Standard business reporting SBR is simplified in SapphireOne

For simplicity and ease of use

Simple retrieval of Bas Document number

SapphireOne is able to use your details to quickly retrieve the relevant BAS Document information from the ATO.

Simplicity of Lodgement

With a few steps you are able to lodge your completed BAS electronically with the ATO.

Historical record of every BAS lodged

SapphireOne saves every BAS Document in progress or completed for later review.

Full integration of SBR2 with Single Touch Payroll (STP)

At a time of your choosing, you make use of the new Single Touch Payroll integration to simply send your payroll data to the ATO.

Export Audit Report

SapphireOne has the ability to export a full audit report of your BAS data before submission for review.

Time Saving with SBR2

With integration of SBR2 into SapphireOne there will be no more login on to the business portal and manually updating.

How does SBR work?

Step 1

When you select the relevant report to be completed, SapphireOne’s SBR-enabled software knows what information is needed for that report, and automatically fills it in for you.

step 2

If you agree with the information presented in the report you can send it securely and directly to the relevant government agency. If you need to make changes, you can also do that in SapphireOne’s accounting software and submit an updated report.

step 3

You then receive immediate confirmation from the government agency saying the report was received.

How to access SapphireOne SBR system

Standard Business Reporting SBR in SapphireOne with the click of a button

You must have an AUSkey (you may use an existing AUSkey)

You must also ensure the AUSkey holder is authorised to the relevant registered agent number(s) in Access Manager (including setting the relevant ‘Client’ permissions).

To start the process first you click on the -New Bas Submission. If the credentials are correct the Retrieve BAS from SBR button will become active allowing the user to select it. The system will now use the credentials documented above to access the ATO SBR website.

Standard Business Reporting SBR and BAS within SapphireOne

This will commence the BAS reporting procedure as seen in the screen shots commencing below.

If the ATO website recognises that the company has the correct credentials it will respond with the pop-up message as seen below. Once the ATO site has accepted the connection the Create BAS button will become active so the user should select the Create BAS button now.

Step 2
Standard Business reporting SBR Lodgment in SapphireOne

The ATO and the SapphireOne systems will now proceed with what the ATO calls an Activity Statement interaction. (AS) for short as follows.

When this is selected the system will display the main page of your new BAS.

From here on very little has changed when a BAS submission is submitted as you will note that the BAS forms or screens are almost identical.

Standard Business reporting SBR recalculated in SapphireOne

The screen shot below indicates that the BAS has a printed date, Lodged and locked!

Step 4