Who qualifies for ATO's Single Touch Payroll? 

Single Touch payroll requires businesses to report directly to the Australian Taxation Office after every pay run with wages, salaries, PAYG and super

Single Touch Payroll starts 1st July 2019


Phase 1: Single Touch Payroll became mandatory on 1 July 2018 for all employers with 20 or more employees.

Phase 2: Single Touch Payroll will be mandatory for employers with 19 or less employees from 1 July 2019. Since July 2018, all employers were able to move over to the new reporting system.


How Single Touch Payroll works

Businesses will need to report to the Australian Taxation Office after every pay run instead of once a year. No more annual payment summary reports or employee payment summary reports as these are produced by the Australian Taxation Office. Employees simply log into myGov to view their information.

New employees will have the option of completing TFN declarations and Super Choice forms online.

Businesses will reduce administrative burdens and costs (other software providers are charging for this service on a pay event or per employee rate). SapphireOne it is included in Payroll/HR.

  • When you start reporting through your Single Touch Payroll-enabled solution, your pay event will need to include minimum reporting requirements in order for the ATO to receive the file
  • The employer must report the year-to-date values of gross salary or wages, allowances or other payments (as relevant), deductions and PAYG withholding for each employee included in each pay event.

Single Touch Payroll integration into SapphireOne

ATO Single Touch Payroll

Generate your HR reports, payslips and manage all your payroll tasks with SapphireOne Payroll/HR Software. SapphireOne provides tailor-made solutions with its SapphireOne Accounting SoftwareSapphireOne ERP Software, and SapphireOne CRM Software.