

Report Type Menu in Build Worksheet Report

Selecting the Report Type option will enable the user to print different layout styles of the Details Report.

Build Worksheet: The Build Worksheet is a comprehensive report that shows the components required to manufacture a finished product. It includes the quantities of each item needed, as well as the total cost of materials.
Two Liner Build Worksheet: The Two Liner Build Worksheet is a condensed version of the Build Worksheet that shows the required components and quantities on two lines instead of one.
Landscape Build Worksheet: The Landscape Build Worksheet is a version of the Build Worksheet that is optimized for printing in a landscape format.
CSV Build Worksheet: The CSV Build Worksheet is a file format that allows the user to export the Build Worksheet data to a comma-separated values (CSV) file for use in other software applications.
Discontinued Inventory: Discontinued Inventory is a feature in SapphireOne that allows the user to mark inventory items as discontinued, preventing them from being used in future production orders. This helps to manage inventory levels and prevent waste.

Report Sort Order Menu in Build Worksheet Report

The Report Sort Order Menu in the Build Worksheet Report provides the user with various sorting methods and criteria to arrange data in different sequences while maintaining the same fundamental report format. The user can choose to sort data by:

No Sort This option will not apply any additional data sorting.
By ID  This option sorts the data by inventory ID, which is a unique identifier assigned to each inventory item.
By Type This option sorts the data by type, such as raw materials, finished products, or assemblies.
By Date In This option sorts the data by the date that each item was added to the inventory.
By Date Due This option sorts the data by the due date for each production order.
By Internal Ref This option sorts the data by internal reference, which is a unique identifier assigned to each production order.
By Sequence No This option sorts the data by sequence number, which represents the order in which each component is used during the manufacturing process.
By Period This option sorts the data by the accounting period during which each transaction occurred.

By selecting the desired sorting criteria, the user can organize the Build Worksheet Report to suit their needs and preferences.

Report Selection Menu in Build Worksheet Report

The Report Selection menu in the Build Worksheet Report provides additional sorting options for the report criteria. The user can choose from the following options:

Unpost Only This option will display only the unposted inventory items, i.e., the items that have not yet been used in any production orders.
All Records  This option will display all inventory items, including the inactive ones that are no longer used in production orders.

By selecting the desired option, the user can filter the data displayed in the Build Worksheet Report and customize it to their specific requirements.

Report Buttons

The Build Worksheet Report provides various buttons to customise and generate the report:

Background Button Clicking this button runs the report in the background of the SapphireOne server, allowing the user to continue working on other tasks while the report generates.
Print Button Clicking this button prints the report.
Cancel Button Clicking this button cancels the report.
Record List Button Clicking this button brings up a list of all inventory items in the user’s SapphireOne data file. The user can then use the ‘command/F’ and ‘ctrl/F’ search function to search for the specific inventory item to be included in the report.
Options Button Clicking this button provides further customization options for the report.
Queue Button Clicking this button puts the report in a queue, allowing the user to select the time and day for the report to run and print.

By using these buttons, the user can tailor the Build Worksheet Report to their specific needs and preferences.

Finally, the user also has the option to create custom reports using SapphireOne Quick Reports or Custom Reports. These options allow the user to design and generate reports based on their specific needs and preferences. The Quick Reports function provides several pre-designed report templates to choose from, while the Custom Reports function allows the user to create a report layout from scratch. By utilising these options, the user can generate reports that are tailored to their unique requirements.

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