Inventory Purchases - Data Entry
Vendor Requisitions
Inventory Mode provides a powerful solution to inventory control and tracking. SapphireOne understands the complexity of inventory control and provides the necessary tools to assist with bins, matrix tables, batch control, serial tracking, location control plus department control. SapphireOne includes a choice of three costing methods: average, standard or fixed and item costing, to compliment batch and serial items for your business. Purchase orders, invoices, picking slips and delivery dockets are created with ease. Sales analysis provides a quick snapshot view of your margins or mark-ups to assist in your business decisions. Strong reporting tools are essential to your business and are included with SapphireOne.
Requisitions allow staff and other people with access to your system to make requests for goods through SapphireOne which the appropriately authorised person can then process. The Inventory items are linked to their appropriate Vendor ID to automatically provide correct cost prices from the SapphireOne system.
Any user can make a requisition for the product or products they require, where each requisition can have entries for products that are supplied by different suppliers.
Built Items
When an item is ordered that is built from other items, by selecting the built item only the sub items are added to the requisition automatically.
This sophisticated Vendor Order screen allows ever Vendor detail to be entered on the same form. The inventory items being ordered are linked to a Project ID for better organisation. When complete simply tick the ‘Convert’ box and the order becomes a Purchase.
Convert to Purchase
When it becomes a Purchase the payment for the transaction is immediately recorded, saving time and effort.
Custom Controls
You have the ability to create Custom field headings which will be automatically reflected in all similar records.
This function allows for the return of goods and or the receiving of credit for services supplied by a Vendor. It acts the same as Vendor Purchase, however reduces stock levels as opposed to increasing them.
Simplified Returns Process
A usually complicated process is made simple with clear cut information on returns or refunds.
System Efficiency
The SapphireOne system will have all the information needed to return items quickly and efficiently.
Inwards Goods function allows goods to be received into stock before the final Purchase Vendor Invoice has arrived.
Manage Arriving Stock
Inwards Goods allows you to easily manage arriving stock before you have received the paperwork from the Vendor.
Convert to Vendor Purchase
For all Inwards Goods transactions, the Arrivals function can be used to convert Inward Goods to Vendor Purchases (PVI’s) following receipt of the paperwork.
Vendor Purchase allows for the entry of stock purchases linked to specific Vendors. The Vendor Purchase data entry screen allows you to create a PVI, which is almost identical to the Client Invoice.
Reduced Manual Tasks
When you create a Vendor Purchase, the payment for the transaction is immediately recorded, saving time by reducing manual admin tasks.
Project Organisation
Whilst it is a Cash Purchase, individual lines can also be automatically linked to specific Project IDs, which can then be reported on at the Job Project level.
Cash Purchase function is used for cash purchases of stock from suppliers not set up as a Vendor in your SapphireOne system.
Automated Processes
When you create a Cash Purchase, the payment for the transaction is immediately recorded within SapphireOne.
Link to Job Projects
Whilst it is a Cash Purchase, individual lines can also be automatically linked to specific Project IDs, which can then be reported on at the Job Project level.
This allows for the return of goods and of the receiving of credit for services that have not been linked to a Vendor. It acts in the opposite way to a Cash Purchase, reducing the level of stock as opposed to adding them.
Simple Returns Process
A usually complicated process is made simple with clear cut information on returns or refunds.
System Efficiency
The SapphireOne system will have all the information needed to return items quickly and efficiently.
Inquiry functions enables you to search the SapphireOne Database and find a Record Transaction or a particular group of Records Transactions for viewing. The three Inquiry screens are: Transaction Inquiry, Transaction Line Inquiry and Vendor Inquiry.
The vendor order screens have common elements of the account’s as well as projects, invoicing & ordering, vendor ID. In order to effectively process data, the user does not need to remember every Vendor ID. The vendor ID field allows for ID queries. Also, the user has the ability to create new vendor details simply by entering a new vendor ID, on the fly.
When a vendor ID is entered, corresponding details such as name and address, outstanding balance and credit limit are automatically loaded and displayed in the header section of the invoice. This area also displays the information in the customised fields within the vendor, enabling our customers to view the information specifically important to them.
Cash purchases are available for one-off entries, so there is no need for vendor ID details. Details of the vendor can be entered manually if required. All the additional screens are similar to vendor orders.
Each vendor order contains tracking details such as date in, order number, and rep ID. There are two additional fields called arrival and invoice no. which can be entered once the stock has been received.
On the more details screen, which can be accessed by a simple click of the mouse, contains an area for any instructions or messages to be entered in regards to the order.
Return of goods is made easy by the consistency in screen layouts. This screen allows the return of goods or the receiving of credit for services, updating stock levels and gl accounts.
Double entry is a thing of the past with SapphireOne’s automated entry feature. Vendor details are dynamically imported to all transactions.
This allows the return of goods or the receiving of credit for services or goods supplied by a vendor, and updates stock levels and gl accounts.
The vendor purchase screen is used for the purchase of goods from a vendor. A vendor order can be converted to a vendor purchase, once goods have arrived with a simple click of a button. This saves the user from re-entering data.