Project Costs - Data Entry
Vendor Order (OVI)
The Vendor Order function is a formal order for goods and services you provide to your vendor in order to complete a transaction. It is also where SapphireOne users formalise payment and shipping terms.
Convert to Purchase
When complete, simply tick the ‘Convert’ box and the order becomes a Purchase. When it becomes a Purchase, the payment for the transaction is immediately recorded.
Link to Job Projects
The inventory and line items on the Vendor Order can also be linked to specific Project IDs for seamless organisation.
Inwards Goods facilitates goods to be received into stock before the final Purchase Vendor Invoice has arrived.
Manage Arriving Stock
Inwards Goods allows you to easily manage arriving stock before you have received the paperwork.
Convert to Vendor Purchase
For all Inwards Goods transactions, the Arrivals function can be used to convert Inward Goods to Vendor Purchases (PVI’s) following receipt of the paperwork.
Cash Purchase function is used for cash purchases of stock from suppliers not set up as a Vendor in your SapphireOne system.
Automate Processes
When you create a Cash Purchase, the payment for the transaction is immediately recorded within SapphireOne.
Link to Job Projects
Whilst it is a Cash Purchase, individual lines can also be automatically linked to specific Project IDs, which can then be reported on at the Job Project level.
The Job Project Purchase data entry screen is used for the allocation of costs to either a job or project. These costs may be either resource or inventory based costs.
Transaction Details Area
You have the ability to enter or display credit details and information, such as terms and conditions of sale, to appear on the invoice. The Footer Details default to those set in the master defaults in the Inventory Mode.
Project Details Area
When a Project ID is entered, the name and the mailing address will be displayed in this area. The icon to the right of the Project name allows you to immediate access the full details of the Project.
Vendor Purchase allows for the entry of stock purchases linked to specific Vendors. The Vendor Purchase data entry screen allows you to create a PVI, which is almost identical to the Client Invoice.
Reduced Manual Tasks
When you create a Vendor Purchase, the payment for the transaction is automatically recorded, saving time by reducing manual tasks.
Project Organisation
Whilst it is a Cash Purchase, individual lines can also be automatically linked to specific Project IDs, which can then be reported on at the Job Project level.
Vendor Return allows for the return of goods and/or the receiving of credit for services supplied by a Vendor. It acts in the same way as a Vendor Purchase but reduces stock levels as opposed to adding to them.
Simple Returns Process
A usually complicated process is made simple with clear cut information on returns or refunds.
System Efficiency
The SapphireOne system will have all the information needed to return items quickly and efficiently.
The Post Purchase Transactions screen presents a window that contains purchases that affect the Inventory. Note that only transactions for the current period are displayed. Once these transactions are posted they will automatically update the relevant General Ledger account balances.
In order to effectively process data, there is no need to know every Vendor ID. The Vendor ID field allows for quick and easy ID queries.
With SapphireOne there is no need to create a Vendor Order and then a separate Vendor Purchase at a later date. SapphireOne converts the order to a purchase, and then to an invoice, at the touch of a button.
SapphireOne activates the save button on an invoice only when all the required fields have been filled and checked that the invoice amount is not ‘out of balance’. SapphireOne recognises when a date or period other than the current date or period has been entered and displays a confirmation screen to alert the user – insurance against data-entry errors.
When a Vendor ID is entered, corresponding details such as name and address, outstanding balance and credit limit are automatically loaded and displayed in the header section of the invoice. This area also displays the information in the customised fields within the vendor, enabling users to view the information specifically important to them.
Double entry is a thing of the past with SapphireOne’s automated entry feature. Vendor details are dynamically imported across all transactions. Also, creating a new Vendor can be done without leaving the data-entry screen, simply by entering the new Vendor ID.
SapphireOne provides the ability to set Vendor Orders for periodic ordering, with the flexibility to set up weekly, fortnightly, monthly, yearly or a specifically number of days. Standing transactions that have been created are easily modified or cancelled prior to posting, allowing users to control when payments are made.
SapphireOne is very flexible with regards to the size of the invoice and the number of transaction lines which can be entered. By simply pressing an ‘add’ button, the user is able to add additional lines to the invoice. SapphireOne invoice screens also have a ‘delete’ button to delete Vendor invoice lines. In addition, SapphireOne has a ‘copy lines from invoice’ function, where lines from a previous invoice can be duplicated, dramatically cutting data-entry time.
Create column-based reports by simply dragging and dropping the appropriate fields into each column as you wish them to appear. Add any calculations, sorts and totals with the click of a button, giving you a truly unique report designed to your specifications.
SapphireOne allows you to design your own reports and use them for your specific financial reporting. With SapphireOne, there is no need to transfer your financial data to another application for reporting. At a click, reports can incorporate graphics and formulas when the presentation of the report is an important feature.