Depreciation Repair Purchase Overview
The SapphireOne Depreciation Repair Purchase function allows the user to track an Asset when it is sent for repair in order to maintain awareness and ensure it is repaired in a timely manner. The expected date for the return of the asset may be tracked through Asset Management Reports.
The Depreciation Repair Purchase page located at Assets > Assets > Depreciation Repair Purchase.
Assets Area
The only requirement for data entry in this area is to enter the ID of the item that the Depreciation Repair Purchase is being created for. SapphireOne will then display the items name immediately below the ID.
Additional information on the item may be viewed by selecting one of the four tabs in the Tab area. These tabs display as follows.
- Transactions – Lists all depreciation transactions that have been created for this item.
- General Ledger – Displays the General Ledger accounts that are linked to this item.
- Asset – Display basic details about the item.
- Controls – Displays additional details about the item.
Notes Area
Any Notes that are required may be entered in this area. The user can select the Green Clock Icon to add a Time and Date stamp to the Notes. The user also has the ability to highlight the text in the Notes area and right mouse click to customise the Font, Style, Colour and Background Colour to their preference.
Dictation and Speech to Text Overview
SapphireOne’s Dictation (MacOS) and Speech to Text (Windows) functionalities revolutionise data entry. These features are available for any data entry field and all inquiry screens within SapphireOne. For instance, when a user makes a call via the SapphireOne Softphone, SapphireOne automatically timestamps the contact and phone number. Post-call, users can dictate notes directly into the CRM contact memo field in relation to the stamp.
This functionality is applicable across all Data Entry screens. As examples, when entering a Vendor Invoice (VI), users can dictate memos directly. Similarly, additional lines can be added to the General Ledger account, with each line having a unique memo field. After an employee interview, users can efficiently dictate notes.
Speech to Text and Dictation are powerful tools that SapphireOne and its clients use daily, significantly saving time.
Repair Area
- Date Sent – Enter the date that the item was sent for repairs.
- Date Due – Enter the date that the item is due back from the repairer.
- Projects – If the item is linked to a Project the project ID will be displayed here.
Custom Page
Custom Page Overview
SapphireOne’s Custom page features text fields designed for versatile, user-defined purposes. Each field is assigned a variable by SapphireOne, which is displayed as the default field heading label. Users can take note of the desired field or heading variable for customisation and modify it by navigating to Utilities > Controls > Change Names. Detailed instructions on this process will be provided below.
The Custom page is organised into the following sections:
- Alpha – Allows letters and numbers, but cannot be used for arithmetic functions
- Real – Allows numbers only, and can be used for arithmetic functions
- Date / Time – Date fields store date values and can be used for date functions, while Time fields store time values and can be used for time functions
- No Heading Defined – Features eight alphanumeric fields that cannot be used for arithmetic functions
- Text – Accepts letters, numbers, and special characters, but cannot be used for arithmetic functions
The data entry fields in these Custom Pages can also be employed in Sapphire Custom Reports, Quick Reports, Custom Inquiries, 4D View Pro, and 4D Write Pro Reports, just like any other data entry fields within SapphireOne.
The example Custom Page below is from an Asset Inquiry; however, the process for customising this page remains the same, irrespective of the function in which the Custom Page is located.
Default Variable Values
In the default variable values defined by SapphireOne, the first number signifies the position of the field within the group, while the second number denotes the maximum number of characters for the data entry field.
For instance, ASAlpha_1_20 indicates that it is the first data entry field in the group and can hold up to 20 characters. Similarly, ASAlpha_8_80 shows that it is the eighth data entry field in the group, with a capacity for a maximum of 80 characters.
To modify the headings on a Custom Page:
- Write down the exact names of the headings you wish to modify.
- Navigate to Utilities > Controls > Change Names. Keep in mind that when performing this procedure, you will be warned that only one user should be logged into the data file.
- Upon accessing the Change Names function, a dialogue box will appear. Then, refer to your list of names and scroll down the list to find the headings you want to modify.
- For each heading:
- Highlight the name.
- Enter your new name in the lower data entry field.
- Click the Update button to save the changes in SapphireOne.
Action Page
Action Page Overview
The Action Page in SapphireOne serves as access to a comprehensive hub for managing and organising tasks, meetings, and notes, seamlessly integrating actionable items with relevant records and transactions. By providing access to a wide array of features such as Calendar Reminders, Meeting Invites, Alarms, Emails, To-Do Lists, and various types of Notes, the Action Page ensures that users can efficiently coordinate their activities within a centralised platform.
One of the key advantages of the Action Page is its ability to link actions directly to specific records or transactions, enhancing the accessibility and relevance of alerts throughout SapphireOne. This integration allows users to set up actionable alerts that are contextually tied to their organisational data, ensuring that important tasks and notifications are not only visible but also directly connected to the pertinent information. By leveraging these capabilities, users can improve their productivity and maintain a well-organised workflow, all within the intuitive environment of SapphireOne.
The Action Page enables users to manage actions by using the add or delete
buttons. To add or delete an action, simply click the corresponding button.
Diary Area
The Diary Area in SapphireOne provides users with a comprehensive range of options to customise their actions. It includes the following functionality:
- Sequence – SapphireOne automatically generates a unique sequence number for each action.
- Title – Enter a title for the action.
- Type – Choose from the customisable drop-down menu to input a type. This will subsequently become a permanent type within the drop-down.
- Action – Utilise the user-customisable drop-down menu to input an Action. This will then become a permanent action within the drop-down.
- User – SapphireOne automatically inputs the user creating this action, though it can be modified if necessary.
- Private – If this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will only permit the specified user to view or modify this action.
- Status – The user has three options: Open, Hold, and Completed.
- Open – Action is open and active.
- Hold – Action is active, but no alarms will be active.
- Completed – Action is now Inactive and won’t be displayed in any list of actions.
- Tag – Choose from the customisable drop-down menu to input a type. This will subsequently become a permanent type within the drop-down.
- Link – When created within a transaction or record, SapphireOne automatically generates a link to the transaction or record. When created from the Options Menu, Palette, or Workbook, users must select an item or function from the drop-down menu to link the action. There are 12 items on this list, ranging from Clients to Manager.
Check List Area
SapphireOne offers a user-friendly checklist tool to create and track actions, allowing users to check off completed items as they progress.
Dates and Times Area
- Start/Finish – Set a Start and Finish time for the action, or select the checkbox for an all-day option.
- Completed – Entering a completion date for an action deactivates it, and it will no longer appear in the action lists.
Alarm Area
Ensure you never miss a task again by setting up alarms to send reminders to the designated email at specified dates and times. Users can also receive notifications through SapphireOne Workflow.
Recurring Area
If necessary, the alarm can be set to recur at specified intervals chosen from the Type drop-down menu which contains an exhaustive list of interval options. Additionally, the recurring period can be defined by date.
Notes Area
This area can be used to make permanent notes or reminders when dealing with contacts. When you click on the clock button, a timestamp will be created at the beginning of the notes section. [Command or Control] places it at the end, and you can input the note straight away. The functionality is as follows:
- Right-Click context menu – Users can also customise the font, style, size, colour, and background colour of the text in the Notes area by selecting the desired text and choosing the options available from the right-click context menu
- Green Clock Button – Include a date and time stamp.
- Font Size Buttons – Modify the font size.
- Expand
button – Maximise the notes screen for unobstructed editing. You can click the same expand
button again to minimise the notes.
Invite Attendees Area
In the event module, you can invite multiple attendees to your event and track their acceptance or rejection of the invitation. You can also send them email notifications if their email addresses are provided. Additionally, you can manage and track attendees RSVP status in real-time.
In conclusion, the Action Page in SapphireOne stands as a pivotal tool for enhancing organisational efficiency and productivity. By offering access to a centralised platform that seamlessly integrates tasks, meetings, and notes with relevant records and transactions, it empowers users to maintain a streamlined and well-coordinated workflow. The ability to link actions directly to specific data points ensures that alerts are not only accessible but also contextually relevant, providing users with the insights needed to make informed decisions. As organisations continue to navigate complex operational landscapes, the Action Page remains an indispensable resource for optimising task management and fostering a more organised and productive environment within SapphireOne.
Documents Page
Documents Page Overview
The Documents Page centralises document and information storage for transactions and master tables, streamlining organisation and management for easy access and improved efficiency.
Documents Area
The Documents Page simplifies file management by allowing various document types to be attached via drag and drop, including PDFs, spreadsheets, photos, and more. It provides a centralised location for document and information storage for transactions and master tables, streamlining organisation and management for easy access and improved efficiency.
Documents can only be attached once the corresponding record has an assigned ID.
Documents List Screen Options
There are eight buttons on the Document List screen, as follows:
- Open
– Allows viewing of the currently selected document.
- Update
– Prompts the user to import a new version of the selected document while maintaining links to any associated transactions.
- Scan
– Accesses a scanner for scanning documents directly into the data file and linking them to the current transaction (requires a compatible scanner with software).
- Save
– Saves the currently selected document.
- Link Document: Enables linking of the selected document to other transactions in the data file, presenting a popup for user selection.
- Link Document
– Allows linking of an existing document in the data file to the current transaction or record, displaying a popup with a list of documents to choose from.
- Link Existing Document
– Allows linking of an existing document in the data file to the current transaction or record, displaying a popup with a list of documents to choose from.
- Delete
– Deletes the currently selected transaction or record.
- Add
– Displays a search function for selecting a document from the local computer or device.
Details Area
The Details area allows users to add a custom name, description, and tags to each document, enabling easy search and location of specific documents. These details can be customised to meet the specific needs of the user or organisation, further improving the efficiency and organisation of the Documents Page.
Last Modified Area
The Last Modified section displays the date and time when the document was last modified, as well as the user who made the changes. This feature helps maintain accountability and enables efficient tracking of document modifications.
History Area
The History area records changes made to the document, including the date, time, and user who made the changes. This provides a valuable tool for tracking and managing document revisions.
Links Area
The Links area allows users to record links to other places where the document has been attached. Links can be added or removed using the (+) and (-) buttons, providing an efficient way to manage and organise related documents.
Notes Area
The Notes area allows users to add any relevant notes related to the document. Clicking the green clock button will add a date/time stamp, further improving document tracking and management.
Workflow Page
Workflow Page Overview
Before setting up any workflow functions, the Organisation Chart must be setup first. please read the article titled Organisation Chart.
The Workflow Rules function in SapphireOne enables users to establish rules and procedures for the approval and processing of transactions. You can create Workflow Rules in the following location: Utilities > Controls > Workflow Rules.
Once you’ve set up the Workflow Rules, they can be viewed from most Inquiry Lists in SapphireOne when a transaction is opened for viewing or modification. The Workflow Rules Page displays the rules applicable to the currently opened transaction. Users can view this page with the following restrictions:
- User Access – Although all users can view the Workflow Rules relevant to the currently opened transaction on screen, they are not allowed to modify the Workflow Rules.
- Workflow User – When the user responsible for performing a task for the transaction accesses the Workflow Rules Page, they can approve or reject the transaction for further processing.
In Management mode, you can access the Workflow Centre from the main menu: Management > Analysis > Workflow Centre.
To access this function, users must have the Workflow Centre item selected or ticked on the menus page in their User Access file. The Workflow Centre provides a list of all transactions in the data file that have a workflow restriction incorporated into them. This feature allows users or groups of users to manage all transactions with a workflow restriction or error placed on them.
A Workflow Rule must be set up before entering any transactions. The rule is embedded into the transaction itself upon entry and will persist even if the workflow rule related to the transaction is removed. If a workflow rule is modified and there are existing transactions that need the updated workflow rule applied to them, these transactions will have to be deleted and re-entered under the new Workflow rule.
Setting Workflow Rules in SapphireOne
Once you’ve created the stages, you can assign the appropriate user or group of users to each stage. SapphireOne allows for the creation of any number of groups with multiple users within each group, enabling various workflows and approvals to be applied to different transaction types or departments within a company. You can also set a time limit for each stage, which facilitates automated reminders to be sent to users who haven’t yet approved or notified the workflow rule.
SapphireOne has the capability to generate email notifications and reminders to be sent to users at each stage of the workflow process. These email notifications can be customised to include specific information about the transaction, such as the transaction ID, date, and amount.
Once a workflow rule has been created and applied to a transaction, it will be displayed on the Workflow Rules Page for that transaction. The user responsible for approving or notifying the workflow rule can access the Workflow Rules Page and take action accordingly. Once all stages of the workflow rule have been completed, the transaction will be authorised and can proceed to the next stage in the process.
Overall, setting workflow rules within SapphireOne provides a powerful tool for companies to manage their approvals and authorisation processes while also improving their efficiency and accuracy in handling transactions.
Workflow Example
Imagine you’ve set up a workflow rule with five stages. To progress from Stage 1 to Stage 2, it requires approval from a minimum number of users authorised to approve Stage 1, which could be set to 3 out of 5 users, for example. These authorised users can be assigned to a level within Stage 1, and you can choose to assign a type to the level, such as User, Level, or Creator. For each type, you can enable or disable checkboxes for Authorisation Required, Hierarchical Authorisation, and Email Notification.
Another example could be a workflow rule for Leave Requests. Stage 1 might involve an employee entering a Leave Request, which then moves directly to Stage 2, where the manager is notified. Stage 3 could involve HR approving the leave, and Stage 4 could be notifying the original creator (employee) whether their leave has been approved or not.
When a new transaction is created with a workflow rule, it will have an error status of “WF” and cannot be printed, converted, emailed, or posted until it has been authorised by the assigned user, group, level, or creator. If a transaction is rejected, it will remain in the list with an ongoing “WF” error status. It can then be left as is or deleted as needed.
For each rule that includes a Workflow entry, a user or group of users must be designated with a restriction, which will result in them generating all or some transactions with an error code of WF.
Moreover, a user or group of users must be set up to approve these transactions. The selection is made using the two checkboxes: ‘Authorisation Required’ and ‘Hierarchical Authorisation’.
Workflow Rules Details Page
The Change button, as seen in the screenshot below, is directly linked to the Organisation Chart function found in the Controls drop-down menu. The Organisation Chart function serves as a means to organise multiple users within a hierarchical group. This feature is further documented in a separate article on the Organisation Chart.
Details Area
The available options are as follows.
- Sequence – SapphireOne will enter a sequentially generated number, and it cannot be altered.
- Title – Enter a Name or Title for this workflow entry.
- Tag – Enter a Tag if required. Keep in mind that this list of tags can be set up by the user as needed.
- Company – SapphireOne should enter the company, but if it doesn’t, enter the company manually.
- Department – Enter a department if required.
- Transaction – Choose from the extensive list of transactions when the blue arrow is selected. For every type of transaction, the user can set up individual rules as needed.
- Rules Trigger – Next, select a rule from the Rules Trigger list box to be applied. Once the selected rule is violated, the workflow function will become active and activate the Workflow function.
- Transactions – The first three rules will generate a WF error if the user tries to Create a New Transaction, or Modify or Delete a transaction.
- Above $ – This option will generate a WF error when any transaction exceeds a specified dollar amount.
- Average Cost – Any transactions below average cost will generate a WF error.
- Credit Limit and Stop – These two options will generate a WF error when the conditions are met.
- Negative stock – Any transaction that takes inventory into a negative stock level will also generate a WF error if this option is selected.
- Leave Request – If any user makes a leave request, a WF error will be displayed, alerting the HR officer.
- Tracking Notes – This will generate a WF error, used to alert the user responsible for managing tracking notes.
- Bank Details – This is linked to SapphireOne’s G/L accounts that are bank accounts.
- Floor Price – When this option is selected, a WF error will be sent to the chosen user, allowing them to approve or disapprove the sale.
Workflow Stages
- Stages – Next, set the number of hierarchical stages that must be navigated before the WF error is removed. Each stage will occupy a column in each row in the flow list. Up to 6 stages or levels of authorisation are provided, although managing 6 levels could be challenging. To simplify it, entering the number 3 here will set up three columns in the flow area below with default headings.

- Single Stage – If only a single level of approval is required, leave the Stage set at 1 for a single level of approval. The flow area below will display just one item across the entire row, as seen to the right.

- Multiple Stages – If more stages or levels are required, enter a number from 2 to 6. The additional stages will be added as extra columns in the flow area, as seen to the right.
- Notes – Any notes for this workflow rule can be entered here.
Now that we have created a rule for a transaction, we need to select how it is to be applied. In the Flow area, enter the Users or the Level of users to whom the rule will be applied.
Flow Area
- New Button – To enter in a new event the following procedure must be followed.
- Column or Stage Selection – The user must first select the column and then click the New button
in the top right-hand corner of the Flow area. SapphireOne will place the word “User” in the column that was selected.
- Multiple Stages – Repeat the procedures above for each column or stage in the workflow function. From now on, once one of the stages in the line has been selected, it will change to the orange colour, as seen below.
- Column or Stage Selection – The user must first select the column and then click the New button

- Stage Selection – The user must now select each stage in sequence and set up the following details for every stage.
- Stage – SapphireOne will add a suffix of the stage number to the name “Stage”. The user may then enter a column heading name for the stage if required.
- Type – The user has 2 choices here: Approve or Notify. If “Approve” is selected, the user will have to go through the approval process before the Workflow error is removed for them. If “Notify” is selected, the user will only have to open the transaction for viewing.
- Number – The number entered here indicates the number of users that have to approve this transaction before the WF error is removed from the transaction. Zero means none, and 5 means five. Be careful here, as the default is usually not wanted, so a number will have to be manually entered.

Party Group
For each stage, this area sets up the users and the tasks they are to perform for this Workflow function.
- Type – This will determine how the workflow rule will be applied as follows.
- User – When this option is selected, a data entry field will be displayed, allowing the user to enter a selected user’s ID, linking the rule to a single chosen user. Once a user ID has been selected, SapphireOne will display the selected user’s ID.
- Level – When this option is selected, the Change button will be displayed. When it is clicked, SapphireOne will display the organisational chart, allowing the user to select an organisational level for this rule to be applied to. Once a level has been selected, SapphireOne will display the name of the level selected.
- Creator – When this option is selected, SapphireOne will allow the creator of the transaction to process the transaction.
- Authorisation Required checkbox – This checkbox is crucial in relation to the Workflow Rules function. When selected, SapphireOne will enforce the WF error for the selection made in the Link radio buttons. If it is not selected, SapphireOne will allow the user to create and save transactions as listed without a WF error as normal. However, they will also receive the active message pop-up dialogue when there are transactions within SapphireOne created by other users that meet the criteria set up in the Workflow rule.
- Selected – Restricted saving of the selected transactions with WF error.
- De-Selected – All transactions saved normally and permission to approve selected transactions.
- Hierarchical Authorisation Checkbox –If this checkbox is selected, SapphireOne will allow anyone above the level that has been entered for the stage to authorise the transaction.
- Notes – Finally, enter any notes for this workflow entry.
Dictation and Speech to Text Overview
SapphireOne’s Dictation (MacOS) and Speech to Text (Windows) functionalities revolutionise data entry. These features are available for any data entry field and all inquiry screens within SapphireOne. For instance, when a user makes a call via the SapphireOne Softphone, SapphireOne automatically timestamps the contact and phone number. Post-call, users can dictate notes directly into the CRM contact memo field in relation to the stamp.
This functionality is applicable across all Data Entry screens. As examples, when entering a Vendor Invoice (VI), users can dictate memos directly. Similarly, additional lines can be added to the General Ledger account, with each line having a unique memo field. After an employee interview, users can efficiently dictate notes.
Speech to Text and Dictation are powerful tools that SapphireOne and its clients use daily, significantly saving time.
Checking for WF Transactions
User Work Flow Alert – For any user required to approve workflow transactions, there will be an additional button displayed at the right-hand end of the toolbar, as seen here .
When the user clicks this button , SapphireOne will display an alert dialogue indicating how many workflow transactions require their attention for processing.
Organisation Levels and Mixed Permissions
Note that the Organisation Levels referred to here are from the Organisation Chart function in the Controls drop-down menu.
When Organisational Levels are used when setting permissions for Workflow Rules, the Levels are not hierarchical. In the level above, a user will not have automatic authorisation permissions granted. If this were allowed, everyone above the working level would be viewing authorisation alerts, including the General Manager or CFO.
Authorisation may only be assigned at a particular level by selecting the Authorisation Required checkbox for any user or groups of users in SapphireOne.
If authorisation permission is to be set at the User Level, the users should not have the Rules Level set in their user file on the first page of a User Inquiry (Details Page). Care will also have to be exercised when Organisation levels are used with users on a user-by-user basis.
Probably the most common error when setting up this function is the creation of a conflict. For example, authorisation has been granted for Sales Managers and Authorisation Required for the user SapphireOne Sydney, who is also in the Sales Managers group. That is a direct conflict that must be avoided at all costs, as the user has been included as part of the Sales Managers level.
Do not mix permissions. Ensure that a specific user who is not allowed to authorise transactions does not also form part of any organisational level that may authorise transactions.
Workflow In Operation (Restrictions)
When a user creates a transaction and saves it, SapphireOne determines if a workflow rule should be enforced. If a rule is broken and the checkbox has been selected, SapphireOne proceeds to save the transaction with a status of “err” for error. The error code will be “WF” for Workflow, meaning that a user with appropriate authorisation must approve the transaction in order to remove the error code and enable further processing, as documented on the previous page.
From SapphireOne’s setup, there are two types of users who will require authorisation or be able to authorise transactions:
- User who initiates or creates the Transaction – The user’s ID will be recorded by SapphireOne, and they will be the only user to receive the Active Message pop-up for the transactions they create. Until a user actually creates a transaction, they will not receive any Active Message authorisation pop-ups. OR Specific Users, for example, SONE0 SapphireOne Syd, i.e., a new staff member whose transactions management wants to check before processing. They will also only receive the Active Message pop-up for the transactions they create.
- User Level – This is different, as it refers to a group of users who share the same Rules Level set in the first page of their User Access Inquiry. Once a transaction has been created by a single member of the Rules Level Group, all users in the same group will receive the Active Message pop-up. For example, if there is more than one user with a Level of Sales Manager set in their user file, they would all be presented with the Active Message pop-up.
Workflow In Operation (Approvals)
The rules for approvals follow the same logic as for restrictions, only in reverse. Some planning will be required when setting up the rules to ensure the desired outcome is achieved. If organisational chart levels are used throughout, and you have 100 sales staff and 1 sales manager set to authorise transactions, the Active Message pop-up will be displayed to all 101 users. This may not be the desired outcome, as it could lead to inefficiencies and unnecessary notifications for some users.
To prevent this issue, it is crucial to carefully plan and set up the Workflow Rules according to your organisation’s structure and requirements. You may choose to have specific users or levels to handle approvals, or you may implement a more hierarchical approach to ensure that only the necessary users are notified and involved in the approval process.
By carefully considering the organisational structure and the roles of each user in the Workflow Rules, you can create an efficient and effective approval process that meets the needs of your organisation without causing unnecessary confusion or delays in transaction processing.
Setting Up Rules
The Authorisation Required checkbox must only be selected for users who are permitted to authorise transactions.
There are three options for selecting users when setting authorisation rules, which are detailed below:
- User by User Basis: The user ID of each individual user must be entered. This option can be used in two ways: for a specific user who is authorised to approve transactions, or for a new staff member whom management wants to monitor by checking all transactions they create before further processing.
- Organisational Level Basis: This option can be used when a group of users is selected from the organisational chart. For example, all sales staff could be set up so that any transaction they create requires authorisation. However, it should be noted that this could create a problem where all sales staff are presented with an “Active Message” for every transaction created by any user in the sales staff group, which could become annoying.
- User Who Starts Transaction: This is likely the best option for setting authorisation rules. By not selecting the “Authorisation Required” checkbox, SapphireOne will require that all transactions be authorised, but only the user who created the transaction and any user with the checkbox selected will be presented with the “Active Message” popup.
Two Events per Rule
As shown below, for every rule set up, there must be a minimum of two events established. One that necessitates authorisation and one that doesn’t, as shown below. It’s not enough to have a WF error on a transaction; there must be at least one staff member who can authorise any WF transactions that are created.

For every rule created, there must be at least two events set up: one that requires authorisation and one that does not. It is important to have at least one staff member who can approve any WF transactions that are created. From the Organisation Chart referred to above we will discuss three scenarios.
Scenario 1
- Sales Staff – Set up users performing sales or purchases in the AccPayableStaff level.
- The Authorisation Required checkbox is selected.
- Sales Managers- Set up one or more users as Sales Managers in the AccPayableMan level.
- The Authorisation Required checkbox would not be selected.
- End result – All sales staff will create transactions with a WF error requiring the Sales Manager to approve them. The Active Message alert will be displayed to the user who created the transaction and the Sales Manager. Even if another user modifies the transaction, only the user who created the transaction and the Sales Manager will receive notification messages.
Scenario 2
- User Who creates the Transaction- For the user who creates the transaction.
- The Authorisation Required checkbox is selected.
- Sales Managers- As above, set up one or more users as Sales Managers in the AccPayableMan level.
- The Authorisation Required checkbox would not be selected.
- End Result – All Sales staff will create transactions with an WF error requiring the Sales Manager to approve them all. The Active Message alert will be displayed to the user who created the transaction and the Sales Manager. Even if another user modifies the transaction the only user who receives notification messages will be the user who created the transaction and the Sales manager.
Scenario 3
- User – If necessary for any created transaction, a specifically selected user may be set up to receive notifications about all transactions with workflow errors. This Sales Staff user must not have a Level of Sales Staff set in their user file, or a conflict will arise.
- Select User from the Change button options.
- The Authorisation Required checkbox is selected.
- Sales Managers – Set up one or more users as Sales Managers in the AccPayableMan level.
- The Authorisation Required checkbox would not be selected.
- End Result – Only the Accounts Manager and the entered user will receive any alerts for Workflow.
Ensure that only one user has been granted authorisation privileges and does not belong to any other group or organisational level. If two specific users or levels have authorisation privileges, all of them will have to authorise transactions before the WF error code is released, unless they are part of an organisational level.
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