Statements Report - Foster Improved Business Efficiency with SapphireOne's Features

Statements Report Overview

The SapphireOne Statements Report produces formal records of various financial activities within a business in a concise and customisable report. This report is helpful for day-to-day activities such as debt tracking and collection as it allows you to see everything clients currently have outstanding. 

Statements Report Page

Statement Options

The user can select from the Print Destination, Report Type and Report Sort Order drop-down menus to determine their preferred Statement Report layout. Reports are created using a combination of the selected metrics. The user also has the option to create custom reports using SapphireOne Quick Reports or Custom Reports. 

Dictation and Speech to Text Overview

SapphireOne’s Dictation (MacOS) and Speech to Text (Windows) functionalities revolutionise data entry. These features are available for any data entry field and all inquiry screens within SapphireOne. For instance, when a user makes a call via the SapphireOne Softphone, SapphireOne automatically timestamps the contact and phone number. Post-call, users can dictate notes directly into the CRM contact memo field in relation to the stamp.

This functionality is applicable across all Data Entry screens. As examples, when entering a Vendor Invoice (VI), users can dictate memos directly. Similarly, additional lines can be added to the General Ledger account, with each line having a unique memo field. After an employee interview, users can efficiently dictate notes.

Speech to Text and Dictation are powerful tools that SapphireOne and its clients use daily, significantly saving time.

Print Destination Menu

This menu allows the user to choose the destination for the Report, and select from the options which include Printer, Custom Report, Quick Report and Text File.

Printer  Tells SapphireOne to send the report straight to the Printer. 
Email Email the statement to the associated clients.
Custom Report  This allows the user to create a custom designed report. Once selected SapphireOne will use this option on the Print Destination menu. 
Quick Report  Selecting this option will open the Sapphire Quick Report function. 
Text File  Selecting this option will open the report in a Text File. This option requires the selection of the plain paper option in the following Report Type menu.

Report Type Menu

When Printer is selected in the Print Destination Popup Menu, the Report Type Popup Menu gives you the ability to choose from 12 different Statement Report types to best suit your specific reporting requirements. Below is an overview of each Report Type, and what each type can be used for:

  • Plain Paper – This report will print a statement onto blank paper whether using Laser or Image-Writer printers. All lines, graphics etc will be printed.
  • Preprinted – This is for printing statements onto pre-designed forms. The lines and graphics will already be on the forms.
  • Wide Statement – This is for printing to serial printers. The layout is set up from the Direct Print control in Utilities. Go to: Utilities > Controls > Direct Print Layouts
  • Direct – This report will print a landscape statement onto blank paper (Laser or Image-Writer).
  • Condensed – This report produces a compressed report for filing purposes with the same data as a statement.
  • FX Condensed – This report produces a client statement report in foreign currency, and is compressed for filing purposes.
  • Plain Paper with Bank Detail This report generates a statement on plain paper, with the client’s bank details presented in portrait orientation.
    • This format ensures that the statement report is easy to read and includes the necessary bank information for clients. It offers a clean and professional presentation of financial details.
  • Landscape With Bank Detail – This report is designed in a landscape format and consists of two sections. On the left, there is a detailed statement, while the right section contains a remittance form.
    • The second section serves a dual purpose, acting as both a simple statement and a remittance form. It includes a designated space where the payment amount can be entered. Users can complete this section and return the entire page for processing.
  • As At Period Statement This function allows users to print statements based on a specified ending period. When selecting the print option, an alert will prompt the user to enter the desired period.
    • This feature enhances flexibility and customization, ensuring that statements can be generated precisely for the chosen period. It streamlines the statement printing process by requesting input when needed, resulting in more tailored financial documentation.
  • As at Date – This function allows users to print statements based on a specified ending date. When selecting the print option, an alert will prompt the user to enter the desired date.
  • Custom Statement-1 – This is a Custom Report statement that has been set up in Utilities.
    Navigate to: Utilities > Controls > Custom Report Layouts.
  • Custom Statement-2 This is a Custom Report statement that has been set up in Utilities.
    Navigate to: Utilities > Controls > Custom Report Layouts.

Report Sort Order Menu

The Report Sort Order Menu allows the user to select from various sorting methods and criteria to organise data in different sequences while still maintaining the same fundamental report format. The user can sort data by the following options.

No Sort This will not apply any additional data sorting to the report.
By ID This will sort the order of the data by inventory ID.
By UDF 1 Sorted and totalled by UDF-1.
By UDF 2 Sorted and totalled by UDF-2.
By Class Sorted and totalled or grouped by Class.
By Total Due Sort and order balances by dollar value.
By Department Sort and order balances by department.

Report Selection Menu

The Report Selection Menus at the bottom of the print dialog alert, offers enhanced flexibility by allowing you to choose specific Clients’ balance data for reporting. This empowers you to finely tune and personalise your reporting capabilities. The three drop-down menus present a comprehensive selection of data file elements that can be chosen by the user.

The Report Selection Menu also allows you to select which Clients balance data you would like to report on, allowing you to get more granular and specific with your reporting capabilities.

Balances Only This is the default selection and SapphireOne will only print out Client balances for those who do not have a balance of $0.00.
Balances > $5.00  This is the default selection and SapphireOne will only print out Client balances for those who do not have a balance of $0.00.
All Records This option prints a report for all Clients irrespective of balances owing. In some instances this will be a very large report as Clients with a balance of $0.00 will be included.
Parents Only  This option will only print those Clients who are recognised by SapphireOne as parents and have a balance owing.
Parents Only Exclude Children Transactions This option will only print those Clients who are recognised by SapphireOne as parents and have a balance owing. Any child transactions will be excluded.
Balances Only Exclude Children  This option will print balances for all Clients, except those who SapphireOne recognises as Children of Parents.

Data Range Selection Area

Following the initial selection as listed above, the user has the choice of utilising the remaining two menus, which function in tandem to facilitate a more precise selection of items for inclusion in the report. Each of these menus also has a secondary drop-down menu.

The first menu, known as the Data Selection menu, empowers users to precisely determine the Client data to be incorporated or excluded within the report. The second menu, the Data Metric menu, allows users to input the specific metrics needed for the data in the report. These menus work in conjunction to provide users with detailed control over the data they wish to include in their reports.

Data Selection This dropdown menu offers an extensive selection of over 20 options, spanning from the Client ID through to the mobile number, enabling users to specify the precise Client data to be included or excluded in the report.
Data Metric In the Data Metric dropdown menu, users can choose from seven different options. These options range from Equals through to Does not contain, providing users with a range of filtering options in their reports, enhancing data selection precision.

Report Buttons

Print Button Select this to Print the Report.
Cancel Button Select this to Cancel the Report.
Record List Button Selecting this button brings up a list of all inventory items within the users SapphireOne data file. The user can then use the ‘command/F’ and ‘ctrl/F’ search function to search for the inventory item to be printed.
Options Button If active, not greyed out, the Options Button allows for even further customisation of the Report.

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